Материалы промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку (базовый уровень) учащихся 10 класса.
методическая разработка (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме
Материалы промежуточной аттестации составлены по темам, изученным в учебном году в соответствии с программными требованиями.
Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (базовый уровень) для учащихся 10 класса состоит из двух частей: письменная и устная.
Письменная работа проводится с целью контроля у учащихся:
- лексико-грамматических умений и навыков;
- комплексного умения читать текст с полным пониманием содержания прочитанного.
В первом задании предполагается работа по чтению текста. учащимся следует прочитать текст об изобретениях Николы Теслы и выполнить задание после него.
Во втором задании, состоящем из трёх частей, учащимся необходимо сделать правильный выбор и дополнить пропуски в предложениях.
Следующий лексический и грамматический материал, изученный в 10 классе, включен в содержание лексико-грамматического текста:
- словообразование, при помощи суффиксации трансформировать глаголы в имена существительные;
- заполнив пропуски, записать слово в нужной видовременной форме;
- соотнести словосочетания на английском языке их с переводом, данным в произвольном порядке.
На выполнение письменной работы отводится 40 минут. За верное выполнение каждого задания с выбором ответа и с кратким ответом учащийся получает 1 балл. Если в кратком ответе сделана орфографическая ошибка, ответ считается неверным. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны.
Устная часть представляет собой контроль монологического высказывания по темам «Цивилизация и прогресс» и «Мир возможностей».
После ответа учащийся отвечает на 2-3 вопроса по тесту.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Материалы промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку
(базовый уровень) учащихся 10 класса.
Пояснительная записка
Обучение английскому языку в 10 классе ведется по рабочей программе по учебному предмету «Английский язык» для учащихся 10-11 классов (базовый уровень), составленной на основе примерной программы по английскому языку основного общего образования (Письмо МОН РФ №03-1263 от 07.07.2005г.) с учётом авторской программы Английский с удовольствием. “Enjoy English” для 2-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Рекомендована МОН РФ. Обнинск: Титул, 2008г.
Используемый УМК:
Учебник: М.З.Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, Н.Д. Снежко. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 10 кл.общеобраз.учрежд.- 2-е изд- Обниск: Титул, 2011 рекомендован МОН РФ
Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь №1 к учебнику для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.- Обниск: Титул, 2008
Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь №2 «Контрольные работы» к учебнику для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.- Обниск: Титул, 2012.
Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: Книга для учителя к учебнику Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 10 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012.
Материалы промежуточной аттестации составлены по темам, изученным в учебном году в соответствии с программными требованиями.
Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку (базовый уровень) для учащихся 10 класса состоит из двух частей: письменная и устная.
Письменная работа проводится с целью контроля у учащихся:
- лексико-грамматических умений и навыков;
- комплексного умения читать текст с полным пониманием содержания прочитанного.
В первом задании предполагается работа по чтению текста. учащимся следует прочитать текст об изобретениях Николы Теслы и выполнить задание после него.
Во втором задании, состоящем из трёх частей, учащимся необходимо сделать правильный выбор и дополнить пропуски в предложениях.
Следующий лексический и грамматический материал, изученный в 10 классе, включен в содержание лексико-грамматического текста:
- словообразование, при помощи суффиксации трансформировать глаголы в имена существительные;
- заполнив пропуски, записать слово в нужной видовременной форме;
- соотнести словосочетания на английском языке их с переводом, данным в произвольном порядке.
На выполнение письменной работы отводится 40 минут. За верное выполнение каждого задания с выбором ответа и с кратким ответом обучающийся получает 1 балл. Если в кратком ответе сделана орфографическая ошибка, ответ считается неверным. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны.
Устная часть представляет собой контроль монологического высказывания по темам «Цивилизация и прогресс» и «Мир возможностей».
После ответа обучающийся отвечает на 2-3 вопроса по тесту.
«5» | Тема раскрыта в полном объеме, используемый лексико-грамматический материал соответствует коммуникативной задаче. Учащийся демонстрирует большой словарный запас и владение разнообразными грамматическими структурами. Учащийся демонстрирует навыки и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером в полном объеме. |
«4» | Тема в целом раскрыта. Используемый лексико-грамматический материал в целом соответствует коммуникативной задаче, Лексические и грамматические ошибки практически отсутствуют, однако наблюдаются повторы речевых и грамматических конструкций. Учащийся в целом демонстрирует навыки и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером. |
«3» | Тема раскрыта не в полном объеме. Учащийся не вполне логично строит сообщение. Учащийся делает многочисленные языковые ошибки или допускает ошибки, затрудняющие понимание. Учащийся демонстрирует плохо сформированные навыки и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером. |
«2» | Задание не выполнено. Используемый лексико-грамматический материал не позволяет выполнить коммуникативную задачу. Учащийся не может сделать сообщение |
Критерии оценивания:
Письменная работа: 26 – 23 балла (100 - 90%) - «5»
22 – 18 баллов (89- 70%) -«4»
17 – 13 баллов (69 -50 %)- «3»
12 баллов и меньше (49% и менее) - «2»
Материалы промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку учащихся 10-го класса (базовый уровень).
