Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Тестирование по английскому языку для 5 класса в рамках промежуточной аттестации по УМК К.Ю. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман
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Предварительный просмотр:
на заседании ШМО зам. директора по УВР директор МАОУ СОШ № 19
__________________ __________________ ________А.М. Лобанов
«___»_________20___г «__»__________ 20____ г. « __»__________ 20____г.
Диагностическая работа
по _английскому языку_
(в рамках промежуточной аттестации)
5 класс
учитель Коновалова С.Ю._
2015 - 2016 учебный год
I вариант
Прослушайте диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений 1-6 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 -True), а какие не соответствуют (2 -False). Обведите номер верного ответа. |
1. Camilla is going to be happy in the village.
1) True 2) False
2. Daisy is going to be lonely without her friend.
1) True 2) False
3. High Brooms is very far from London.
1) True 2) False
4. Schools are better in London.
1) True 2) False
5. Camilla is not going to live in a big house.
1) True 2) False
6. Life in the village is not very expensive.
1) True 2) False
7. Camilla is going to have a dog.
1) True 2) False
8. The school in High Brooms is not very good.
1) True 2) False
9. Daisy is going to visit her friend Camilla.
1) True 2) False
10. The air is dirty in the village.
1) True 2) False
Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 11 – 18 обведите номер (1- true, 2 - false или 3 - no information), соответствующий верному варианту ответа. |
The girl’s letter
Hi, friends. My name is Jessie. I live in Suffolk. I think it’s the sunniest county in England.
Right now spring is nearly over. I like these long days. You can do so much. The sky is blue, the trees are green. In England spring starts in February. The parks and gardens are so colourful, with white and yellow daffodils and red tulips.
The grass is green all year round. My favourite tree is the magnolia. The big white flowers look so beautiful.
Summer is sometimes really warm in Suffolk. It’s very sunny and bright. My neighbours grow fantastic roses of all colours: red, pink, white, yellow and even blue!
I love going to the seaside in summer. I sit down with a book and enjoy the fresh sea air. In July we can even swim in the sea, but usually it’s very cold.
Autumn is a beautiful season, too, with clear sky and red and yellow leaves. But I don’t really like late autumn. The days are short and it often rains.
In winter there’s usually no snow, but sometimes we have a white Christmas. The temperature is usually warm , but it can be cold with the strong wind and rain.
11. In England spring starts in February.
12. In England the grass is always green.
13. The sea in England is always warm.
14. The English like to swim in the sea.
15. Jessie likes Christmas trees.
16. Jessie’s favourite tree is the magnolia.
17. In England there’s usually a lot of snow on Christmas Day.
18. English weather is warm.
Выберите правильный ответ. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18-29. |
19. - Can you ____________ the piano?
a) plays b) playing c) play
20. - No, I _____________, but I ___________ the guitar.
a) can/can’t b) don’t/do c) can’t/can
21. - This is a very nice house. It’s ___________building in our town.
a) the beautifullest b) the most beautiful c) the beautiful
22. - My little sister usually ____________early.
a) get up b) gets up c) is getting up
23. – Really? _________she _________to school?
a) does/go b) is/going c) does/goes
24. My mother’s father lives in Moscow. My _____________is my best friend.
a) dad b) grandpa c) granny
25. Where can I get my boarding card? – Go to ____________.
a) the check-in desk b) passport control c) security control
26. My birthday is ___________20 October.
a) at b) in c) on
27. Edinburgh is the __________of Scotland.
a) capital b) city c) museum
28. –What’s the weather ________?
a) - b) doing c) like
29. Summer ___________start in June.
a) holidays b) school c) –
Выберите правильную форму глагола to be вместо пропуска . Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 30-36. |
30. Where ________ you?
31. I_________in the kitchen.
32. Where __________ Liza and John?
33. They _________ at college.
34. Mike ___________ busy.
35. He __________ the busiest person I have ever met.
36. We _______ interested in classical music.
Составь 2 предложения и напиши их.
37*. like/you/do/tennis/playing (?)
38*. usually/TV/Andy/watch/doesn’t (.)
Образуй отрицательное предложение
39*. Mary reads well.
Задай общий вопрос к предложению
40*. They get up at 7 o’clock.
II вариант
Прослушайте диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений 1-6 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 -True), а какие не соответствуют (2 -False). Обведите номер верного ответа. |
1. Camilla is going to be happy in the village.
1) True 2) False
2. Daisy is going to be lonely without her friend.
1) True 2) False
3. High Brooms is very far from London.
1) True 2) False
4. Schools are better in London.
1) True 2) False
5. Camilla is not going to live in a big house.
1) True 2) False
6. Life in the village is not very expensive.
1) True 2) False
7. Camilla is going to have a dog.
1) True 2) False
8. The school in High Brooms is not very good.
1) True 2) False
9. Daisy is going to visit her friend Camilla.
1) True 2) False
10. The air is dirty in the village.
1) True 2) False
Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 11 – 18 обведите номер (1- true, 2 - false или 3 - no information), соответствующий верному варианту ответа. |
I’m from Edinburgh . It’s the biggest Scottish city and also it is capital, but Scotland is part of the United Kingdom now . Much of Edinburgh is very old, but it is also a beautiful and modern city . Its streets aren’t always clean, but the air is nice and fresh and there are lots of flowers and trees with blossoms in the city. We’ve also got a lot of very interesting modern building and our old university is one of the best in the country. The most famous part of the city is, of course, the Royal Mile in the Old Town. People from all over the world visit it. There are little shops, cafes, restaurants and a lot of museums there. At nights tourists can go on excursions underground and see the small houses of the poorest people from a different time, but I don’t recommend them. These excursions are very scary.
