The use of modern gadgets
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
Английский язык
Тема : The use of modern gadgets. Pros and cons.
Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий;
Вид урока: урок – развитие умений говорения, совершенствования навыков аудирования, грамматических навыков.
Цели урока:
Общеобразовательный аспект — закрепление лексических единиц и употребление их в
речи; развитие навыков исследования; формирование аудитивных навыков и умений;
умение использовать речевые клише,
развивающий аспект – развитие способности к обобщению, логичности и
доказательности; развитие мышления, познавательных интересов,
воспитательный аспект — формирование познавательного интереса к новым
электронным изобретениям; развитие умений работать в малых и больших группах ,
воспитание информационной культуры учащихся, внимательности, аккуратности,
дисциплинированности, усидчивости.
Задачи урока:
1) Повторение лексических единиц.
2) Преодоление коммуникативного и эмоционального барьера при говорении на
английском языке.
3) Овладение моделями высказывания на ИЯ.
4) Развитие языковой догадки.
Оборудование: проектор, карточки для учащихся, доска, программное обеспечение: проигрыватель Windows Media
Ход урока
1) Начало урока. Оргмомент
Teacher: Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Glad to see you at our lesson. Let me introduce myself: my name is Anna Velerjevna and I’ll be your teacher today. Now I want you to say some words about yourself.
2) Повторение грамматического материала. Будущее время
Now let’s dream a little. Not so long ago we all celebrated the beginning of a new year. And of course we all have some ideas about the future. Now tell me, please, what you think about it. What will happen in the future?
3) Ознакомление с темой урока.
Now look at the slide. This is how people at the beginning of the 20th century imagined the future. As you can see they couldn’t even imagine that there would be a lot of different devices in our life. You know that now modern inventions are used in everyday life and make it easier. What are gadgets? Why does a modern man need them? And what are pros and cons of modern gadgets. This is what we are going to speak about at our lesson.
4) Повторение лексических единиц.
But, first of all let’s revise the names of modern inventions that have changed our life.
Look at the pictures on the screen and name these inventions. (Presentation slides №4-24)
- Laptop
- Digital camera
- E-book device
- MP3 music player
- Games console
- Camcorder
- Mobile phone
- A TV
- Web- camera
And now, repeat all these words after me. Very good.
Teacher: Now we’ll find out what do people use these gadgets for? You have the names of gadgets on the blackboard, read the descriptions and try to guess what it is.
a) You may take and show photos to your friends (Digital camera)
b) You may film some parties and interesting moments in your life (Camcorder)
c) You may store music files and listen to music (MP3 music player)
d) You may make and receive some calls (Mobile phone)
e) You may read electronic books (E-book device)
f) It is an electronic device used for playing computer games on a television screen (Games console)
g) You may watch the news, a DVD (A TV)
h) It is a camera based to be used on a computer for communication (Web- camera)
i) It is a personal computer for mobile use (Laptop)
You work is very good. Let’s continue our lesson.
5) Развитие навыков монологической речи с опорой на план.
And now you are going to present your own thing you can’t live without. You should describe your favorite gadget using the plan.
Plan of the description :
Useful language:
A) What is it?
B) How did you get it? My mum/dad bought (presented) it to me.
C) Description of the gadget (size, color, etc)
D) What do you use it for?
Thank you for your descriptions.
6) Физкульминутка.
Now let have a rest and do some exercises.
Teacher: So, let’s continue our lesson. Another problem is very important. It is advantages and disadvantages of using modern equipments. All of you have papers with sentence, you should read it and decide whether it’s an advantage or disadvantage of a gadget.
Advantages :
- Dealing with things has become easier.
- You can use computer, preparing your homework.
- You can forget about the queues. You can pay the bills, buy products and tickets with the help of modern gadgets and the Internet.
- With the help of your phone you can listen to music, take photos, find interesting information.
- You can communicate online with people all over the world.
- Dependency on gadgets: Nowadays, people can’t do a simple work without the help of a gadget.
- All the modern gadgets create electromagnetic fields. They cause indigestion, headaches, your eyes hurt.
- Online fraud: When you use internet for online buying, there is always a possibility of being a victim of online fraud.
- Mobile phones’ radiation influence badly on our health. Extreme use of cell phones can affect your brain and can result even into cancer.
- The gadgets are supposed to reduce the amount of stress, but they are creating more stress for people.
Your work is great. But nevertheless in spite of all advantages and disadvantages all of us have modern technologies at home. And at the end of our lesson I’d like to mention one more thing. It’s not a secret that nowadays a lot of people especially teenagers like to send messages using their mobile phones or the Internet. And now we can speak about a new language that is the Internet slang. At the last slide you can see my message to you, try to read it.
GR8 work! THX! BS! ILY! AMBW! GL! KIT!
(Great work! Thanks! Big smile! I love you! All my best wishes! Good luck! Keep in touch!)
8) Домашнее задание
And your home task is to write the advertisement for your favorite gadget using ex. 9 page 49.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The use of modern gadgets
Games console
Games console
Games console laptop
Games console laptop
Games console laptop tablet
Games console laptop tablet
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device a TV
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device Liquid crystal TV
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device Liquid crystal TV Web-camera
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device Liquid crystal TV Web-camera
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device a TV Web-camera Digital camera
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device a TV Web-camera Digital camera
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device a TV Web-camera Digital camera camcorder
Games console laptop tablet MP3-player Mobile phone E-book device a TV Web-camera Digital camera camcorder
A ) What is it? B) How did you get it? C) Describe it (size, color , etc ) D) What do you use it for? Describe your gadget
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the modern gadgets?
GR8 work! THX! BS! ILY! AMBW! GL! KIT!
What did people in Paris used this device in XX century for? Try to guess)
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