Тест (Starlight 10) Модуль 1
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Приказчикова Татьяна Александровна

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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Read the text. For gaps 1-7, choose A, B, C or D to complete each gap correctly.

Working towards a Dream

Most of us have fantasised about meeting our favourite actor, and I’m no different.  Although I’m still in high school, I often dream of making films in New York City alongside one of Hollywood’s superstars. I also have a 1) ……. for being quite ambitious and I guess that’s one of the reasons why I joined the school’s drama club. The drama club taught me a great deal about theatrical productions and has also 2) ……. wonders for my acting skills. Our school has a long tradition in drama and theatrical performances. In fact, our drama club works together with professional theatre companies that 3) ……. workshops for our drama students. Last year, our school staged Oliver Twist and I was Nancy. Performing in front of a live audience is one of the most intense feelings I have 4) ……. experienced in my life. This year our annual school production will be Romeo and Juliet and I will play the 5) ……. of Juliet! Performing Shakespeare is not easy, especially Romeo and Juliet which is 6) ……. in Italy in the 1500s. Nevertheless, we are all extremely excited as we know that the 7) ……. will be packed with people! I don’t expect to become a star overnight, of course, but I do hope we keep the audience entertained and amused!

  1. You are going to read an article. For statements 8-14, choose A, B, C or D to complete each statement correctly.

The Wonder of Bollywood

‘Hollywood’ is a household name. This small district of Los Angeles, California is the centre of the American film industry and the reason for the sale of over 2.6 billion cinema ticket every year. Most of the films we watch, whether they are blockbuster action films or low-budget dramas, come straight out of Hollywood. But have you ever heard of ‘Bollywood’? ‘Bollywood’ is the name given to the Hindi language film industry based in Mumbai, India. Contrary to popular belief, it far outperforms Hollywood. Last year alone, over 1000 films were produced and 4 billion cinema tickets were sold, showing that Indian cinema is far more powerful than people think.

Many likely Bollywood fans are often concerned that they will not be able to understand the language used in the films. But there is no need to worry. Although the scripts have historically been written in Hindi, more and more films use the English language, showing India’s respect for the languages that make up its culture. You will also find that most films come with English language subtitles. The ‘language barrier’ shouldn’t stop a viewer from enjoying some first-class films.

So what do you get out of a Bollywood film? It is very difficult to define a film as belonging to a certain category, because there is no such thing as a typical Bollywood film. Indians tend to describe the films by using the Hindustani word, ‘Masala’ (meaning ‘spice mixture’). The plots sometimes focus on the drama of a love triangle, but they can also be packed with laugh-out-loud comedy or edge-of-your-seat action. The only guarantee is that a Bollywood film won’t end without several catchy song and dance routines.

Many Bollywood films are over three hours long. Some people might think that this is too long, but there is a good explanation. You would be forgiven for thinking it’s due to complicated storylines, but the film companies say it’s far simpler than that. They say the aim is not to draw in bigger audiences, but to give you, the audience, your ‘money’s worth’. If you are going to spend good money on a ticket, the film should be exciting, funny, scary, dramatic, musical… Anything you want!

As in Hollywood, there is no shortage of aspiring young actors and actresses hoping to get a role in the next blockbuster. They set off to Mumbai with dreams of becoming stars. Big shot film producers and casting agents are always looking out for new talent. Of course, the vast majority never ‘make it big’, but there are a few exceptions. India has its own Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolies – spectacular actors who make up all-star casts and ensure you have a truly enjoyable viewing experience!

Shilpa Shetty is the perfect example of a Bollywood megastar. A picture of beauty and raw acting talent, she has achieved success beyond the borders of India, most notably in the UK following her appearance on the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ TV series. Since then she has turned down roles in several British TV shows. Instead, she has returned to Mumbai and continues to shoot films in the land that made her a star.

Bollywood is not just for the Indian audience. Although it took a long time to become popular in other countries, Bollywood is hugely popular in Russia and Eastern Europe. And although audience numbers in Western Europe and the Americas are only now growing, it has already taken Africa and Asia by storm. As world cinema changes, don’t get left behind. Once you get into Bollywood, you’ll never want to stop watching.

Line 23

        8        The writer says that ‘contrary to popular belief’,

                A        more Hollywood films are made than Bollywood films.

                B        more Bollywood films  are made that Hollywood films.

                C        more people see Hollywood films each year.

                D         more people see Bollywood films each year.

        9        The writer says that the films

                A         cannot be understood by most people nowdays.

                B         have always been in Hindi and this will continue.

                C        increasingly use the English language.

                D        do not reflect the variety of languages spoken in India.

        10        The writer thinks that a common element of Bollywood films is

                A        comedy scenes.                                                         C        musical sequences.

                B         action scenes.                                                                D        that there are no common elements.

        11        The writer says the films are long in order to

                A        ensure good value for money.

                B        provide a complex plot.

                C        get bigger audiences.

                D        get the audience to spend more money on tickets.

        12        The ‘they’ the writer refers to in line 23 are

                A        young actors and actresses.                                 C        producers.

                B        Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.                                D        casting agents.

