Пособие для 4х классов
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку на тему

Нармин Расулова  Таир кызы
Данное пособие является дополнением к учебно-методическому комплексу И.Н.Верещагиной и О.В.Притыкиной для 4 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка и предназначено для развития навыков устной речи и социо-культурной компетенции в рамках программы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 80   с углублённым изучением английского языкаimagesknhgbh

Петроградского района  Санкт-Петербурга


   Учебное пособие

для развития навыков

устной речи

       4 классimagesjkkpl




     средняя общеобразовательная

                                   школа №80

                                                                            с углубленным изучением

                                                                            английского языка

                                                                            Петроградского района

Асадчая Е.С.

                                                  учитель первой квалиф.категории

Андреева Н. В.

учитель первой квалиф.категории

Расулова Н.Т

учитель первой квалиф.категории

       Санкт- Петербургdedgtvd



  1. Food
  2. My birthday
  3. Christmas
  4. New Year
  5. Domestic and wild animals
  6. Pets
  7. Clothes
  8. Seasons
  9. The English Year


       I usually have four meals a day: breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. I have breakfast at 8 o’clock in the morning. For breakfast I usually have porridge, a sandwich, an egg and a cup of tea. I don’t like coffee, but my mother does. She always has a cup of black coffee in the morning.  I have brunch at school at 11 o’clock. For brunch pupils usually have a sandwich and a glass of juice or milk.

       I have lunch at home. My Granny gives me soup, meatballs and spaghetti or meat and potatoes and a glass of orange or apple juice. After lunch I thank Granny and help her to wash up.

      Our family has dinner at 7 o’clock in the evening, when my parents come home. For dinner we have salad, fish and potatoes or chicken and vegetables. We drink tea with cookies and jam, eat bread with butter and cheese.

       On Sunday my mother cooks a lot of tasty things. I like to eat pizza, hamburgers and fried potatoes and to drink Coke. Mother often buys fruit, chocolate and sweets for me, but my favourite food is ice cream.




еда, прием пищи






поздний завтрак













to wash up


мыть посуду













fried potatoes  

[fraId pq'teItqUz]

жаренный картофель

favourite   food


любимая еда

Match the two parts of the sentences:

 1. I have lunch                                        a) at 7 o'clock in the evening

 2. I have dinner                                       b) salad, fish and potatoes or

                                                                      chicken and vegetables

 3. Our family has supper                        c) at school at 11 o'clock

 4. For lunch pupils usually have            d) at home

 5. For supper we have                            e) a sandwich and a glass of            

                                                                     juice or milk

Fill in the gaps:

wash up,  meals,  favourite,  black coffee,  dinner,  tasty

1. I usually have four ….. a day.

  1. She always has a cup of ….. in the morning.
  2. After ….. I thank granny and help her to ….. .
  3. On Sunday my mother cooks a lot of ….. things.
  4. My ….. food is ice-cream.

Answer the questions:

  1. How many meals a day do you usually have?
  2. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper?
  3. Who cooks dinner for you?
  4. What time do you have breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper?
  5. What do you like to ear most?
  6. What do you usually eat on your days off?
  7. Where does our food come from?

Extra task:

  1. What food do you think is right and healthy?
  2. Does your family try to eat the right food?
  3. Can you give an example of healthy menu for breakfast( lunch, dinner, supper)?

It is interesting to know that…

…in England breakfast time is between seven and nine, lunch time is between twelve and two, tea is between four and five and dinner or supper time is between seven and ten.

… English people like porridge very much. They usually eat it for breakfast. They like to eat porridge with milk.

… some English people have «high tea» (плотныйужинсчаем). They have it between five and six o'clock and eat ham and tomatoes or salad and sausages with good strong tea, plenty of bread and butter.

… if you ask for coffee in Britain it will normally be served white. If you like coffee without milk you must ask specially for a cup of black coffee.

Complete the text with the information about you:


I usually have four meals a day: breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner. I have breakfast at ______ o’clock in the morning. For breakfast I usually have ______________________________________________. I don’t like _____________ but my ____________ does. ______ always has _____________________________________ in the morning. I have brunch at school at ______ o’clock. For brunch pupils usually have _________________________________________________________.

