Материалы по подготовке к ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку на тему
Материалы по подготовке к ЕГЭ
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Предварительный просмотр:
You have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following statement.
In the fight against crime, police forces and governments are increasingly using security cameras in public places. Some people are opposed to this, saying that it invades our privacy. What do you think?
What is your opinion?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- Make an introduction (state the problem)
- Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it
- Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it
- Draw a conclusion
Nowadays there are more and more security cameras in many countries. In the beginning they appeared only in banks and high-security areas, they are now entering public places such as malls, streets, stadiums and transport. Many people fell this affects their privacy.
To my mind, surveillance cameras have several benefits. Firstly, with the help of cameras the police can catch criminals in the act, thus reducing crime. This will make the streets safe for ordinary people. Secondly, criminals, particularly young offenders or pretty criminals will be deterred. They will not be tempted to carry out crimes, and thus society will be a lot safer. Cameras are also cost-effective and unobtrusive. Moreover, authorities do not need to spend large amount of money on police.
On the other hand, security cameras are far from being a perfect solution. Main disadvantage concerns privacy. Many people feel that they should be free to travel or move around the shop, mall, street or country without being photographed or recorded. They feel that being watched constantly is like being in prison, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices.
I completely disagree with the opinion, because thanks to these devices people can have a sense of safety in general places, as these tools record all things and do not permit convict do any crimes easily.
In conclusion, although there are definite advantages to using security cameras, we need to balance the need for security with respect for the individual’s privacy and freedom.
Предварительный просмотр:
You have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following statement.
Some people think that ecological problems can be solved only by the governments, while others are sure that ordinary people can improve the situation.
What is your opinion ?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
-make an introduction (state the problem)
-express your personal opinion and give reasons for it
-give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it
-draw a conclusion
By today ecological problems have become the main problems of humanity. But who can solve them, ordinary people or only the governments?
I think that ordinary people can turn back bad ecological tendencies. I’m sure, that the main part of ecological problems depends on them. The fast growth of population leads increasing of consumption of consumption of limited resort s, further pollution of environment. Therefore if ordinary people decrease their needs, plan their families, especially in developing countries, learn from childhood the economical and careful attitude to nature, if they understand, that their behavior threats their own surviving, they will be able to solve more than a half of problems by doing those simple things.
Other people say that only the governments can solve ecological problems, because they can punish producers and ordinary people, who pollute environment, can order civilians and companies to use clean transport and age them for it by decreasing taxes, grants and so on. But I suppose that “Head” not always can make “body” do something and “body” do sometimes ignores strict orders, if it don’t understand “why?. Besides, our presidents or prime-ministers, heads of transnational companies in the past were ordinary people too. Thus, only ordinary people can solve majority of ecological problems and the governments can only organize and stimulate them from time to time.
To sum it up, I think, that ordinary people can improve the bad ecological situation by changing their habits, соmmons and mentality from “King of nature” to “Part of nature”. If they don’t do it, no government can help them.
Предварительный просмотр:
What makes a professional English teacher?
It is no secret that teacher plays an important role in education of every student. But some people think that the process of teaching is very easy, with no difficulties and they think that teachers do not have a lot of things to do. But for sure it's not true. Even as every other profession teaching has it's specifics. Teacher is a special profession . Before I start speaking about process of teaching, I would like to mention some of basic qualities that teachers should have.
First of all, they have to know their subject. Now is considered that good teachers should not only know the subject matter because today the teacher is not considered the only source of information, I certainly agree with this theory, but I consider that you should not be a good teacher of English language if you don't know English, by this I mean that good teacher expect other specifics he/she should know the subject. Then other quality that the teacher must possess is the quality called "knowing your students", by knowing our students we will know what do they need, what do they know and what they don't know. Of course by knowing our students we will use the appropriate method for them during the process of teaching. And the third quality which I wanted to mention is being prepared for the class.
In my opinion being prepared means that we know what we are going to class, which method we will use, then we know how long we will speak to students. It's good to have a balance between Student Talking Time and Teacher Talking Time. While we are talking about English teachers it is better to have the maximum of because students will practice words that they learn during debating and they will be more freely, but teachers' assistance will be welcome.
Of course, to achieve a professional goals probably every teacher have to upgrade qualifications once in 3 years, visit special courses and improve his/her knowledge in language and teaching methodic. This all makes a real professional English teacher.
To sum up, I strongly believe that teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of their students. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore all teachers should strive for what can be considered to be a professional. A professional teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative.
Предварительный просмотр:
City and countryside
Nowadays lots of young people tend to move to cities in search of better life. On the contrary, many adults consider such a lifestyle quite dangerous for their children. Who is right? Is the life in the city really as harmful as it may seem?
