English as an International Language
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Материал предназначен для обучающихся 7 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Содержит презентацию по теме и вопросы для обсуждения.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

English as an international language Why has English become an international language? How do you think English colonization of the world in 17th-19th centuries made good or bad for the native people? In what countries is English spoken as the first and the second language? Where is English used nowadays? What English and American writers and poets made it popular through their works ? What difficulties do you have in learning English? What methods of learning are the most effective ? Where can you use your English? Is it enough to know only one foreign language?

Слайд 2

Why has English become an international language in the middle ages Great Britain – a small island state Lack of place for farming Lack of natural resources The mightest fleet in the world The desire for travelling and discovering new lands

Слайд 3

English colonization – for or against The American Indians - “the Vanishing American” 17 th century - 1 000 000 people 19 th century – 300 000 people Driven from their hunting grounds Tribes defeated an d sent to reservations Native culture and traditions destroyed European diseases caused many deaths among the aborigines (measles, influenza)

Слайд 4

English colonization – for or against New humane religion High level of civilization Development of industry and agriculture Modern education

Слайд 5

English today The UK The USA Australia New Zealand Canada India Africa Greenland Iceland South America Thailand 350 mln – speak English as the first language 300 mln - speak English as a second language 500 mln – learn English as a foreign language

Слайд 6

Where English is used today 75% of the world”s mail is in English 60% of the world” radiostations broadcast in English 50% of the world’s periodicals are printed in English 80% of the information in the world’s computers is in English 44 countries have it as an official language

Слайд 7

Where English is used today English is the language of: Science Business Commerce Technology Aviation Shipping International sport Rock and pop music Political communication

Слайд 8

English writers Shakespear Robert Burns Walter Scott Romeo and Juliet Hamlet King Lear The 12 th Night Much Adoo About Nothing Auld lang syne Ivenhow Richard The Lion Heart

Слайд 9

American writers Mark Twain Jack London Theodor Driser Tom Soyer and Hekleberryfinn White Fang The Call of the Wild Love of Life Titan Genius American Tragedy

Слайд 10

Where can you use your English Future work Travelling abroad Making friends Working abroad Reading books Listening to music Watching foreign films Shopping

Слайд 11

Is it enough to know only one foreign language? The 21 st century is the century of polyglots Every language is equally important You are as many times a man, as many languages you know Learn foreign languages as long as you live!!!

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Why  has  English  become  an  international  language?
  2.  How  do  you  think  English  colonization  of  the  world  in  17th-19th centuries  made  good  or  bad  for  the  native  people?
  3. In  what  countries  is  English  spoken  as  the  first  and  the  second  language?
  4. Where  is  English  used  nowadays?
  5.  What  English  and  American  writers  and  poets   made  it  popular  through  their  works?
  6. What  difficulties  do  you  have  in  learning  English?  What  methods  of  learning  are  the  most  effective?
  7. Is  it  enough  to  know  only  one  foreign  language?

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