Вариант I
Part I Reading
Read the article and choose the correct answer.
Nicola Tesla.
For some reason his name is not widely known though he could join the company of the most famous scholars like Edison and Newton. He achieved remarkable results in mechanics, engineering, electricity, magnetism, and energy transmitting. His researches and his astonishing discoveries could have accelerated the science and technological progress tremendously, but they didn't.
The bulk of his theories and drafts were never implemented. Lots of his theoretical and engineering works were either never published, or lost, or just vanished and even the family weren't able to trace the track of the papers.
The oblivion and rare references in scientific and popular science journals could have been caused by different reasons, his complicated and controversial personality included, but anyone who is keen on physics is very well familiar with his name - Tesla is the unit to measure magnetic induction or magnetic flux, and is used to define the intensity of magnetic fields.
Nicola Tesla was born in 1856 and died in 1943. Serbian by origin, he spent most of his life in the United States and his life there was very diverse. He did unskilled jobs to feed himself and to generate money for research. He was vice president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. He cherished his friendship with Mark Twain and argued severely with Edison.
He had a photographic memory, was fluent in about eight languages and was claimed to suffer from mental disorder at the end of his life. Data about him is rather controversial. According to some documents, it was he who invented the radio and designed radio controlled devices. There is evidence that at the very end of the nineteenth century Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat at the electrical exhibition in the United States, though radio-controlled devices were not used till the middle of the twentieth century. Even more stunning and unbelievable were Tesla's experiments with electricity.
Tesla supposed that it was possible to generate electricity from atmosphere and to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances. He had a specially equipped laboratory in Colorado Springs, State Colorado, the USA, where he experimented with electricity. According to his biographers the results were astonishing.
Tesla was able to create artificial lightning, much more powerful than the natural thing, and made it move in a certain direction, to a precisely calculated destination. If that had been true, it would make the most powerful and disastrous weapon mankind has ever known. There is a hypothesis, by the way, that the Tungus meteorite or Tunguska event, which happened in remote Siberia forests in 1908, was not a natural space body which exploded near the surface of the earth, but it was the effect of Tesla testing his directed energy weapon.
1 The author believes that the scientist
a) was as talented as his contemporary Edison.
b) was less talented than his contemporary Edison.
c) was absolutely unknown to the public.
d) was Edison's and Newton's friend.
2 The scientist's name is not often mentioned because
a) he researched in a very narrow scientific field.
b) his researches were not important for science.
c) his family didn't want to publish his papers.
d) there were some reasons the author is not well aware of.
3 According to the author, Nicola Tesla
a) never did any other job but researching into physics.
b) was good at languages and literature.
c) never had any friends.
d) inherited a fortune from his Serbian relatives.
4 The author says that Tesla's radio-controlled boat
a) was never shown to public.
b) was re-designed in the middle of the twentieth century.
c) was technologically far ahead of its time.
d) was sold after the electrical exhibition.
5 There's some evidence that Tesla experimented with electricity
a) and made some remarkable discoveries.
b) but didn't get any results due to poor equipment.
c) but the experiments were banned by the authorities.
d) and his artificial lightning damaged his laboratory.
Part II Use of English.
- Use the words in the appropriate forms.
Some environmentalists believe that our business and travelling activity adds to the global warming effect. We travel more than we ________(l) to. In recent years travelling by air has become more affordable, since the number of airlines ____________(2) dramatically and the level of competition has risen too. As the result, air ticket prices __________(3). Nowadays, __________(4) travel over continents to negotiate deals, to take part in conferences and even for a weekend - to relax or sightsee. When we travel, our planes burn lots of fuel, much more than any other _______ (5) of transport. A great amount of carbon dioxide _______ (6) in the air. According to statistics, the situation ______ (7) rapidly. Environmentalists insist that it's necessary to raise people's awareness of the environmental cost of air travelling and to encourage them to avoid _______ (8) when it is not really necessary. | use increase fall businessman means emit deteriorate fly |
2. Change the verbs to nouns and write them down.
verb | noun | ||
1 | improve | ||
2 | investigate | ||
3 | punish | ||
4 | move | ||
5 | explain |
3. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations.