The most beautiful place is Edinburgh Castle. It stands on a large rock. Castle visitors learn a lot about the history of Edinburgh and get great views of the Old Town and the rest of the city.
Edinburgh is famous for its annual (ежегодный) festival. It is the largest arts festival in the world. Theatre companies and actors from different countries come to dance, sing and perform in Edinburgh’s theatres and streets. The festival is always in the month of August, so come and visit us then.
11. Edinburgh is the capital of England.
12. The Stone of Destiny is one of the most important relics in Scottish history.
13. There are a lot of flowers in Edinburgh.
14. People from all over the world visit Edinburgh every year.
15. Edinburgh is a very old city.
16. Edinburgh University is one of the worst in the country.
17. The most beautiful place in Edinburgh Castle.
18. Edinburgh is famous for its buses.
Выберите правильный ответ. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18-29. |
19. I know Mary. She always __________to school late.
a) comes b) come c) is going to come
20. My new flat is __________ than my old flat.
a) big b) bigger c) more big
21. – I ___________ a secret. Do you want to know it?
a) have got b) has got c) is got
22. – No, you ___________ tell me. It’s a secret!
a) must b) needn’t c) mustn’t
23. - ____________you ____________in architecture?
a) do/interest b) are/interested c) is/interesting
24. I’m going to Canada. – You are going to need your warm ___________: two sweaters,
a winter jacket and a warm cap.
- rucksack b) shirts c) clothes
25. Mary has a very interesting _________. She likes horse-riding.
a) secret b) hobby c) subject
26. I ____________my birthday with my family and friends.
a) celebrate b) invite c) decorate
27. __________Russia it’s usually cold _________December.
a) in/at b) in/in c) in/on
28. We don’t go to school on _________.
a) Sunday b) Monday c) Friday
29. That part of the city is ________.
a) cheap b) expensive c) quiet
Выберите правильную форму глагола to be вместо пропуска . Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 30-36. |
30. Where ______ Fred ?
31. _________ you busy?
32. No I _______ not.
33. We_________ interested in classical music.
34. They _______ not at the office at the moment.
35. I__________ not very well today.
36. Where_________the keys? In your jacket.
Составь 2 предложения и напиши их.
37*. school/never/on/we/to/Sundays/go (.)
38*. runs/morning/she/in/always/the (.)
Образуй отрицательное предложение
39*. My grandparents live in London.
Задай общий вопрос к предложению
40*. Robin drinks tea for breakfast.
I вариант
1 – 1
2 - 1
3 – 2
4 – 1
5 – 2
6 – 1
7 – 1
8 – 2
9 – 1
10 – 2
11 – 1
12 – 1
13 – 2
14 – 3
15 – 3
16 – 1
17 – 2
18 – 3
Лексика и грамматика
19 – с
20 – c
21 – b
22 – b
23 – a
24 – b
25 – a
26 – c
27 – a
28 – c
29 – a
30 – are
31 – am
32 – are
33 – are
34 – is
35 – is
36 – are
37* - Do you like to playing tennis?
38* - Andy usually doesn’t watch TV.
39* - Mary doesn’t read well.
40* - Do they get up at 7 o’clock?
II вариант
1 – 1
2 - 1
3 – 2
4 – 1
5 – 2
6 – 1
7 – 1
8 – 2
9 – 1
10 – 2
11 – 2
12 – 3
13 – 1
14 – 3
15 – 1
16 – 2
17 – 1
18 – 2
Лексика и грамматика
19 – a
20 – b
21 – a
22 – c
23 – b
24 – c
25 – b
26 – a
27 – b
28 – a
29 – c
30 – is
31 – are
32 – am
33 - are
34 – are
35 – am
36 – are
37* - We never go to school on Sundays.
38* - She always runs in the morning.
39* - My grandparents don’t live in London.
40* - Does Robin drinks tea for breakfast?
Критерии оценивания работ
За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 36 при наличии всех правильных ответов на задания с 1 по 36. Задания с 37 по 40 являются дополнительными, т.к. они сложнее, то оцениваются в 2 балла.
При наличии ошибок в диагностической работе у учащихся предлагается следующая шкала оценивания:
90% - 33 балла – 36 баллов –“5”
75% - 32 балла – 27 баллов - “4”
50% - 26 баллов – 18 баллов - “3”
17 баллов и меньше – «2»
промежуточной аттестации
по ___английскому языку________________
от _16.05.2016 г
в ___5 А__ классе
№ | ФИ | оценка |
1. | Бычков Никита | 3 |
2. | Виноградова Ксения | 3 |
3. | Гальянский Виктор | 3 |
4. | Гурьянова Екатерина | 3 |
5. | Долгов Алексей | 3 |
6. | Ионкина Анастасия | 3 |
7. | Калинина Анна | 3 |
8. | Колесникова Алиса | 3 |
9. | Лёвкина Виктория | 3 |
10. | Маркина Наталья | 4 |
11. | Никитин Даниил | 3 |
12. | Оплетина Ариана | 3 |
13. | Полосухина Татьяна | 4 |
14. | Полякова Полина | 3 |
15. | Прокофьева Ксения | 4 |
16. | Тимакова Мария | 3 |
17. | Тимонина Ева | 3 |
18. | Шинкаренко Валерия | 3 |
Председатель аттестационной комиссии ___________ Лихачёва Е.В.
Учитель ___________ Коновалова С.Ю.
Ассистент ___________ Матвеева Н.А.
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