7 класс модуль 2
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Конспект урока по теме «Tale Time» в 7 классе на основе УМК «Английский в фокусе -7», Ю. Ваулина, О. Подоляко, В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, "Express Publishing", "Просвещение"
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Разработка урока по английскому языку в 7 классе
учитель английского языка
МБОУ гимназии № 7 г Красногорска
Николаева Майя Александровна
г Красногорск
2013 год
Цели урока:
- продолжать знакомить учащихся с ирландскими мифами, легендами, сказками и их персонажами активизируя новую лексику и пройденный грамматический материал
- приводить примеры Героев русских народных сказок и былин
- предоставить информацию об одном из ирландских писателей 19 века Оскаре Уальде и его произведении «Кентервильское привидение»
- развивать навыки монологической, диалогической, письменной речи, чтения,
- умение работать в команде
- воспитывать терпимость и уважение к окружающим,
- гордость за историю, культуру и традиции своей страны
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия:
УМК "Английский в фокусе-7", Ю. Ваулина, О. Подоляко, В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, "Express Publishing", "Просвещение"
Используемое оборудование: Мультимедийный проектор и экран, презентация учителя к уроку, презентация ученика, карточки для записи рассказов команд.
Краткое описание: В данном уроке проводится параллель между ирландским и русским литературным наследием.
Конспект урока по теме «TaleTime» в 7 классе на основе УМК «Английский в фокусе -7», Ю. Ваулина, О. Подоляко, В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, "Express Publishing", "Просвещение"
Технологии: технология современного проектного обучения, обучение в сотрудничестве, игровые технологии, технологии здоровьесбережения.
Формируемые результаты:
- Предметные: Отработка навыков чтения и понимания текста, развитие навыков аудирования, отработка взаимодействия в игровой форме
- Личностные: формирование уверенности в своих силах; снятие страха перед общением с другими детьми на английском языке.
- Регулятивные: первичное осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе ведения диалога и монологического высказывания на иностранном языке
- Коммуникативные: умение вести диалог
Teacher: Hello, my friends. We continue studying theme “Tale time” and talking about Irish Literature, its myths, legends and folk tales. And I’m going to introduce a very famous Irish writer - Oscar Wilde and his “The Centerville Ghost” later. Besides, we’ll make a parallel to Russian folk tales. And, of couse, while doing all these things we’re training our speaking, writing and reading skills.
Now open your books on page 21. Do you remember the text we read at our last lesson? Let’s check by answering my questions.
Ireland has a lot of stories. What groups do they belong to? Students: myths and legends and folk tales.
Teacher: What are myths and stories about? Students: Giants, saints, warriors and kings.
Teacher: Can you give me a name of a character from Irish myth or legend. Students: Finn Mac Cumhal.
Teacher: What is he famous for? Students: He and his warriors protected The High Kings of Ireland.
Teacher: And what are the most popular characters of Irish folk tales. Students: Fairies, elves, leprechauns, etc.
Teacher: Will you tell me about leprechaun?
Students: It’s name means “small body”, it makes shoes and has a crock filled with gold. If you catch it, it must tell you where its treasure is.
Teacher: Yes, you’re right. But imagine you meet a person from Ireland, England or Wales. He or she isn’t interested in stories of his or her country and starts asking questions about the character from folk tales of your country. So we should be ready to give such information. Here are some English equivalents of Russian characters (on the screen). We should also be able to tell something about them. We'll divide into to groups. Each group can choose a picture and write what your character looks like, what it is like, where lives and usually do.
Students: are discussing, writing down their ideas and then reading.
Now, let’s do the quiz " Russian folk tale character".
1. In most stories, these characters are helpers to humans. They play an important part in many Russian stories. In many tales, they are highly intelligent and able to communicate with people. - Clever animals. (The Wolf, Goldfish, Pike)
2. Some stories take place in an underground kingdom. - (The Three Kingdoms).
3. Where does the witch Baba Yaga live? - (in the forest in a house made of bones standing up on chicken legs)
4.Tthe evil character of Russian tales, an evil, ugly old wizard. He kidnaps the main heroine and wants to marry her against her will. As long as his soul is safe, he cannot die. His soul is hidden separate from his body inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest (sometimes the chest is crystal and/or gold), which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan, in the ocean. - (Kashchey the Deathless)
5. The well-known Russian fairy tale where Koshchey turns the young beautiful princess, his daughter into a frog as a punishment. The frog accidentally picks the arrow of Ivan Tsarevich, who had shot it along with his brothers to find a bride and becomes his wife. However Ivan Tsarevich burns the skin and looses his beautifil bride. He started to search the beautiful Princess. - (Frog Princess)
6. A magical glowing bird from a faraway land that glows brightly. - (Fire Bird)
7. Favourite characters of Russian folklore are legendary bogatyrs.
Ilya Muromets is regarded as the greatest of all the legendary bogatyrs. According to legends, Ilya, the son of a farmer, was born in the village of Karacharovo, near Murom. He suffered serious illness in his youth and was unable to walk until the age of 33 (till then he could only lie on a Russian oven), when he was miraculously healed by two pilgrims. He was then given super-human strength by a dying knight, Svyatogor, and set out to liberate the city of Kiev from Idolishche to serve Prince Vladimir the Fair Sun (Vladimir Krasnoye Solnyshko).
Dobrynya Nikitich is another popular bogatyr. He is an excellent archer, swimmer, and wrestler, plays the gusli, plays tafl, and is known for his courtesy and cunning.
Alyosha Popovich (Alexey, son of the priest), is the youngest of the 3 main bogatyrs.
8. This a funny round creature made of dough. It is baked by an old woman planning to feed her husband, but gets alive and escapes his creators. He meets various animals, all wanting to eat it and is finally eaten by the most inventive of all - the fox. (Kolobok)
Teacher: Good for you. But I’d like to remind that we’re talking about Irish literature. And one of the well-known Irish writer is Oscar Wilde. Open your books on page 23 and read about him.
Students: are reading the paragraph about Oscar Wilde. Ex 1 p 23
Teacher: I’m sure you know about his tale “The Canterville Ghost” in which a young girl save the soul of poor ghost. If you don’t understand what I mean the text will help you. Ex 2 p 23
Teacher: Before we start reading an extract from the tale, I'd like you to listen to this extract. After listening and reading and complete the sentences in Ex 3 p 23.
Now we know a little about Irish myths, legends, folk stories and writers. But we are also very proud of Russian folk tales and writers and poets.
Your home task is to write about Russian writer or poet.
You’ve worked hard today. Thank you and goodbye!
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