методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1 Complete these sentences using one of the compound adjectives in the box.
easy-going old-fashioned well-meaning strong-willed absent-minded big-headed self-centered broad-minded self-confident hard-working |
1 There’s a boy in our class who thinks the world revolves around him. He’s so ____; he never thinks of anyone else.
2 The ____professor always forgot where he had put his hat.
3 She’s a very ______person and never gives up when she has made up her mind to do smth.
4 Our next-door neighbour can be irritating but her intentions are good. She’s ______ .
5 John is a ____ type and always does well in interviews; I always feel really nervous.
6 My parents are very _____- they even work at weekends.
7 John is so _____; he’s always boasting about his achievements.
8 I can say anything in front of my grandmother, she’s not easily shocked. She’s open to new ideas and very __
9 My sister’s an ____person. She gets on well with people and makes friends easily.
10 My uncle has got stuck in the nineteenth century – his ideas are so _____!
Words often confused.
polite kind gentle respectable respectful
2 Match the words above with their definitions.
- not rough or violent
- having good manners
- behaving in a way which shows you admire someone or accept their position in society
- caring for and helping others
- having qualities that society admires
3 Complete these sentences using one of the words above.
- Be ___ when you give a baby a bath.
- It was very ____of you to carry my bag for me.
- The crowd stood at a _____distance as the president walked past.
- Why don’t you get a _____ job like your father?
- It wasn’t very _____ to go without saying thank you.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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