I have lunch _____________. My __________ gives me _______

_________________________________________________________.After lunch I thank my _________ and help ________ to wash up.

Our family has dinner at ______o’clock in the evening, when my parents come home. For dinner we have _________________________________________________________. We drink ______________________________.

On Sunday my mother cooks a lot of tasty things. I like to eat _____________________________ and to drink ___________. Mother often buys fruit, chocolate and sweets for me but my favourite food is ___________________.


My birthday is on the twenty-sixth of April. I like this holiday very much. I always have a party on my birthday. I invite my friends and my relatives to my birthday party. I usually get a lot of presents on my birthday. I like to get toys, cars, computer games and books as birthday presents.

Last year I was ten. In the morning, when I was still in bed, my Mum and Dad came into my room. They kissed me and gave me roller skates as a birthday present. In the afternoon I had a birthday party. My friends came at three o'clock. They brought me different presents: a car, an interesting book and a toy monkey. I was happy to get these presents. My mother bought and cooked a lot of tasty things: cakes, sweets, cookies,   oranges,   apples,   and   juice,   "Cola",   "Sprite",   ice cream, chocolate. There was a big cake with ten candles in it on my holiday table when I had a birthday party. My friends and I had a very good time. We played different games, ran about the house, sang songs, watched TV and, of course, we ate and drank a lot of tasty things.




день рождения






















of course

[qv'k Ls]                  


Match the two parts of the sentence:

1. I always have a party                                   a) as a birthday present

2. I invite my friends and relatives                  b) on my birthday

3. They gave me roller skates                          c) to my birthday party

4. I like to get toy cars, computer games         d) a birthday party

5. In the afternoon I had                                   e) as birthday presents

Fill in the gaps:

invite, on my birthday,  candles,  these,  brought  

  1. I always have a party ….. .
  2. I ….. my relatives and friends to my birthday party.
  3. I was happy to get ….. presents.
  4. They ….. me different presents.
  5. There was a big cake with ten ….. on the table.

Answer the questions:

  1. When is your birthday?
  2. Who do you usually invite to your birthday party?
  3. What presents do you like to get?
  4.  How old were you last year?
  5. What presents did your parents give you?
  6. What time did you have your party?
  7. Who came to your birthday party?
  8. What presents did your friends bring you?
  9.  Did you have a good time?
  10. What did you do?

Extra task:

  1. What was your most unusual birthday party?
  2. What birthday party did you like most of all? Why?
  3. What birthday present would you like to get next year?

It is interesting to know that…

…the birthday cake traditionally has the same number of lit candles as the age of the person. The celebrated person makes a silentwish and tries to blow out the candles in one breath.The wish must be kept secret or it won't "come true".

… the guests sing "Happy Birthday to You" when they give presents

… Elizabeth II, the queen of Great Britain, was born on the 21-st of April in 1926.

Describe how you  celebrated your last birthday:

My birthday is on the _____________ of __________. I like this holiday very much. I always have a party on my birthday. I invite my ___________________________to my birthday party. I usually get a lot of presents on my birthday. I like to get ___________, ______________, ______________ and ____________ as birthday presents.

Last year I was _______.In the morning _________________________

_________________________________________________________. ________________I had a birthday party at _____________________. My friends came at _____________. They brought me different presents:____________, _______________ and _________________. I was happy to get these presents. My mother bought and cooked a lot of tasty things: _____________________________________________


There was a big cake with __________candles in it on my holiday table when I had a birthday party. My friends and I ____________________. We played ________________________________________________



      The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for a lot of people in different countries.  Some weeks before Christmas English people send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them.

       People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights. On Christmas Eve, when children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds. At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents into the children’s stockings.

      Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. People buy presents for their family and friends and a lot of food and drink for all the Christmas parties. For Christmas dinner English people eat turkey, potatoes, green vegetables, and a Christmas pudding. On Christmas Day people wish their nearest and dearest a merry Christmas. The day after Christmas is Boxing Day.











greeting card  

['grJtIN  'kRd]

поздравительная открытка




coloured lights

['kAlqd  laIts]

цветные огоньки







Trafalgar Square

[trq'fxlgq   'skweq]

Трафальгарская площадь










Match the two parts of the sentence:

1. The 25-th of December                            a) puts presents into                            

                                                                          children's stockings

2. You can buy Christmas cards                   b) is Boxing Day

3. Father Christmas                                       c) in Trafalgar Square

4. There is a big Christmas tree                    d) is Christmas Day

5. The day after Christmas                            e) or you can make them

Fill in the gaps:

Norway,  Christmas Eve,  different,  merry,  turkey  

  1. It is a happy holiday for people in ….. countries.
  2. On….. ….. children put their stockings near their beds.
  3. This is a present from the people of …..
  4. For Christmas dinner English people eat …..
  5. People wish their relatives and friends a …..  Christmas.

Answer the questions:

  1. When is Christmas Day?
  2. What do people do some weeks before Christmas?
  3. Where can you get Christmas cards?
  4. How do people decorate a Christmas tree?
  5. When does Father Christmas come?
  6. Where do English children put their stockings when they go to bed? Why?
  7. Is there a big Christmas tree in the centre of London?
  8. Whose present is it?
  9. What do English people eat on Christmas?

10.What day is after Christmas?

Extra task:

  1. Do you celebrate Christmas in your family?
  2. Do you celebrate it on the 25-th of December or on the 7-th of January?

    3. What do you eat on Christmas dinner?

 It is interesting to know that…

… the Queen's speech is on television at 3.00 p.m.

… in England almost every family receives more than 60 Christmas    cards.

… if there are children in the family people usually have Christmas crackers (хлопушки). When you pull them they make a bang, and inside there is usually a paper hat, a small toy or a piece of paper with a joke on it.



      People in different countries celebrate New Year on the 31st of December.  It’s a happy holiday for a lot of people in different countries. Our family likes this holiday very much. My parents and I are busy some weeks before New Year. I make greeting cards for my parents and my parents send greeting cards to all our relatives and friends and buy presents for them.   We always have a New Year tree at home.  We decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights. Our New Year tree is always beautiful. We usually have a party at home.

     Last year we had a New Year party too. We invited my grandparents and my aunt to our party. My parents bought a lot of tasty food and drinks for the party.  On the 31st of December my Mother cooked a lot and I helped her. In the evening we put our presents under the New Year tree. I got a new mobile telephone, a computer game and a toy dragon. I was happy to get these presents. I gave my parents a greeting card, a picture which I drew for them and a box of sweets. When the Kremlin clock struck twelve we drank a toast to the New Year. I went to bed very late that night. We had a very good time.















Match the two parts of the sentence:

1. People celebrate NewYear                  a) with coloured balls and

                                                                   coloured lights.

2. Some days before New Year               b) at 12 o'olock.

3. The New Year tree looks beautiful     c) on the 31-st of December.

4. We put the presents                             d) we are very busy.

5. We drank a toast to the New Year      e) under the New Year tree.

Fill in the gaps:

dragon,  greeting cards,  drew,  send,  invite

  1. I make … … some weeks before New Year.
  2. My parents … greeting cards to our relatives and friends.
  3. We always … invite our grandparents.
  4. I was happy to get a toy … .
  5. I … a beautiful picture as a present for my parents.

Answer the questions:

  1. When do people celebrate New Year?
  2. Is it a happy holiday? Does your family like this holiday?
  3. Why are you busy some days before New Year?
  4. Have you got a New Year tree? What do you decorate New Year tree with?
  5. Is you New Year tree beautiful?
  6. Do you usually have a party at home? Did you have a party last year?
  7. Whom did you invite to the party?
  8. Did you parents buy a lot of tasty food and drinks for the party?
  9. Did you parents buy presents? Did you make presents for them?
  10. Did you give presents to your relatives? What did you give them?

      Were the presents under the New Year tree?

  1. What did you eat and drink that night?
  2. Did you go to bed late that night?
  3. Did you have a good time?

Extra task

1. What did you do on the 31-st of December?

2 .What did you wish one another when the Kremlin clock struck  twelve?

