Тесты к УМК Spotlight 3
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему

Тесты предназначены для проведения итогового контроля к модулям к УМК Spotlight 3.


Файл test_all_the_things_i_like.docx15.41 КБ
Файл test_family_moments.docx479.67 КБ
Файл polugodovaya_kontrolnaya_rabota.docx15.18 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

TEST Module 3 “All the things I like!”

Name:                                               Date:


  1. Circle the odd one out:
  1. milk- -coffee-rice-tea
  2. bananas- apples- oranges- tomato
  3. cake-Coke-ice-cream – chocolate
  4. pasta-rice-meat-orange juice

              2. Answer the questions:

1. What fruit do you like? ______________________________________

2. What food don’t you like? ____________________________________

3. What’s your favourite food? __________________________________

  1. Answer the questions:

Yes, I do. Yum!          No, I don’t. Yuk!

  1. Do you like vegetables? ___________________
  2. Do you like milk? _________________________
  3. Do you like chips? ________________________
  4. Do you like pizza? ________________________
  5. Do you like eggs? ________________________


  1. Put the verbs in the right form:

  1. I (like) _________fruit.
  2. I (not like) ___________________ meat.
  3. She (like) ________________orange juice.
  4. He (not like) _________________ milk.
  5. Larry (like) __________________ burgers.

  1. *Put the words in the right order:
  1. she / drink /doesn’t / coffee/.____________________________________
  2. like /does/ he/ pizza?___________________________________________
  3. you/ do/ like/ salad?____________________________________________
  4. doesn’t/ mother/ drink/ my / milk.________________________________
  5. my / sandwiches/grandma/ likes/ .________________________________

  1. Choose the right word:


  1. We have got ______________apples in the fridge.
  2. I haven’t got ______________sausages in the fridge.
  3. Can I have _________________coffee, please?
  4. Have they got ____________biscuits?
  5. We haven’t got ___________vegetables.
  6. She has got _______________ice-cream.

Предварительный просмотр:

TEST Module 2 “Family moments”

Name:                                               Date:


  1. Write the words:
  1. m_ _ _ _ _
  2. f_ _ _ _ _  
  3. g _ _ _ _ m_ _ _ _ _  
  4. g _ _ _ _ f_ _ _ _ _    
  5. b _ _ _ _ _ _  
  6.  s _ _ _ _ _

  1. Write about your family

I have got ….


  1. Complete the sentences:

My, his, her, our, their,your

  1. Hello, ______ name is Lulu.
  2. This is my  mum . ____ name is Lin.
  3. This is my dad. ______ name is John.
  4. Can you give me _______ pen?
  5. These are my friends. _________ names are Jane and Stefania.
  6. Look at ______ house! It’s beautiful.

  1. Complete the sentences with the verb to be:

am, is, are

  1. I ______ Ron.
  2. He _______her friend.
  3. My cat ___________ black.
  4. These _________ my pencils.
  5. Larry and Lulu __________on a picnic.
  6. ___________ it your toy?

  1. Write the sentences in plural:
  1. It is a cat. __________________________________________
  2. He is a doctor._______________________________________
  3. She is a teacher.______________________________________
  4. I am a pupil._________________________________________
  5. It is a doll.___________________________________________
  6. The dog is funny._____________________________________


  1. Read the text and write the sentences true(+) or false(-):

Hello! My name is Tim. I am in Year 3 at school. I have got a big family. This is my mum Betty and my father Ben.  Also, I have got two sisters and a small brother Alex. I have got a pet. It a cat. It only one year old.

  1. I have got a small family._____
  2. My mum’s name is Betty._____
  3. I have got a big brother. ______
  4. I haven’t got a pet.__________
  5. My cat is one year old._______

  1. *Put the words in the right order:
  1. my/ they/ friends/ are ._________________________________
  2. grandma/ this/ is/ my/ Judy/.____________________________
  3. is /what/ this?________________________________________
  4. her/ is /name/ Lilly/.___________________________________
  5. are /our/ cats/ white/.___________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:


Spotlight 3

Modules 1-4

Name:                                               Date:


  1. Circle the odd one out:
  1. milk-Coke-coffee-eggs
  2. pencil- rabbit- ruler- rubber
  3. train-rocking horse-computer-doll
  4. father-mother-pet- sister- brother
  5. maths-Geography- PE- pencil case


  1. Choose the right variant:

  1. She like/likes fruit and vegetables.
  2. They drinks/drink coffee.
  3. These/this are school bags.
  4. That/those is a yellow tea set.
  5. Can I have some/any oranges?
  6. We haven’t got some/ any chocolate.

  1. Put the words in the right order:
  1. and/ like/ I/ oranges/ apples.______________________________________________
  2. subject/ my /favourite /is/ English._________________________________________
  3. I/ like /don’t/ / lemonade.________________________________________________
  4. in/ am / Year 3/ I /at school.______________________________________________
  5.  nine/ is/ years/ he/ old.__________________________________________________
  6. are/ these/ my/ books.___________________________________________________
  7. I / any/ haven’t/ got/ cake._______________________________________________


  1. Read and match:

1) What are these?

a) I am eight.

2) How old are you?

b) it’s Mary’s

3) Do you like oranges?

c) These are rabbits.

4) Whose is this?

d)  Rocking-horse.

5)Who is he?

e) Yes, I do. Yum!

6) What’s your name?

f) He is my big brother.

7)What’s your favourite toy?

g)My name is Roy.








Speaking and writing

5. Answer the questions:

1. What school subjects do you like? _______________________________________

2. What food don’t you like? _____________________________________________

3. What’s your favourite food? ____________________________________________

4. What have you got in your pencil case? ____________________________________

5. What toys have you got? ________________________________________________

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