Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное 100 - летию школы
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие - вечер на английском языке ( слова для ведущих) с приглашением бывших выпускников. Вечер, посвященный юбилею У.Шекспира
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Предварительный просмотр:
The party, dedicated to the 100 th anniversary of school № 1
Presenter1 Ladies and gentlemen!
Presenter2 Dear guests! How are you! We are very moved you have come here today! It is great you are smiling. It is great you are in a very good mood. We do hope you will enjoy yourselves at our party. It will not seem to be boring for you. And we will try our best.
Presenter1 All of you surely know that our school № 1 is going to celebrate its 100 th anniversary this year. It is an event of great importance not only for our school but for the whole town too. We are delighted to tell you that there is much our school can be proud of but first of all by its school leavers. A lot of former students after finishing school decided to deal their lives with the English language and have chosen it as their future profession. Some of them have made great progress and now we know them and are proud them.
( they name the former school leavers)
Presenter 2 Speaking about our school- leavers we can, t help saying about our teachers – veterans, who devoted all their lives to school. Owing to them many of our former school - leavers have chosen a profession to their calling. They are … . Before retiring they had worked in our school more than 30 years. …is awarded a badge « For excellent achievement s in teaching». Many of their pupils have chosen English as their future profession. Also we are delighted to tell you that some of our school leavers have come here today. All of our guests speak fluent English and now we would like to introduce them to you.
(Introducing the guests)
Presenter1 Now we will ask our guests to take their seats at the table.
(addressing the guests) - Will you please tell me what you feel now having come here after so many years? Are you excited?
(addressing everybody) - What does school mean for each of us?
(addressing Announcer 2) - What is school for you?
Presenter2 School means everything for me. In the morning mother wakes me up, saying: «It is high time to go to school. In the evening again: « Do not stay till late hours you will oversleep for school in the morning or «It is time to do homework».
Presenter1 On the one hand I suppose your mother is right . You are a very great guy, but you are not in the least serious. On the other hand all the mothers are the same. Mine also likes to tell me about her school years. She says they were more hard-working, serious and reasonable than me.
Presenter2 So does mine. Sometimes she is very hard to get along with me. She has a low opinion about us. She is certain they were good all round. She likes to say they were very aimful and knew beforehand and for sure what job to deal their lives with. And you?
Presenter1 Don , t overload me with such serious problems. I do not feel like discussing it now. You may invite me on a date and we will talk on it. I think it would be much more interesting if our guests tell us something interesting from their school
(addressing the guests) - Were you sure, studying in the 11 th grade, that you would do English after school.
Speak about yourself a bit. What tempted you to study English as your future profession?
(The guests share their memories about their school days)
Presenter2 Time flies. School, lessons, games, clubs, homework… . The bell, rings you go to the classroom. The bell rings you have lunch. The bell rings you go home. But one day you will be at school for the last time. Only a few years ago we were small children and now you are going to leave school in a few months. Do you feel sorry about it?
Presenter1 To tell you the truth, I even can , t imagine that there will be the last school bell for me and I shall never come back again.
Presenter2 Wow! But I do hope you will never forget your classmates and teachers. Am I not right? Let , s ask our guests.
Presenter1 (addressing the guests) - Have you met your classmates since you left school? What do you know about them now ? What do they do ?
Presenter2 (addressing the guests) - Do you keep in touch with your classmates now? Do you keep to the tradition of gathering together?
Presenter1 Well, how do you find my English? It is fluent, isn, t it? Perhaps, in 10-15 years my school will be proud of me too. Fancy yourself I am a diplomat or I am an interpreter in the Embassy or a famous playwright.
Presenter2 You know I can predict your future. I have seen you so often on this stage that I have no doubt that in future you will make a career as an actor on the big stage and morever I am sure you will be playing in English.
Presenter1 And ,perhaps, the next question will be what part I would like to act? I know it is a tradition to ask all the actors such a question. I am sure when speaking about theatre all or almost all the actors are eager to star as «Hamlet» at least once in their lives/ But you are wrong if you think so I have always dreamt to act as Romeo. And I strongly hope my dream will come true. to life at last. Now I am leaving you. I am going to get ready for the performance. See you a bit later.
