Тест №1 (Модуль№1) УМК "Spotlight-11"
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Данильянц Елена Михайловна

Лексико-грамматический Тест #1 к Модулю№1 -УМК "Spotlight-11"


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST-1 (Module№1)


1)Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of Module №1:

1. Я уверен, что в нашей большой семье я могу положиться на каждого.

2. Терпеть не могу, когда люди выставляют напоказ чужие достижения.

3. У майка высокая температура. Боюсь, что он подхватил грипп.

4. Почему ты не зайдешь в пятницу?

5. Для Джейка типично не принимать во внимание интересы других.

6. Детям следует заботиться о своих родителях и проявлять уважение к ним.

2) Fill in the gaps with the proper word from the list below:

Swarm, generation, flock, approves, origin, brought up, takes, agrees, remains, picked on.

1. Although Patrick works long hours, his family still ______ priority over his work.

2. Mary rarely_________ with her friend’s views, but this doesn’t affect their friendship.

3. The ________ of bees that had gathered around us at the park spoiled our picnic.

4. Tony is of Italian __________ , but he grew up in England.

5.  As a teenager, Stella had a strange taste in clothes, so she was __________ quite often.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Form:

1. What’s the matter? Why _________(you / look) at me?

2. I’m tired. I __________( not sleep) enough lately.

3.  The cake _______(taste) great. Can I have another piece?

4. We can’t buy the tickets. We ________ (already / spend) all our money.

5. How often __________( you/have) English lessons?

6. Please be quiet!  You _____________(always/ complain) about something.

  1. FUTURE TENSES. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form.

1. I’m going on holiday to Majorca. This time next week I _______(lie) in the sun.

2. I’m sure Jim _______(get)  the job.

3. Watch out! You ______________(crash) into the tree.

4. The film _________(start) at 6 pm.

5. I________(see) the dentist this afternoon.


A) Complete the sentences using USED TO or WOULD. In some cases both are possible.

1. That building _______ (be) a school.

2. When I was younger, I __________(go) fishing every Saturday.

3. Years ago, she __________ (have) long hair.

4.  David  ____________(live) in that house.

5. Grandma ________(get up)  early and watch the sun rise every morning.

6. My aunt _________( visit) us every Sunday when she was still in London.

7. He ________(be) an excellent swimmer when he was young.

B) Choose the correct verb form.

1. Back in France I used to / am used to live with my parents.

2. I’m used to travelling / used to travel long distances.

3. I’m not used to prepare / preparing my own meals but now I don’t have a choice.

4. I can’t used to / get used to living in this noisy neighbourhood.

5. Everyone in my family is a vegetarian, so I got used to eat / eating vegetables every day.

C) 1. Rewrite the following sentences with used to/didn’t use to or would/wouldn’t. In some cases both used to and would are possible.

1.  In the 1980s only a small number of people knew how to use the Internet, now it’s very different.

2.  Every time he came to visit me in Warsaw my friends gave a part

3. When Susan was a student she never talked about her friends behind their backs.


Write the description of the teacher you remember most from primary school using the plan below:


 Para 1.              – name and when /where / how you met

 Para 2.              -  physical appearance

 Para 3.              -  personality / interests / achievements      

 Para 4.              -  why you still remember this teacher      

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