On the one hand, city life has lots of advantages. For example, it is often easier to get prestigious education and to find a well-paid job. Besides, there is a wider choice of shops, sports facilities and health centers. What is more, if you live in the city, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to theatres or concerts. All in all, city lifestyle is full of variety so you will never feel bored.
On the other hand, we must admit that city life is rather unsafe as there is a lot of crime and violence. What is more, transport and industry are the main reasons for all kinds of pollution there-fore city dwellers often have more problems with their health. Last of all, young people living in cities are likely to acquire such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol or even taking drugs.
In conclusion, I think that city life has its pros and cons. However, if we try and solve the problems of crime and pollution, then living in the city will be really enjoyable. As for me, I would prefer to live in the city because I am keen on visiting theatres and don't mind noise and pollution.
Предварительный просмотр:
All subjects of school are equally useful.
Nowadays education is compulsory for everybody. But we must admit that people have various preferences and that’s why pupils want to study the subjects they are interested in. However, many teachers are against this, arguing that all subjects must be studied in the same way.
From my point of view, students should study all subjects because in this case they will have proper education. It will help them to develop different skills, broaden their mind.What is more, if a person places emphasis upon just two or three subjects, he/she will have limited knowledge. Consequently, he/shewon’t be able to expand his/her ideas about the world.
Nevertheless, some students think that they should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study because in this case they will be more enthusiastic about study. Besides, some subjects can be of no use for them in the future and students will soon forget everything they have learned at school. In addition, if students are forced to study all subjects they can easily lose interest in education. Thus, they will be constantly under a lot of pressure.
Actually, I disagree with this opinion because when we learn several subjects we get less knowledge and we are not able to get an idea of what our interests are. Moreover, studying just few subjects it’s impossible to speak about high quality of education and a high literacy rate.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that all the subjects should be compulsory for everybody because proper education is the need of the day if people want to progress. Studying just few subjects a person may undermine his/her personality.
Предварительный просмотр:
Do we need school uniforms?
Approximately thirty years ago children wore strictly school uniform at school. But since the 1990s school uniform has been cancelled. Although wearing school uniform is not compulsory any more, it continues to be a subject of heated debate between teachers, schoolchildren and their parents.
On the one hand, School uniforms, as well as any form, discipline, leads to cohesion, it contributes to the development in pupils a sense of community, teamwork, common cause and the presence of common goals. Shape eliminate or at least, limit the possibility of competition between students and their parents in the clothing significantly reduces the visual difference between students from families of different material prosperity, preventing delamination on the principle of "the rich and poor".
On the other hand, uniform denies students the opportunity to express their individuality in clothing. The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that every child has a right to express their individuality so as he pleases. Besides this, everybody looks the same and it is boring. The second problem may be untidiness. As children wear the same clothes every day their uniform starts to look a bit untidy and faded. Last but not the least school uniforms have become rather expensive lately. So, not every parent wants to buy it.
As for me, I support the idea of wearing a school uniform. I think that at home my children can put on what they want, but at school they need to follow the rules.
Предварительный просмотр:
You have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following statement.
Some people think that computers are going to replace printed books in the future.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position
The latest advances in information technology make people think that schools of the future will use computers instead of printed books. Although electronic books have not been widely accepted yet, I believe they will be able to take the place of printed books.
In my opinion, students will widely use computers for studying in the future. To begin with, computers can store lots of books in their memory and modern software allows us to find quickly the necessary information. Besides, with the interactive programmes on computers studying will be much more exciting. What is more, electronic books will not degrade overtime like their printed counterparts.
Nevertheless, lots of disbelievers argue that computers will not replace printed books because a printed book is better for human eyes than a computer screen. In addition, books are cheaper and easier to use since they do not need electricity or the internet connection.
However, I disagree with this opinion because modern computer screens emit no radiation and allow us to read even in low light conditions, so they are even less harmful than books. Of course we will have to pay for electricity but I think it will be cheaper than to pay for printed books, which are very expensive nowadays.
To sum up, I think computers and printed books will peacefully coexist for years to come, but in the future technological progress will make it possible for pupils to carry laptops or even palmtops instead of traditional bags with lots of heavy books.
Предварительный просмотр:
You have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following statement.
Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and money.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position
Our modern world is unimaginable without learning foreign languages. However, there are plenty of people who doubt the necessity of it. Some people believe that studding English or other foreign language takes too much time and money to justify all efforts. The other people argue that possessing any foreign language is required ability in modern life.
As for me, I strongly support the second point of view. I consider that people should learn as many languages as possible. Firstly, this knowledge allows them to make friends from each country they are interested in. Secondly, they will have an opportunity to acquaint themselves with overseas culture: literature, poetry, songs, films and so on. More over people can work abroad to find a well-paid job.
On the other hand, if people give all their time to learn the foreign language, other subjects can be forgotten and abandoned and then, they will get one-sided education. There is no benefit of being able to use the foreign language only; people must also be competent in one of the important social sphere, such as medicine, IT, economics, design, architecture, etc.