        13        The writer seems to think that Shilpa Shetty

                A        was foolish to turn down roles on British television.

                B        is an attractive and gifted actress.

                C        should shoot more films in India.

                D        is a bigger success in the UK than she is in India.

        14        According to the writer, Bollywood is still becoming popular in

                A        Eastern Europe.                                                                C        Africa and Asia.

                B        Russia.                                                                                        D        Western Europe and the Americas.

  1.         Read the text and complete gaps 15-20 with the correct derivative of each word in capitals.

Underwater Hockey

Underwater hockey, or Octopush, is a fast-paced 15) …………….. sport played at the bottom of a swimming pool. It was invented by divers in England and it is 16) …………….. becoming a sport that is drawing a lot of attention. Players wear a diving mask, fins, 17) ……………..  gloves and a snorkel. Playing underwater hockey is quite challeging. The object of the game is to use a small stick to push the puck into a tray which acts as the opponents’ goal. Knowing when to dive and when to return to the surface for air is part of the game’s strategy. Although there are ten 18) …………….. in each team, only six are allowed in the water. As a result, player substitutions can happen at any time, increasing the speed and 19) …………….. of the game. Underwater hockey is growing in 20) …………….. and is a very exciting team water sport.







  1. Fill in: estimated, wandering, opening, opportunity, crowded, bumpy, reputation, volunteers, condition, crept.

        21        By 10 am, the city streets were noisy and ……………………….. .

        22        Driving over the ……………………….. road made her feel quite sick.

        23        We spent the entire day ……………………….. around the zoo.

        24        Two of the burns victims were still in critical ……………………….. last night.

        25        Mike Maxwell ……………………….. at a shelter for the homeless.

        26         The play’s ……………………….. night was a huge success.

        27        I had the ……………………….. to go to Paris and study.

        28        The thief ……………………….. around the house without making a noise.

        29        The company has a ……………………….. for high-quality service.

        30        Her fortune was recently ……………………….. at £37 million.

  1. Complete the phrases with the following words: tight, heart, package, rough, exchange.

        31        ………………….        seas

        32        ………………….        programme

        33        ………………….        deal

        34        ………………….        budget

        35        ………………….        defect

  1. Fill in: off (x2), with, for, on. 

        36        Jamaica is famous ……………. its beaches and warm climate.

        37        Nancy is very keen ……………. playing tennis.

        38        The plane took ……………. on time and we arrived in London at 2:30.

        39        When I left for Europe, Tony came to see me ……………. at the airport.

        40         She is obsessed ……………. her weight and keeping fit.

  1. Join the sentences. Use relatives.

        41        John is my cousin. He is a magician.

        42        York is a city. It is in the north of England.

        43        Mark Jacobs is the author. His book became a best seller.

        44        Dennis is going to Paris. He will visit the Eiffel Tower there.  

45  This is the piano. He bought it at an auction.

  1. Read the text and complete gaps 46-52 with the correct form and tense of each verb in capitals.

A Once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity


Dogs have been man’s best friends for centuries. Even today, they 46) …………….. just companions, but also the only means of travel for many people who live in the Arctic. In parts of Greenland, for instance, dog sledding still 47) …………….. a major role in people’s lives as an essential mode of transport during the winter and spring.

Although dog sledding 48) …………….. hundreds of years ago and was used for hunting and travel, today it is mainly used to promote tourism, especially through sled tours. Dog sledding is one of the best ways for visitors to enjoy the amazing arctic scenery. Most people may 49) …………….. about dog sledding, but actually experiencing it is completely different. In fact, many countries in the Arctic Circle 50) …………….. dog sled tours for decades. Some of them include catching a glimpse of icebergs and glaciers by day, and 51) …………….. in tents on the sea ice at night.

A visit to the Arctic region is a life-long dream for many travellers. Dog sledding tours have a thrill and excitement that is incomparable to other adventure holidays. Without a doubt, dog sledding 52) …………….. to fascinate tourists in the future.









Test 1a

1.                1        B                                        3        C                                                5        C                                                7        B

                                2        D                                        4        A                                                6        A        

2.                8        D                                                10        C                                                12        A                                                14        D

                        9        C                                                11        A                                                13        B                


3.                15        competitive                                                        18        players

                        16        quickly                                                                                        19        excitement

                        17        protective                                                                20        popularity

4.                26        opening                                                                         21        crowded

                        27        opportunity                                                 22        bumpy

                        28        crept                                                                                                23        wandering

                        29        reputation                                                                24        condition

                        30        estimated                                                         25volunteers

5.                31        rough

      32        exchange

      33        package                                                                        

                        34        tight                                                                                                 

      35        heart


6.                        36        for          37        on                 38        off                 39        off    40         with                

7.                41        John, who is a magician, is my cousin. /John, who is my cousin, is a magician.

                        42        York is a city which is in the north of England.

                        43        Mark Jacobs is the author whose book became a best seller.

                        44        Dennis is going to Paris where he will visit the Eiffel Tower.

                        45        This is the piano which/that he bought at an auction.

8.                46        are not                                                                        50        have been organising

                        47        plays                                                                                        51        sleeping

                        48        was developed                        52        will continue

                        49        have read

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