Выступление на линейке, тест о любви "День святого Валентина"
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Выступление на линейке "День святого Валентина"
Тест о любви на английском языке - раздается в этот день всем желающим, подводятся итоги
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Valentine’s Day Special
It has been said that we need
Just three things in life:
Something to do,
Something to look forward to,
And someone to love.
Legend has it that the holiday became Valentine’s Day after a priest named Valentine.
Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion.
The Emperior at that time, Claudius II, ordered the Roman soldiers NOT to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as married man, his soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars.
Valentine defied the Emperor’s decree and secretly married the young couples.
He was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and put to death.
There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine’s Day.
Some experts state that there was a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., Legend said that Valentine left a farewell.
Note for the jailer’s daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it “From Your Valentine”.
Gradually, February 14 became the date of exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers.
The word can have many different meanings, but through all these meanings, many people would agree that they want
to love and be loved.
Love is an education in itself.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Love is life… and if you miss love,
you miss life.
Leo Buscaglia
Love looks not with the eyes,
but with the mind.
And thus is winged Cupid painted blind.
William Shakespeare
Love Test
Get out your pens and paper, it’s time to put your romantic relationship to the test!
- What do you consider a romantic night out?
A. Dinner at a restaurant, then dancing.
B. Sporting event.
C. Picnic on the beach and then a walk by the water.
- How often should you send your lover flowers?
A. Once a week.
B. Once a month.
C. Once a year.
- How would you like to propose to your lover? How would you like your lover to propose to you?
A. Horse-and-carriage riding in Central Park.
B. With a singing telegram.
C. At your parents’ house on one knee.
- What would you prefer as a Valentine gift?
A. Jewelry.
B. Candle-light dinner.
C. Candy.
- How many times a week would you like to make love?
A. 1-2
B. 3-5
C. 7+
- What do you consider romantic music?
A. Jazz
B. Alternative
C. Country
D. Other
- Where would you prefer to make love?
A. Backseat of a car
B. Hot tub
C. In front of a fireplace
- Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
A. Europe
B. An island
C. Cruise
- What do you find more relaxing?
A. Reading
B. Drink and soft music
C. Bubblebath
7 – 9 Same answers: match made in heaven
4 – 6 Same answers: moderately compatible
0 – 3 Same answers: Heading for disaster.
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