Презентация к уроку "Just a note..." в 5 классе (Spotlight 5)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Spotlight 5. Урок 93.
Модуль 10: Holidays.
Урок (3): Just a note...
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Speak about health matters (problems) Learn new words Revise modal verbs should/ shouldn’t Revise Future Simple Write notes
stoma С h ache BACK
I have got/He has got… A headache A stomachache Toothache Earache
What’s the matter with him?
What’s the matter with her?
What’s the matter with him?
What’s the matter with her?
What’s the matter with him?
Should/shouldn’t Глагол «следует / не следует» Глагол should/shouldn’t употребляется для того, чтобы дать совет. You should take some pills. You shouldn’t drink cold water
My notes: Birthday party Shopping list To-do list Books to read Movies to watch Appointment ( doctor, dentist, lawyer…) Events Fridge notes Office notes etc .
Vicky Got 4 free tickets for tomorrow evening! Want to go? Play starts at 7.30. Why not me in café at night at 7? Inviting Rachel & Mark too. Hope you can come. Phone if you can’t make it. Pete ххх
1. I’ve got four tickets for tomorrow evening! 2. Do you want to go? 3. The play starts at 7.30. 4. Why don’t you meet me in the café at seven? 5. I’m inviting Rachel and Mark too. 6. I hope you can come. 7. Could you phone me if you can’t make it?
TRAIN YOUR BRAIN SHORT NOTES/MESSAGES 1. In short messages we don ’ t usually write: Greetings and polite expression like Hi, I hope you ’ re well Unimportant information 2. We often leave out: Pronouns like I, you, my I hope you can come. Auxiliary verbs like do, have at the start of the sentences. Do you fancy ..? The definite article (the) The play starts … 3. We often use the Imperative in short notes. Phone if you can’t come. 4. We must write the important details of the message like the place and the time of the meeting.
1. See you outside theatre at 8 o’clock. 2. Going to the club tonight. Want to come? 3. Going home on Friday? 4. Fancy playing football tomorrow? 5. Arriving at the station at half six. Wait under clock.
Martin Gone to lunch – back in half an hour. Sal 1 Kerry Boss phoned – left early! Your sandwiches are in fridge! Mum 2 Pete Great news! Would love to go. See you at 7 at station. Mark 3 Sal Borrowed your calculator. Hope you don’t mind. Rachel 4
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