Конспект урока английского языка
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока № 2
Место урока: 6 урок в разделе ‘How Different the World Is?’ (Как разнообразен мир!) и 2 урок по теме “How to Understand Foreigners: Russian Soul and British Character”.
Цель урока: научить учащихся создавать информационный (краткосрочный) проект о россиянах и британцах.
(Предполагается, что этот проект станет частью долгосрочного проекта по теме раздела ‘How Different the World Is?’ Как разнообразен мир!).
Образовательная: обучение навыкам и умениям работы над проектом.
Развивающие (метапредметные):
- развитие коммуникативных и творческих способностей;
- развитие умения добывать и обрабатывать информацию, а также ориентироваться в информационном пространстве;
- развитие умения использовать современные компьютерные технологии;
- развитие умения использовать межпредметные знания;
- развитие способностей анализировать, сопоставлять, проводить отбор необходимой информации;
- развитие умения практически применять языковые знания;
- развитие умения писать текст для совместного проекта;
- развитие социобикультурной компетенции.
- воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре родной страны, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры;
- воспитание патриотизма;
Оснащение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, наглядный материал, раздаточный материал
I. Начало урока
Организационный момент. Pечевая зарядка.
Good morning! How are you?
The objective of the lesson is to develop project skills and to create a project about the Russians and the British.
II. Проверка домашнего задания.
Tell the class some facts about Russian people. What facts can you describe about the British.
III. Актуализация знаний.
How different or alike Russians and the British?
How would you explain the notion “national character”?
Organize the information from the text in the following table.
Aspects of comparison | In Russia | In Britain | In your culture
Развитие умений в чтении
When talking about foreign culture and customs, most of us follow the so-called common truth. But stereotypes are man-created and sometimes can be outdated or incorrect and very misleading.
1) Read the statements and explain why foreigners think of Russian culture in this way.
2) Which statements contain negative evaluation?
3) What stereotypes are expressed explicitly and implicitly?
Heidi (a bank employee, an American Puerto Rican origin): Russians? Russian mafia, the bears, the Kremlin, and communism. This is the first thing that comes to my mind. Russians have little contact with people of other nationalities. Would you say that the old way of life in the USSR affects Russians’ behaviour?
Jamal (the landlord, came from Morocco): Russians almost never say hello, and rarely smile when talking to other people. They can be immediately recognized from the multinational crowd of immigrants. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the Soviet Union there was a very strict totalitarian regime.
Linda (from Germany): Russian men of all ages are fond of fishing, which has remained one of the favorite pastimes in Russia. It should also be noted that throughout many parts of Russia, both in the countryside and at private dachas, many people are occupied with bee-keeping, breeding bees and gathering honey. Honey has always been valued very highly in Russia. It has been used for treating colds and other illnesses. If you do catch a cold, we definitely recommend using this Russian prescription: hot tea with honey. Russians love to grow vegetables and fruit at their dachas. Potatoes are the most popular vegetable to be cultivated, having earned the title of ’second bread’. As for fruit, the apple tree is the main fruit tree in Russia.
Kiki (waitress at a Chinese restaurant): In my opinion, the Russian immigrants are lazy. They will never work and sweat for a few dollars. Russians are very arrogant and adore all the most expensive - ranging from clothes to cars. Russians smoke and drink a lot, pay little attention to sport and healthy lifestyle.
Chris (from Spain ): I don’t understand the mysterious Russian soul. There are so many brilliant and talented Russian people. However, the Russians like to fight and pobuyanit. Especially when they drink.
4) What impact the foreigners’ statements have on you? Interpret your perception.
5) What could be the cause of such judgments?
6) Try to explain the views of all foreigners from the perspective of a foreigner.
Make a list of characteristics typical of Russian people. Rank them in order of importance. You may choose words from the following list or use your own.
cheerful creative patient polite sociable
helpful friendly calm generous hard working
reliable optimistic tolerant tactful superstitious
determined impulsive brave imaginative hospitable
What kind of person are you?
Развитие умений в аудировании
The hospitality of Russian people is known to many foreigners.
Name two facts you expect to listen to. Listen and check.
Should you be lucky enough to be invited to a Russian home for dinner be assured that you will get the best of what's on hand and plenty of it. Russians are famed for their hospitality and love to invite people over in order to thoroughly stuff them. It is expected that a guest will accept all that is offered and your host may be offended if you refuse. Be prepared for staunch arguments on the part of your host as to why you should eat the lump of raw pork fat or drink the glass of home-made sweet elderberry wine stuck in front of you.
When invited to a Russian's apartment for a dinner party it is considered de rigueur to bring something along, usually alcohol and perhaps flowers for the hostess. People often dress up as if they were going out to a fancy restaurant, and women take nice shoes with them in a bag in order to avoid the ridiculous situation of being in their finest evening dress and sliding around in tapochki.
Drinks are usually preceeed by toasts (sometimes taking the form of long speeches) and much glass clinking. Often the revelry lasts well into the night and can include singing and dancing until people pass- out or go home. These parties can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of a visit to Russia as they provide insight into the Russian people and their way of life.
IV. Работа над проектом.
Начальный этап.
Формулирование цели и темы проекта.
Тема проекта: ‘How different or alike Russians and the British?’ «Сходства и отличия россиян и британцев».
Цель проекта – создание информационного блога в сети Интернет.
Обсуждение плана проекта. We’re going to make a project. Let’s make a plan of it.
Организационный этап.
1) Формирование микрогрупп. You are going to work in groups. Let’s split into groups of three.
2) Распределение заданий в микрогруппах.
Write down as much information that you can find that will help support your topic. Учащиеся четырех групп получают задания составить краткий обзор по одной из тем плана проекта.
- National traits of character
- National food and habits
- National activities
-National symbols
3) Обсуждение оформления конечного продукта проекта.
Осуществление проектной деятельности.
1)Активная и самостоятельная работа учащихся.
2) Оформление полученных результатов.
Завершающий этап.
1) промежуточный контроль
2) презентация результатов проекта
And now let’s discuss your tasks.
3) выставление оценок
By and large, I enjoy the project. I’m satisfied with the work you have represented. Thank you, everybody.
V. Подведение итогов.
Today we have tried to discuss a lot of interesting information about Russian people and British people, their traits of character, activities, a way of life and other things. I think the work was useful and fruitful. I am glad that each of you had an opportunity to tell us your opinion on the matter. We have understood that despite the differences between people, there are many similarities. We should be tolerant to foreigners.
VI. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание.
How do you feel after the lesson? Now you know many interesting facts about the Russian and the British. As for your homework is concerned, the task is to find and tell your classmates some other interesting facts about Russian, British and American people.
Оцените свою работу на уроке.
Did you enjoy yourself? | ||||
Did you work hard? | ||||
Did you like to work in groups? | ||||
Did you get useful information? |
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