Presenter2 I will open a small secret to you. We have prepared a surprise for our guests and audience. The point is that theatre has always been very important in our school life . A lot of interesting productions were made in English on this stage. Students enjoy taking part in amateur performances. Among them there are a lot of talented ones. Who knows may be in future some of them will really become famous actors and our school will be proud of them. Talking about theatre I can, t help mentioning the 440 th anniversary of Shakespeare, the famous English playwright. And this year all the world is going to celebrate the 400 th anniversary of the first production of his tragedy. We have prepared a performance for you. We hope you will enjoy it. Thank you.
Part II
Presenter 1 One can hardly come across any other name in the world literature that could be compared with the name of William Shakespeare.
Presenter 2 He is often called by people «Our National Bard», «The Immortal Poet of Nature and the Great Unknown»
Presenter 1 The greatest and the best interpreter of the most of human nature the poet of the widest sympathies of the most profound knowledge of mankind came into the world of the pleasant town of Stratford – on Avon in April 1564. His birthday is uncertain. He was baptized on April 26, 1564, but there is nothing to prove on what day he was born . Not much is known of Shakespeare , s father John Shakespeare. He was a man of some importance in Stratford.
Presenter 2 The Poet, s mother was Mary Arden. It was her destiny to become the mother of William Shakespeare. Refully She had eight children: four sons and four daughters. William was the third child being the eldest son William was no doubt looked carefully after. The year of his birth was one of terror in Stratford for the plague spread not only in London but over other parts of England. But fortunately for mankind the plague spared the house of the Shakespeare , s.
Presenter 1 We may take it for granted that William went to a good grammar school wit . We do not know how many years he attended this school. But we do know that he had a quick and ready wit a keen perception. His poems and plays show that he was greatly influenced by the ancient Greek and Roman poets historians and orators. He knew several languages: latin Greek French Italian. Soon his father s fortunes declined and in 11578 William was taken from school.
Presenter 2 In 1582 he married Anna Hathaway who was eight years older than William. (He was 18 at that time). Whether Anne was beautiful in reality we do not know. But she was Shakespeare , s wife and so she is of interest for all ages. William had three children.
Presenter 1 Life in Stratford was hard and when Shakespeare was 21 he went to London . In London he joined a group of actors. The Famous Globe was the centre of London, s theatrical life. Shakespeare played on its stage and wrote plays for this theatre.
(the sonnet)
Presenter 2 Shakespeare wrote most of his plays for the Globe Theatre. Now I will tell you what the theatre of the 16 th century was like.
In the middle there was a kind of house. There the actors dressed and kept the things which were used in the performance/ In front of it there was a platform. This platform together with the balcony over it was the stage on which the actors played. They came out of the house to the stage through two large doors. In front of the stage there was a large yard. Round the yard there were three balconies one over the other. Both these balconies and the yard were for the people who came to see the performance. The yard and the greater part of the stage were open to the sky. The actors were often very good. They could play, sing, and dance. Women s parts were played by boys or young men. An actor often played two or three parts in one performance. Music was very important.
The performance began at 3 o clock. From its beginning till it was over people could see a flag over the theatre. The people of London loved their theatre very much. Everybody went to the theatre in London – both young and old rich and poor. Those who could not pay much for their tickets stood in the yard. If they were tired they could see on the ground. Rich men and their wives sat in their balconies and aristocrats were allowed to sit on the stage. People had no newspapers no radio or television in those days. That is why the theatre played a great part in their lives. The performance gave them great enjoyment but they came to the theatre not only for pleasure they came to hear the news to learn something of the history of England or of some other country. They were taught the great science of life.
Presenter 1 At the same time Shakespeare was an actoк , a poet and a writer of drama. He wrote 154 sonnets 2 poens and 37 plays where he showed his creative genius. A sonnet is a fourteen line poem. Shakespeare was especially good at them.
(the sonnet)
Presenter 2 The first period (1590-1600) of his creative work consists of comedies and histories. In this period Shakespeare wrote such histories as King Henry the IV King Henry V King Richard II King Richard III and others. Here the author showed historical events and dramatic characters.
