Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Транспорт"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Конспект урока по теме "Транспорт"
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Topic: Transport
1. T: Hello, friends. Welcome to our lesson. I hope you are OK and everybody is in a good mood. Look at the screen, we are going to watch a video about traffic situation in New York. (video 1) So what is the topic of our lesson? (answer) That’s right. Today we are going to speak about different means of transport about their advantages and disadvantages. First of all let’s remember them. (students’ answers)
Now name the fastest.
The slowest
The most comfortable
The least comfortable
The cheapest
The most expensive
The greenest
The most popular means of transport.
2. T: It goes without saying the car is one of the greatest inventions of the human history. But nowadays far too often we hear all these black and white opinions about cars especially in big cities.
Before you can express your attitude towards this issue let’s practice the vocabulary connected with it.
Ex.1 Match the words with the correct definitions.
Pedestrian, encourage, bike lane, commute, parking lot, vehicle, bus fare, exhausting, transportation, speed bumps, exhaust fumes.
- A general word for a car, a bus etc.
- To make someone more likely to do something.
- A part of a road separated for the use of cyclists.
- Someone who is walking, especially in a town or a city instead of driving or riding.
- This is how much you have to pay for a bus ticket.
- To make the same journey regularly between work and home.
- An area used for parking motor vehicles.
- A round ridge built crosswise into the driving way to force vehicles to slow down.
- Making you feel extremely tired.
- When people are moved from place to another.
- Harmful gases produced vehicles.
T: Now let’s practise the expressions which will help you to discuss the topic
Expressing your opinion
Ex.2 complete the statements.
In my ……. view
If you ……. me concerned
It ……. To me opinion
As far as I’m ……. seems
My ……. is that believe
Expressing agreement.
I ………agree. exactly
I agree…………a point. right
Yes, you are ……… sure
That’s for ….... completely
That’s for….. how I feel. up to
Expressing disagreement.
That’s ….but… totally
I don’t …..so. disagree
I’m afraid I have to……. true
I …… disagree wrong
I guess you are…. think
T: Now you’ll see some statements about traffic situation in cities. Agree or disagree with them and express your opinion.
Big cities look like one big parking lot.
The historic inner city must be closed for motorized transport.
Fast transportation is a benefit that makes life better.
Speed should be lower in some parts of the city.
The government should encourage people to use public transport.
Daily commuting is stressful and exhausting.
Public transport should be made free.
Traffic calmed streets are usually quieter and safer for everyone who lives there.
Taxes for car users should be raised.
Thanks to traffic calming measures there can be shared spaces where cars, bikes and pedestrians mix freely with no stress.
T: Now you’ll see some ideas on this topic given in notes. Expand them into full statements starting with expressions of agreement and disagreement.
Exhaust fumes
From door to door
Slow speed zones
Crowded and delayed
Stressful traffic jams
Car free areas
Comfortable and fast
Travel and certain times
Special bike lanes
T: Have you heard the news? European cities are thinking about taking cars off city centers and making them pedestrian friendly areas. Let’s see how they’ve sold this problem in Copenhagen.
T. How do you feel about that? Should Saint-Petersburg follow the example of Copenhagen?
Divide in 2 groups. Gr 1: Your task is to give arguments for the advantages of using cars in Saint-Petersburg
Gr 2: You are going to be their opponents. Use expressions and ideas from all exercises. You’ve got a couple of minutes to collect all your ideas. Good luck!
T: Now you can start.
T: I believe Copenhagen is a good example of how civilized life can be in a well-designed urban environment. You’ve done a good job I think everyone deserves an excellent mark for this lesson. Now you’re ready to write an essay composition. The topic is
Cars should be banned from our cities.
T: Think of arguments for and against and express your opinion. Remember the rules of writing a discursive opinion composition.
The plan of composition is on the screen.
T: Thank you for the lesson and goodbye.
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