1 | Pygmy elephant | a | Эволюция человека |
2 | Environmental condition | b | Время оледенения |
3 | An astonishing discovery | c | Слоны – пигмеи |
4 | Tiny creatures | d | Гигантский грызун |
5 | A limited food supply | e | Потрясающее открытие |
6 | Human evolution | f | Крохотные существа |
7 | A giant rodent | g | Условия окружающей среды |
8 | Glacial times | h | Ограниченный запас пищи |
Материалы промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку учащихся 10-го класса (базовый уровень).
Вариант II
Part I Reading
Read the article and choose the correct answer.
Nicola Tesla.
For some reason his name is not widely known though he could join the company of the most famous scholars like Edison and Newton. He achieved remarkable results in mechanics, engineering, electricity, magnetism, and energy transmitting. His researches and his astonishing discoveries could have accelerated the science and technological progress tremendously, but they didn't.
The bulk of his theories and drafts were never implemented. Lots of his theoretical and engineering works were either never published, or lost, or just vanished and even the family weren't able to trace the track of the papers.
The oblivion and rare references in scientific and popular science journals could have been caused by different reasons, his complicated and controversial personality included, but anyone who is keen on physics is very well familiar with his name - Tesla is the unit to measure magnetic induction or magnetic flux, and is used to define the intensity of magnetic fields.
Nicola Tesla was born in 1856 and died in 1943. Serbian by origin, he spent most of his life in the United States and his life there was very diverse. He did unskilled jobs to feed himself and to generate money for research. He was vice president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. He cherished his friendship with Mark Twain and argued severely with Edison.
He had a photographic memory, was fluent in about eight languages and was claimed to suffer from mental disorder at the end of his life. Data about him is rather controversial. According to some documents, it was he who invented the radio and designed radio controlled devices. There is evidence that at the very end of the nineteenth century Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat at the electrical exhibition in the United States, though radio-controlled devices were not used till the middle of the twentieth century. Even more stunning and unbelievable were Tesla's experiments with electricity.
Tesla supposed that it was possible to generate electricity from atmosphere and to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances. He had a specially equipped laboratory in Colorado Springs, State Colorado, the USA, where he experimented with electricity. According to his biographers the results were astonishing.
Tesla was able to create artificial lightning, much more powerful than the natural thing, and made it move in a certain direction, to a precisely calculated destination. If that had been true, it would make the most powerful and disastrous weapon mankind has ever known. There is a hypothesis, by the way, that the Tungus meteorite or Tunguska event, which happened in remote Siberia forests in 1908, was not a natural space body which exploded near the surface of the earth, but it was the effect of Tesla testing his directed energy weapon.
1. The author believes that the scientist
a) was as talented as his contemporary Newton.
b) his discoveries have accelerated the science and technological progress.
c) was known to the public.
d) was Edison's and Newton's friend.
2. His theoretical and engineering works were never implemented because
a) they were not important for science.
b) they were either lost, or vanished, or never published.
c) he works in a very narrow scientific field.
d) his family wanted to get much money for his papers.
3. According to the author, Nicola Tesla
a) cherished his friendship with Edison and argued severely with Mark Twain.
b) was the president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
c) was born in eighteen century and died in nineteen century.
d) at the end of his life was claimed to suffer from mental disorder.
4. The author says that
a) Tesla supposed that it was possible to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances.
b) Tesla supposed that it was impossible to generate electricity from atmosphere.
c) in his laboratory in the USA he experimented with the universal Law of gravitation.
d) Tesla developed the idea of evolution of all living things from simpler creatures.
5. The author
a) is sure that Tesla succeeded in creating artificial lightning.
b) doubts that Tesla succeeded in creating artificial lightning.
c) is absolutely sure that it's impossible to create artificial lightning.
d) believes they Tungus meteorite was actually Tesla's artificial lightning.
Part II Use of English.
1.Use the words in the appropriate forms.
We can't imagine our life without a ___________(1) computer (PC). It is so fast, convenient and reliable to work on a PC. People study on their PC, entertain themselves during the free time. It is a great possibility to easily develop different skills yourself with the use of Internet, containing immeasurable amount of helpful ___________(2) like encyclopedias, teaching programs, smart guides and much more. Without my computer I would not have the pleasure of the getting to my favourite sites, I would have difficulty ___________(3) with friends, and I would not be able to do my work for school. I often wonder how we all managed before computers were a common place in the home. I just don't have the time to be always running to the post box to send letters. E-mail is very ___________(4) when you have a tough schedule. Most of my ____________(5) time is spent at the computer as by the time I finish doing homework I am too tired and it is often too late to go out. It is a ____________(6) reference aid and ______________(7) tool. If all else fails, you can play cards on it, although my own ____________(8) is for action games! | person inform communicate importance relax wonder education prefer |
2.Change the verbs to nouns and write them down.
verb | noun | ||
1 | inform | ||
2 | manage | ||
3 | examine | ||
4 | govern | ||
5 | collect |
3. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations.