3. Did you make New Year resolutions? Do you always keep them?

It is interesting to know that…

…English people often make New Year resolutions but rare (редко) keep them.

…in London, England, a lot of people gather along the River Thames to watch the fireworks around the London Eye.

Describe how you celebrated your last New Year:

People in different countries celebrate New Year on the 31st of December. It’s a happy holiday for a lot of people in different countries. Our family likes this holiday very much. My parents and I are busy some weeks before New Year. I _______________________________

_________________________________________________________. We always have a New Year tree at home. We decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights. Our New Year tree is always beautiful. We usually have a party ______________.

Last year we had a New Year party too. We invited ____________ and ___________ to our party. My parents bought a lot of tasty food and drinks for the party. On the 31st of December _____________________

_________________________________________________________. In the evening _____________________________________________. I got ________________, ______________ and ______________. I was happy to get these presents. I gave my parents _______________, ________________ which I _________________________. When the Kremlin clock struck twelve we _______________________________. I went to bed ________________ that night. We had a very good time.



      Many families have got one or more pets at home. Dogs and cats are our favourite pets. But some people keep other animals at home:  hamsters, rats, rabbits, guinea-pigs, tortoises, fish, parrots. Some people like unusual pets and they keep wild animals at home: snakes, squirrels or monkeys.  People love their pets, look after them, teach them and play with them.

      I’ve got a pet. (I haven’t got a pet. I would like to have it, but my mother doesn’t let me keep animals at home. So I want to tell you aboutmy friend’s pet.) It’s a big beautiful cat. His name is Fluffy . He is ten years old. My cat is red with a white neck, white paws and a long tail.  He has little ears, big green eyes and sharp teeth. My cat is very clever. He can answer to his name, run, jump, climb trees and catch mice. He understands many words. We like to play with a ball together. Fluffy can open doors very well. I teach him to close doors but he doesn’t want to do that. My mother and I look after our cat, we give him porridge with meat and fish, but he likes to eat Whiskas. He drinks water and milk. I don’t take my cat for a walk, he is afraid to walk in the street. But in summer, when we live in the country, he walks a lot. I love Fluffy very much and he loves me, too.







морская свинка













look after


ухаживать, присматривать




climb trees


влезать на дерево

be afraid  



Match the two parts of the sentence:

1. Dogs and cats are                               a) and look after them.

2. Some people like                                b) climb trees.

3. People love their pets                         c) our favourite pets.

4. Cats can                                              d) understands many words.

5. My cat                                                 e) unusual pets.

Fill in the gaps:

paws,  afraid, wild, sharp, catch

  1. Some people keep … animals at home.
  2. My cat has white … and a long tail.
  3. He has got … teeth.
  4. Cats can … mice.
  5. My cat is … to walk in the city.

Answer the questions:

  1. What animals are our usual pets?
  2. What other animals do people keep at home?
  3. Do some people keep wild animals? What are they?
  4. Have you got a pet? What is it?
  5. What is his name?
  6. How old is he?
  7. What colour is it?
  8. What do you teach your pet to do?
  9. Does he learn quickly?

10.What can your pet do?

11. What does he like to eat and drink?

12. Do you take him for a walk?

13. Are you good friends?

Extra task:

  1. What unusual pet would you like to have?
  2. Would you like to be a vet?

It is interesting to know that…

… in the old days the ships usually had a Newfoundland dog on board the ship. If a sailor fell into the sea, the dog jumped into the water and rescued (спасала) him.

…St.Bernard dogs can smell a men under two metres of snow.

Tell  about your own pet or if you haven’t got one, tell about your friend’s pet:

Many families have got one or more pets at home. Dogs and cats are our favourite pets. But some people keep other animals at home: hamsters, rats, rabbits, guinea-pigs, tortoises, fish, parrots. Some people like unusual pets and they keep wild animals at home: snakes, squirrels or monkeys. People love their pets, look after them, teach them and play with them.