Presenter 1 Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare , s best plays. It is a tragedy. It was apparently written in 1591 or in 1592 when Shakespeare was 27-28 years. It is a tragedy, but it was written in the first period of his creative work. The plot of it is one of the novels of the Italian writer Bandello. In 1559 the novel was translated into French. And in 1562 the English poet Arthur Brook took this plot for his poem Romeo and Juliet. The play is full of love, youth and humanism. «Romeo and Julie» was often staged at the theatre and it was a great success. Now we suggest seeing the scene «Under the balcony».
Presenter 2 All the Shakespeare , s famous tragedies appeared between 1600 and 1608. This was the second period of his literary work. In the plays of this period the dramatist reaches his full maturity. He presents great human problems. This period began with the tragedy Hamlet which was a great success. It is a family drama . It is a conflict of generations. Now we suggest that you should see a scene from Hamlet.
( a scene from Hamlet).
Presenter 1 The following plays belong to the second period King Lear Othello Macbeth and others. Shakespeare , s plays of the third period (1609-1611) are called Romantic dramas: The Tempest The Winter , s tale Henry VIII.
Presenter 2 In 1612 Shakespeare left London. He decided to live in Stratford. Since that time Shakespeare did not act any more and since 1613 he no longer wrote plays. Nobody knows what Shakespeare did during the last years of his life. He died on April 23 1616 and he was buried in the church in Stratford.
On Shakespeare ( to the music)
What needs my Shakespeare for his honour , d Bones,
The labour of an age in piled Stones,
Or that his hallow , d reliques should be hidden
Under a Stary pointing Pyramid?
Dear son of memory great heir of Fame
What needs, t you such weak witness of your name
You in our wonder and astonishment
Has built yourself a live –long Monument.
For while to the shame of slow – endeavouring art
Your easy numbers flow and that each heart.
Has from the leaves of your unvalued book
Those Delphic lines with deep impression took
Then you our fancy of itself bereaving
Does make us marble with too much conceiving
And so sepulchered in such pomp does lie
That king for such a tomb would wish to die
Предварительный просмотр:
The party, dedicated to the 100 th anniversary of school № 1
Presenter1 Ladies and gentlemen!
Presenter2 Dear guests! How are you! We are very moved you have come here today! It is great you are smiling. It is great you are in a very good mood. We do hope you will enjoy yourselves at our party. It will not seem to be boring for you. And we will try our best.
Presenter1 All of you surely know that our school № 1 is going to celebrate its 100 th anniversary this year. It is an event of great importance not only for our school but for the whole town too. We are delighted to tell you that there is much our school can be proud of but first of all by its school leavers. A lot of former students after finishing school decided to deal their lives with the English language and have chosen it as their future profession. Some of them have made great progress and now we know them and are proud them.
( they name the former school leavers)
Presenter 2 Speaking about our school- leavers we can, t help saying about our teachers – veterans, who devoted all their lives to school. Owing to them many of our former school - leavers have chosen a profession to their calling. They are … . Before retiring they had worked in our school more than 30 years. …is awarded a badge « For excellent achievement s in teaching». Many of their pupils have chosen English as their future profession. Also we are delighted to tell you that some of our school leavers have come here today. All of our guests speak fluent English and now we would like to introduce them to you.
(Introducing the guests)
Presenter1 Now we will ask our guests to take their seats at the table.
(addressing the guests) - Will you please tell me what you feel now having come here after so many years? Are you excited?
(addressing everybody) - What does school mean for each of us?
(addressing Announcer 2) - What is school for you?
Presenter2 School means everything for me. In the morning mother wakes me up, saying: «It is high time to go to school. In the evening again: « Do not stay till late hours you will oversleep for school in the morning or «It is time to do homework».
Presenter1 On the one hand I suppose your mother is right . You are a very great guy, but you are not in the least serious. On the other hand all the mothers are the same. Mine also likes to tell me about her school years. She says they were more hard-working, serious and reasonable than me.