I don’t share the above-given view. I cannot agree with the idea of uselessness of studding the foreign language. Everyone can plan his time among studied disciplines correctly and without loss of the quality of the education.
To sum up, I believe that every well-educated person must improve his knowledge of at least the one foreign language.
Предварительный просмотр:
What is your opinion?
Write 200-250 words.
Use following plan:
- Make an introduction (state the problem)
- Express your personal opinion and give the reasons for it
- Give arguments for the other opinion of view and explain why don’t you agree with it
- Draw a conclusion
Some people say that it is very important for everyone to have hobby. Others think it is not so significant.
Nowadays is the age of high technology and our life is deciduous and mobile. During a busy schedule people need a rest and relaxation. Different people have a lot of ideas how spent their free time. One part of working population prefer to relax by staying at home with the TV set and the sofa. But another one can’t stand the passive weekend and choose the active rest.
I think that versatile activities make our life more intense and interesting. There are different kinds of hobbies such as sports, travelling, cooking, knitting, collecting, and many others. For example I am fond of dancing. To my mind it is a great opportunity to get away from life, to dissolve in music and to plunge in another world, another reality. Besides that, dancing is a cheap way to improve your health and keep fit.
However a lot of people have no hobby. Most of them say that they are too tired or too busy to do something “useless” in their free time. But I suppose such people are lazy and their lives and uneventful.
In conclusion I can say that having hobby is very important for everyone because it is a kind of self-expression and the way of understanding another people and the whole world. A hobby makes you stronger physically, helps you to relax, broaden your mind and develop your skills.
Предварительный просмотр:
At many schools, it is compulsory for pupils to wear a uniform. This is much better than letting students wear their own clothes to school.
Our parents wore a school uniform many years ago. In the beginning of 21 century this rule was cancelled. Nowadays many schools want to return old tradition. Is it good or bad?
In my opinion school uniform is good way for pupils to be organized. They should understand that on the important meetings you must wear formal clothes. Furthermore, uniform makes pupils equal in material sense. Children from poor families won’t think that they are worse than others. Also your parents won’t spend much money for clothes every year, because school orders uniform for all pupils at once.
However, many people think that the same uniform doesn’t feel yourself individual personality. Besides, uniform often has dark color, for example black or brown, and it can spoil the pupil’s mood. Moreover by the end of the year uniform becomes untidy and not
pleasant to look at it.
In conclusion I want to say that pupils must wear strictly uniform, because it makes them to study better. Uniforms are not only help students to be distinct from other people, to be beautiful, but also make them feel equal to other students. Furthermore, they can proud of their current schools if they are recognized by lots of people. In my opinion, I think school uniforms should be required.
Предварительный просмотр:
Money can buy happiness.
In most parts of the development world, people are better off financially today than they were fifty years ago. But are they happier? This is the question I need to answer.
It is hard to deny that money is necessary in tгday’s world. It is very difficult to be happy if you do not have enough money for such things like food and clothing. For the poorest people in our society, more money will improve their lives. To that extent, it’s true that money can buy happiness for some individuals. Even people who are not particularly poor often have concern about money. It seems clear that extra money would remove theses worries and the distress that they cause.
On the other hand, the money is not the main sourсe of the happiness for most people. They regard personal relationships as more important. If you are feeling miserable about the relations that have ended, money is irrelevant. What is more, if money really could buy happiness, the rich would be the happiest people in the world.
To sum up, I would say money can improve the condition of people who do not have enough money to live comfortably. However, money alone is not enough to bring happiness, you also need good relations.
Предварительный просмотр:
Essay – opinion
Comment on the following statement.
“Will life be better in the future?”
What is your opinion?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Use the following plan:
- Make an introduction (state the problem)
- Express your personal opinion
- Express an opposing opinion
- Explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- Make a conclusion restating your position
Can you imagine doing your shopping without having to leave the house, or working at home rather than going to the office? In my opinion, life in the future will be much more pleasant than it is today.
In the first place, there will be many improvements in the field of medicine. Scientists are confident that cures for diseases such as cancer and AIDS will have been found. Therefore, the lives of thousands of people will be saved.
Also, new technological breakthroughs will make our lives easier. Computers will be able to perform more time-saving functions, transport will be faster and more efficient and new inventions will continue to help us carry out daily tasks with ease and comfort.
On the other hand, there are those who believe that life in the the future will not be so trouble-free. We will have used up the world's natural resources, therefore our planet will be on the verge of destruction. What is more, some fear that pollution will have increased due to problems such as deforestation, and that acid rain will only have been made worse. They do not consider, however, that modern technology can solve environ-mental problems as well as less pressing ones.
All in all, I feel that life in the future will definitely be better. We are all searching for ways to improve our lives and we can only look ahead in order to do this.
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