I’ve got a pet. (I haven’t got a pet. I would like to have it, but my mother doesn’t let me keep animals at home. So I want to tell you aboutmy friend’s pet.) It’s _____________________________________




       There are many different wild and domestic animals and birds in the world. Cows and horses, goats and sheep, pigs and rabbits, hens and ducks, geese and cocks are domestic animals. They live on the farms. Domestic animals and birds eat grass and corn. I know many wild animals: bears and wolves, foxes and hares, elephants and giraffes, crocodiles and dolphins and many others. Wild animals live in the forest, in the jungle or in the water. They eat meat, fish, grass and leaves from the trees. There are a lot of different animals and birds at the Zoo: monkeys, lions, white bears and brown bears, tigers, parrots, wild ducks and others. The zookeepers look after the animals at the Zoo. They feed the animals and know what to give them to eat and to drink.

      I like to go to the Zoo very much. Last month my Mum and I went to the Zoo. I watched the monkeys with great pleasure. They were very funny. They jumped, ran, played and made funny faces. I wanted to give a banana to the monkey but the zookeeper didn’t let me do that. He said that the monkey wasn’t hungry. I watched little white bears, they swam very well. Then I rode a pony and a camel. It was fun! We came home late in the evening. I would like to visit the Zoo again.



[d q'mestIk]



[S Jp]

овца (овцы)





[f Rm]



[k Ln]



















работник зоопарка

Match the two parts of the sentence:

1. Cows and horses, goats and sheep       a) on the farms.

2. Domestic animals live                          b) with great pleasure.

3. Wild animals live                                 c) are domestic animals.

4. I watched the monkey                          d) in the forests, in the jungle

or in the water.

5. The zookeepers look after                    e) the animals at the zoo.

Fill in the gaps:

grass and corn, different, meat, faces, great pleasure

  1. There are many … wild and domestic animals in the world.
  2. Domestic animals and birds eat …
  3. Wild animals eat fish, … or grass and leaves from the trees.
  4. I watched the monkeys with …
  5. The monkeys made funny …

Answer the questions:

  1. Are there many wild and domestic animals in the world?
  2. What wild animals can you name?
  3. What domestic animals do you know?
  4. What animals can you see at the zoo?
  5. Do you like to go to the zoo?
  6. When did you go there last time?
  7. What animals did you see at the zoo?
  8. What animals did you watch?
  9. What did monkeys/ tigers/ birds do?

10.What animals were the funniest and why?

11. Did you watch baby animals?

12. Did you like your visit to the zoo?

13. Would you like to go to the zoo again?

Extra task:

  1. Is it good for animals to live at the zoo?
  2. How can people improve the life of animals at the zoo?

It is interesting to know that…

… rabbits can live five years.

… sheep can live twelve years.

… cats can live thirteen years.

… dogs can live fifteen years.

… goats can live fifteen years.

… cows can live twenty five years.

… pigs can live twenty five years.

… horses can live thirty years.

… there was a cat who lived thirty three years.

… there was a cat who had thirteen kittens.

… cats love their homes. If you get a new home and take your cat with you it can run away to its old home.

… mice can sing.

… there are a lot of white animals; white cats, white dogs, white rabbits, white horses, white goats, whitebears, white elephants, white tigers and white crocodiles.

… white crocodiles live in South America.

… the largest animal alive is the blue whale (кит). The heart of a blue whale is more than a metre in diameter.


     People wear different clothes. Colour, fashion and size of clothes can be different.  Men and boys wear trousers or jeans, shirts and coats. Women and girls wear skirts, blouses and beautiful dresses, but many of them like to wear jeans and trousers, too.

     When I am at school I must wear my school uniform: a black jacket, a black skirt or black trousers and a white blouse. All girls must wear these clothes at school.  At home I like to wear a T-shirt, sport trousers and slippers, because these things are very comfortable. When I go to the party or invite my friends, I put on my beautiful dress and shoes.

      When I go for a walk in winter I put on a warm overcoat, a cap, warm trousers, a sweater and high boots. I always wear a scarf and mittens in winter, because it’s cold. In spring and in autumn I usually wear a jacket and jeans.  I wear gloves on my hands. When it rains I put on my raincoat and take an umbrella. In summer when it’s hot, I wear a T-shirt and shorts or a light dress, and I put on socks and sandals on my feet.