Presenter2 So does mine. Sometimes she is very hard to get along with me. She has a low opinion about us. She is certain they were good all round. She likes to say they were very aimful and knew beforehand and for sure what job to deal their lives with. And you?
Presenter1 Don , t overload me with such serious problems. I do not feel like discussing it now. You may invite me on a date and we will talk on it. I think it would be much more interesting if our guests tell us something interesting from their school
(addressing the guests) - Were you sure, studying in the 11 th grade, that you would do English after school.
Speak about yourself a bit. What tempted you to study English as your future profession?
(The guests share their memories about their school days)
Presenter2 Time flies. School, lessons, games, clubs, homework… . The bell, rings you go to the classroom. The bell rings you have lunch. The bell rings you go home. But one day you will be at school for the last time. Only a few years ago we were small children and now you are going to leave school in a few months. Do you feel sorry about it?
Presenter1 To tell you the truth, I even can , t imagine that there will be the last school bell for me and I shall never come back again.
Presenter2 Wow! But I do hope you will never forget your classmates and teachers. Am I not right? Let , s ask our guests.
Presenter1 (addressing the guests) - Have you met your classmates since you left school? What do you know about them now ? What do they do ?
Presenter2 (addressing the guests) - Do you keep in touch with your classmates now? Do you keep to the tradition of gathering together?
Presenter1 Well, how do you find my English? It is fluent, isn, t it? Perhaps, in 10-15 years my school will be proud of me too. Fancy yourself I am a diplomat or I am an interpreter in the Embassy or a famous playwright.
Presenter2 You know I can predict your future. I have seen you so often on this stage that I have no doubt that in future you will make a career as an actor on the big stage and morever I am sure you will be playing in English.
Presenter1 And ,perhaps, the next question will be what part I would like to act? I know it is a tradition to ask all the actors such a question. I am sure when speaking about theatre all or almost all the actors are eager to star as «Hamlet» at least once in their lives/ But you are wrong if you think so I have always dreamt to act as Romeo. And I strongly hope my dream will come true. to life at last. Now I am leaving you. I am going to get ready for the performance. See you a bit later.
Presenter2 I will open a small secret to you. We have prepared a surprise for our guests and audience. The point is that theatre has always been very important in our school life . A lot of interesting productions were made in English on this stage. Students enjoy taking part in amateur performances. Among them there are a lot of talented ones. Who knows may be in future some of them will really become famous actors and our school will be proud of them. Talking about theatre I can, t help mentioning the 440 th anniversary of Shakespeare, the famous English playwright. And this year all the world is going to celebrate the 400 th anniversary of the first production of his tragedy. We have prepared a performance for you. We hope you will enjoy it. Thank you.
Part II
Presenter 1 One can hardly come across any other name in the world literature that could be compared with the name of William Shakespeare.
Presenter 2 He is often called by people «Our National Bard», «The Immortal Poet of Nature and the Great Unknown»
Presenter 1 The greatest and the best interpreter of the most of human nature the poet of the widest sympathies of the most profound knowledge of mankind came into the world of the pleasant town of Stratford – on Avon in April 1564. His birthday is uncertain. He was baptized on April 26, 1564, but there is nothing to prove on what day he was born . Not much is known of Shakespeare , s father John Shakespeare. He was a man of some importance in Stratford.
Presenter 2 The Poet, s mother was Mary Arden. It was her destiny to become the mother of William Shakespeare. Refully She had eight children: four sons and four daughters. William was the third child being the eldest son William was no doubt looked carefully after. The year of his birth was one of terror in Stratford for the plague spread not only in London but over other parts of England. But fortunately for mankind the plague spared the house of the Shakespeare , s.
Presenter 1 We may take it for granted that William went to a good grammar school wit . We do not know how many years he attended this school. But we do know that he had a quick and ready wit a keen perception. His poems and plays show that he was greatly influenced by the ancient Greek and Roman poets historians and orators. He knew several languages: latin Greek French Italian. Soon his father s fortunes declined and in 11578 William was taken from school.
Presenter 2 In 1582 he married Anna Hathaway who was eight years older than William. (He was 18 at that time). Whether Anne was beautiful in reality we do not know. But she was Shakespeare , s wife and so she is of interest for all ages. William had three children.
