Презентация на английском языке: " Ф.М. Достоевский - великий писатель России"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
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Family Father Mikhael Adreevich was a doctor of Moscow hospital for poor, he was a hereditary nobleman. In 1831 he received two villages. He was rather educated, independent and very suspicious. In 1837, after his wife’s death, he retired. According to many documents, he was killed by peasants.
Family Mother Maria Fedorovna ( Nechaeva by birth) was a very nice and kind woman. She died in 1815 from consumption ( ч ахотка). There were six children in Dostoevsky’s family: Varvara, Andrey, Vera, Nikolai, Mihael , Alexander.
The writer’s life In 1833 Dostoevsky was given together with his brother to a boarding- school. The teacher of the Russian language – Bilevich played a certain role in the spiritual life of a writer. Remembrances about boarding school served as a material for a lot of his literary works.
1837 - was very important for a writer. It was the year of his mother’s death, Pushkin died in 1837, he liked his literary works. That year he went to Petersburg and entered the engineering college, where he got a good engineering education and a good opportunity to go on with his cultural development. The writer’s life
The writer’s life In 1839 he got the information about his father’s death. He was killed by serf peasants. Later, he met Shidlovsky . He was fascinated by his romantic and religious moods.
In 1849 he was arrested because of his revolutionary views. He was a member of Petrashevsky Circle. Later, he was sent to a hard labour to Siberia. Here he fell in love with Maria Isaeva . In 1857 they got married. The writer’s life
There were two political views in cultural layers of society: “ slavyanofilstvo ” and “ zapadnichestvo ”. But Dostoevsky had his own idea” “ pochvennichestvo ”. After having been abroad, he became a monarchist. Political views
His creativity made a great influence on Russian and world literature. His literary heritage is valued in different ways in Russia and abroad. Creativity
Beauty will save the world; Life is suffocating without purpose; Fool, confessed that he is a fool is not a fool; Money is stamped freedom; A cheerful man is an outstanding feature of the person; Poverty is not a Vice. Aphorisms
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