носить (одежду)






мужская рубашка









домашние тапочки































light dress      

['laIt  'dres]              

легкое платье

   Match the two parts of the sentence:

1. Men and boys  wear                        a) wear blouses and skirts.

2. Women and girls wear                    b) comfortable clothes.

3. At home I wear                               c) people wear raincoats.

4. When it rains                                  d) are good for hot summer days.

5. T-shirts and shorts                          e) shirts and coats.

Fill in the gaps:

warm, trousers, umbrella, mittens, uniform

  1. A lot of women like to wear… .
  2. Children must wear school … at school.
  3. When it is cold people put on … clothes.
  4. I wear gloves or … on my hands in winter.

5. When it rains I take an … .

Answer the questions:

  1. Do people wear different clothes?
  2. Are clothes different in size, fashion and colour?
  3. What do boys and men wear?
  4. What do girls and women wear?
  5. Can women wear jeans and trousers?
  6. What clothes must children wear at school?
  7. What is your school uniform like?
  8. What do you wear at home? Why?
  9. When do you put on beautiful dress?

10.What do you wear in winter when you go for a walk?

11. What do you wear in spring and autumn?

12. Why do people take their umbrellas in autumn when they go out?

13. What do you wear in summer?

Extra task:

  1. Do you always try shoes (jeans, dresses) on before you buy them?
  2. What size shoes do you wear?
  3. How often do you buy new clothes?

 It is interesting to know that…

…nearly all women like to dress well. They call themselves «women of taste» (женщинысовкусом)

…the earliest clothing were made of fur(мех), leather(кожа), leaves, or grass that were draped(обматывать), wrapped(оборачивать), ortied(завязывать) around the body.

What clothes do you wear?


People wear different clothes. Colour, fashion and size of clothes can be different.  Men and boys wear trousers or jeans, shirts and coats. Women and girls wear skirts, blouses and beautiful dresses, but many of them like to wear jeans and trousers, too.

             When I am at school I must wear my school uniform: _________________________________________________________. All _________ must wear these clothes at school.  At home I like to wear _________________________________, because these things are very comfortable. When I go to the party or invite my friends, I put on my ___________________________________.

      When I go for a walk in winter I put on _________________________________________________________. I always wear a scarf and mittens in winter, because it’s cold. In spring and in autumn I usually wear ____________________.  I wear gloves on my hands. When it rains I put on my raincoat and take an umbrella. In summer when it’s hot, I wear ____________________________, and I put on _____________________ on my feet.


      There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Winter begins in December. The winter months are December, January and February. Winter is the coldest season of the year. It often snows. The days are short and the nights are long. But children like winter. They can ski, skate and sledge, play snowballs and make snowmen.

    Spring comes after winter. Spring months are March, April and May. Spring is a beautiful season. It’s warmer in spring than in winter. The days are longer and the nights are shorter. Grass, flowers and leaves on the trees begin to grow.

    Summer months are June, July and August. Summer is the hottest season of the year. The days are long and the nights are short. There are a lot of flowers in summer. Many people go to the country in summer. Children have the longest holidays. They can play football, volleyball, hide-and-seek, and other games, they can swim. Summer is my favourite season.

     Autumn months are September, October and November.  In early autumn the weather is warm. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables in the gardens. In late autumn the weather is cold. It often rains. Autumn is a beautiful season. The leaves in the trees are red, brown, green and yellow. Pupils go to school on the first of September.

     I think all seasons are beautiful.




время года















































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кататься на санках

Match the two parts of the sentence:

1. Winter is                                       a) the hottest season of the year.

2. It is warmer in spring                    b) in summer

3. It often rains                                  c) the coldest season.

4. The days are long                          d) in autumn.

5. Summer is                                      e) than in winter.

Fill in the gaps:

 longest,  after,  late,  early,  late

  1. Spring comes … winter.
  2. Summer is the … season of the year.
  3. In summer children have the … holidays.
  4. In … autumn the weather is warm.