Presenter 1 Life in Stratford was hard and when Shakespeare was 21 he went to London . In London he joined a group of actors. The Famous Globe was the centre of London, s theatrical life. Shakespeare played on its stage and wrote plays for this theatre.
(the sonnet)
Presenter 2 Shakespeare wrote most of his plays for the Globe Theatre. Now I will tell you what the theatre of the 16 th century was like.
In the middle there was a kind of house. There the actors dressed and kept the things which were used in the performance/ In front of it there was a platform. This platform together with the balcony over it was the stage on which the actors played. They came out of the house to the stage through two large doors. In front of the stage there was a large yard. Round the yard there were three balconies one over the other. Both these balconies and the yard were for the people who came to see the performance. The yard and the greater part of the stage were open to the sky. The actors were often very good. They could play, sing, and dance. Women s parts were played by boys or young men. An actor often played two or three parts in one performance. Music was very important.
The performance began at 3 o clock. From its beginning till it was over people could see a flag over the theatre. The people of London loved their theatre very much. Everybody went to the theatre in London – both young and old rich and poor. Those who could not pay much for their tickets stood in the yard. If they were tired they could see on the ground. Rich men and their wives sat in their balconies and aristocrats were allowed to sit on the stage. People had no newspapers no radio or television in those days. That is why the theatre played a great part in their lives. The performance gave them great enjoyment but they came to the theatre not only for pleasure they came to hear the news to learn something of the history of England or of some other country. They were taught the great science of life.
Presenter 1 At the same time Shakespeare was an actoк , a poet and a writer of drama. He wrote 154 sonnets 2 poens and 37 plays where he showed his creative genius. A sonnet is a fourteen line poem. Shakespeare was especially good at them.
(the sonnet)
Presenter 2 The first period (1590-1600) of his creative work consists of comedies and histories. In this period Shakespeare wrote such histories as King Henry the IV King Henry V King Richard II King Richard III and others. Here the author showed historical events and dramatic characters.
Presenter 1 Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare , s best plays. It is a tragedy. It was apparently written in 1591 or in 1592 when Shakespeare was 27-28 years. It is a tragedy, but it was written in the first period of his creative work. The plot of it is one of the novels of the Italian writer Bandello. In 1559 the novel was translated into French. And in 1562 the English poet Arthur Brook took this plot for his poem Romeo and Juliet. The play is full of love, youth and humanism. «Romeo and Julie» was often staged at the theatre and it was a great success. Now we suggest seeing the scene «Under the balcony».
Presenter 2 All the Shakespeare , s famous tragedies appeared between 1600 and 1608. This was the second period of his literary work. In the plays of this period the dramatist reaches his full maturity. He presents great human problems. This period began with the tragedy Hamlet which was a great success. It is a family drama . It is a conflict of generations. Now we suggest that you should see a scene from Hamlet.
( a scene from Hamlet).
Presenter 1 The following plays belong to the second period King Lear Othello Macbeth and others. Shakespeare , s plays of the third period (1609-1611) are called Romantic dramas: The Tempest The Winter , s tale Henry VIII.
Presenter 2 In 1612 Shakespeare left London. He decided to live in Stratford. Since that time Shakespeare did not act any more and since 1613 he no longer wrote plays. Nobody knows what Shakespeare did during the last years of his life. He died on April 23 1616 and he was buried in the church in Stratford.
On Shakespeare ( to the music)
What needs my Shakespeare for his honour , d Bones,
The labour of an age in piled Stones,
Or that his hallow , d reliques should be hidden
Under a Stary pointing Pyramid?
Dear son of memory great heir of Fame
What needs, t you such weak witness of your name
You in our wonder and astonishment
Has built yourself a live –long Monument.
For while to the shame of slow – endeavouring art
Your easy numbers flow and that each heart.
Has from the leaves of your unvalued book
Those Delphic lines with deep impression took
Then you our fancy of itself bereaving
Does make us marble with too much conceiving
And so sepulchered in such pomp does lie
That king for such a tomb would wish to die
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