Сказка для начальной школы "Красная шапочка"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
Это немного модифицированная сказка в стихах для учащихся начальной школы
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Сказка для учеников 3-го класса
«Красная шапочка»
Narrator - рассказчик
Red Riding Hood — Красная Шапочка
Wolf - волк
Woodcutter — дровосек ( 2 чел.)
Granny - бабушка
Mummy - мама
Snow White — белоснежка
Narrator : This is a house near the wood
Here lives Red Riding Hood
Mummy : Hello, my dear, now be good
Go to your granny in the wood.
Red Riding Hood : Ok, Mummy, I`m happy to help,
I love my granny very much.
Mummy : But please, be careful, there`s a wolf,
Don`t talk to anybody in the wood.
Red Riding Hood : Yes, mummy, I do so
I take my basket and go.
Narrator : Now the girl is in the wood
Our Little Red Riding Hood
The flowers are nice
The trees are tall
She doesn`t want to hurry at all
Red Riding Hood : I like it here
I like everything
The flowers are red,
And yellow, and pink.
Snow White: Hello, young girl,
What`s your name?
What are you doing
Here? I say.
Red Riding Hood: My name is Red Riding Hood
I go to my Granny in the wood.
Snow White: Don`t go this way,
The wolf is here,
Choose the short road,
listen to me, dear.
Red Riding Hood: But the flowers are nice
And the birds are good
I want to walk
The long road in the wood.
Snow White: The wolf is cunning
He can cheat you.
Be careful, girl
Or he can eat you.
Narrator: Here comes a wolf
He sees Red Riding Hood
Wolf: Hello, girl! What
Are you doing in the wood?
Red Riding Hood: I`m going to visit
My old granny
I take her pies
Wolf: Where does your granny
live? In the wood?
Please tell me this
Red Riding Hood.
Red Riding Hood: Oh yes, it`s true
Wolf: Good bye , see you.
Narrator: The Little Red Riding Hood
Goes the long road in the wood
But the wolf is in a hurry
He goes along the shortest way.
Granny: Who`s there?
Wolf: It`s me, your granddaughter.
May I come in?
Granny: Yes, pull the rope
My dear, come in.
Wolf: Who`s there?
Red Riding Hood: It`s me, your granddaughter.
May I come in?
Wolf: Yes, pull the rope
My dear, come in.
Red Riding Hood: Hello, my grandma,
These are your pies
But why have you got
Such big eyes
Wolf: I want to see you.
Red Riding Hood: And big ears?
Wolf: I want to hear you.
Red Riding Hood: And big teeth?
Wolf: I want to eat you!
Snow White: Oh, woodcutters,what a luck!
I`ve seen a girl in the wood.
She doesn`t care, she walks alone,
Woodcutter 1: Where did she go?
Woodcutter 2: What was her route?
Snow White: She didn`t listen to me
And went by a long road.
Woodcutter 1: Where did she go?
Woodcutter 2: To visit her granny?
Snow White: Yes, her granny lives over there
Let`s hurry to help her, please.
Woodcutter 1: Hands up, you naughty wolf!
Where`s Red riding Hood?
Snow White: You always do terrible things!
You must be punished forever!
Wolf: The girl and her granny are safe,
Oh, please, don`t punish me!
I will be good and nice,
So, please, forgive me.
Woodcutter 2: Do you promise to be good?
Not to frighten the wood?
Wolf : Yes, I promise!
Snow White: Let it be!
Sonow you can be free!
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