5. In … autumn the weather is rather cold.

Answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year? Can you name them?
  2. What's the weather like in winter (summer, spring and autumn)?
  3. What happens to plants and trees in winter (spring, summer and autumn)?
  4. What season do children start school?
  5. What is the last month of the year?
  6. What is your favourite season and why?

Extra task:

  1. Name your favourite season and say why you like it.
  2. Compare your favourite season with the season you don't like at all.

It is interesting to know that…

… summer schools holidays in Russia are the longest in the world.

… the shortest days of the year are in winter.

… the longest days of the year are in summer.


There are a lot of holidays in Great Britain all year round. In winter the British celebrate Christmas, New Year and St. Valentine’s Day. Christmas is the greatest holiday of all. It is on the 25th of December. New Year is less important for the British. They celebrate it like the people all over the world on the 31st of December.

There is an interesting New Year tradition in Scotland. The first visitor who comes into a house on New Year’s morning is “the First Foot”. The Scots believe that the First Foot brings luck to the family for the New Year. The 14th of February is St. Valentine’s Day. People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love.

In spring there are a lot of holidays as well. For example, the 17th of March is a national holiday in Ireland – St. Patrick’s Day. On that day people wear a shamrock, the national emblem of Ireland. In March people also celebrate Mother’s Day. People visit their mothers and give them presents.  In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day. Children get chocolate eggs and rabbits. The first of April is April Fool’s Day. Children play tricks on their parents and friends.

In summer, in June the British celebrate Father’s Day. Children give presents to their fathers. The15th of June is very important for the British – they celebrate Trooping the Colour.

On the 31st of October people in America and Great Britain celebrate Halloween. They put pumpkins on the windowsills and put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like a face. Children dress up and go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”. People give them sweets, fruit, cakes, cookies or money. This is a funny holiday.




День св.Валентина

The Scots    


















Trooping the Colour

[trupıN Də kAlə]

Вынос знамени







Match the two parts of the sentence:

  1. The First Foot is …  
  1. is on the 17-th of March.
  1.  The 14-th of February…
  1. a shamrock
  1. St.Patric's Day…
  1. a Scottish tradition.
  1.  The national symbol of Ireland…        
  1. is St.Valentine Day
  1. In June they celebrate…
  1. Mother's Day.

6. In March people celebrate…                

     f) Father's Day.

Fill in the gaps:

31-st of October, parties, Easter, a card, a shamrock, April, pumpkins

  1. People have New Year … on the 31-st of December.
  2. You can make … and give it to the person you love.
  3. On St.Patrick's Day people wear…
  4. In April people celebrate …
  5. The First of … is a day for fun.
  6. Halloween is on the…

7. People put … on the windowsills.

Answer the questions:

  1. Does it snow and rain in winter in Great Britain?
  2. What holiday is on the 25-th of December?
  3. What do people do on this day?
  4. When do people have New Year parties?
  5. What Scottish tradition do you know?
  6. When is St.Valentine's Day?
  7. When do people of Ireland celebrate St.Patrick's Day?
  8. What is a national emblem of Ireland?
  9. What holiday is in March?
  10. What do people do on this day?
  11. When is Easter?
  12. What presents do children get on Easter?
  13. What holidays do English people have in summer?
  14. How do English children celebrate Halloween?

Extra task:

  1. Do you celebrate St.Valentine's Day?
  2. Do you know any other winter holidays?
  3. Do Russian and English people have the same holidays?
  4. What is your favourite holiday and why?

It is interesting to know that…

…about 190 million valentines are sent each year in the Unites States.

…on Halloween children often play apple bobbing, in which apples float in a large basin of water and the players must use their teeth to get an apple.

… on Halloween people cooklight fruitcake and put a ring or a coin  into them. It is said that those who get a ring will find their true love very soon.

… Easter is always on the first Sunday after the full moon.

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Рекомендовано кафедрой иностранных языков ГОУ СОШ №80

Авторы-составители: Асадчая Е. С.,Андреева Н. В,Расулова Н.Т.

Рецензенты: Пономаренко Л.М., зам.директора по УВР      

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Санкт-Петербург, ул.Мира, д.18а

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