Презентация к уроку в 9 классе My country in the world УМК Кузовлев В.П. Un 6 Lesson 1
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Презентация к уроку в 9 классе My country in the world УМК Кузовлев В.П. Un 6 Lesson 1. What does the world know about your country?
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What does the world know about your country? What is the official view of Britain like? What aspects of British life is it about?
Vocabulary a link to trade goods to rank a standard of living a field an institution throughout enormous связь торговать товар быть в числе уровень жизни область, сфера учреждение везде огромный democratic industrial economy exporter Listen and read the text, find the sentences with the new words and translate them
Answer the questions What kind of country is Britain? What are Britain’s international links? What makes Britain one of the largest exporters? Do British people have a high standard of living? Why do young people from different parts of the world come to study in Britain? In what fields has Britain influenced the world?
Did the young people have positive or negative opinions about Britain? 1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the correct form. 2. Give the answers in indirect speech. Eg . Barbara from Poland has a positive / negative opinion about Britain. She thinks that … has influenced rank throughout is not ranked goods economy standard of living reputation links member trade enormous
Your foreign friends want to learn more about your country. Answer the questions about Russia. Use the Fact File on p. 143 What kind of country is Russia? What are Russia’s international links? What makes Russia one of the largest exporters? Do Russian people have a high standard of living? Do young people from different parts of the world come to study in Russia? In what fields has Russia influenced the world?
Homework Упр. 2 стр. 112-113 АВ
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