1 | Pygmy elephant | a | Сокращение энергетических потребностей |
2 | A hobbit-like species of humans | b | Доисторическое время |
3 | An astonishing discovery | c | Печатный станок |
4 | Minimizing energy requirements | d | Ограниченный запас пищи |
5 | A limited food supply | e | Слоны – пигмеи |
6 | Prehistoric times | f | Люди, похожие на хоббитов |
7 | A giant rodent | g | Потрясающее открытие |
8 | A movable type | h | Гигантский грызун |
Материалы промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку учащихся 10-го класса (базовый уровень).
Вариант III
Part I Reading
Read the article and choose the correct answer.
Nicola Tesla.
For some reason his name is not widely known though he could join the company of the most famous scholars like Edison and Newton. He achieved remarkable results in mechanics, engineering, electricity, magnetism, and energy transmitting. His researches and his astonishing discoveries could have accelerated the science and technological progress tremendously, but they didn't.
The bulk of his theories and drafts were never implemented. Lots of his theoretical and engineering works were either never published, or lost, or just vanished and even the family weren't able to trace the track of the papers.
The oblivion and rare references in scientific and popular science journals could have been caused by different reasons, his complicated and controversial personality included, but anyone who is keen on physics is very well familiar with his name - Tesla is the unit to measure magnetic induction or magnetic flux, and is used to define the intensity of magnetic fields.
Nicola Tesla was born in 1856 and died in 1943. Serbian by origin, he spent most of his life in the United States and his life there was very diverse. He did unskilled jobs to feed himself and to generate money for research. He was vice president of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. He cherished his friendship with Mark Twain and argued severely with Edison.
He had a photographic memory, was fluent in about eight languages and was claimed to suffer from mental disorder at the end of his life. Data about him is rather controversial. According to some documents, it was he who invented the radio and designed radio controlled devices. There is evidence that at the very end of the nineteenth century Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat at the electrical exhibition in the United States, though radio-controlled devices were not used till the middle of the twentieth century. Even more stunning and unbelievable were Tesla's experiments with electricity.
Tesla supposed that it was possible to generate electricity from atmosphere and to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances. He had a specially equipped laboratory in Colorado Springs, State Colorado, the USA, where he experimented with electricity. According to his biographers the results were astonishing.
Tesla was able to create artificial lightning, much more powerful than the natural thing, and made it move in a certain direction, to a precisely calculated destination. If that had been true, it would make the most powerful and disastrous weapon mankind has ever known. There is a hypothesis, by the way, that the Tungus meteorite or Tunguska event, which happened in remote Siberia forests in 1908, was not a natural space body which exploded near the surface of the earth, but it was the effect of Tesla testing his directed energy weapon.
1. The author believes that the scientist
a) was Newton's and Edison's friend.
b) was absolutely unknown to the public.
c) was as talented as his contemporary Edison.
d) was less talented than his contemporary Edison.
2. His engineering and theoretical works were never implemented because
a) they were very important for science.
b) his family wanted to get much money for his papers.
c) they were either vanished, or never published, or lost.
d) there were some reasons the author is not well aware of.
3. According to the author, Nicola Tesla
a) inherited a fortune from his Serbian relatives.
b) had a specially equipped laboratory in Colorado Summers, State Colorado, the USA.
c) was good at literature and languages.
d) was born in nineteen century and died in twenties century.
4. The author says that
a) Tesla's radio-controlled boat was sold after the electrical exhibition.
b) Tesla supposed that it was possible to generate electricity from atmosphere.
c) Tesla supposed that it was impossible to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances.
d) Tesla isn’t used to define the intensity of magnetic fields.
5. There is a hypothesis, the Tungus meteorite which happened in remote Siberia forests in 1908,
- was a natural space body which exploded near the surface of the earth.
- was the effect of Tesla testing the universal Law of gravitation.
- was the effect of Tesla testing his directed energy weapon.
d) was the effect of Tesla testing his directed nuclear weapon.
Part II Use of English.
1.Use the words in the appropriate forms.
A lot of things have changed since the come of the “digital decade”. As we enter the era of modern inventions, people’s ideology of living becomes very different, in comparison as it was fifty years ago. We got used to such new things, which very help us in everyday life, people from the nearest past couldn’t even dream about. Do you think about electricity when you switch on the light? Do you ever think about any ___________(1) issues when you use a microwave, a cell phone or a laser printer? No, we have already got used to all those devices and take them for granted. Now we have much more ___________(2) projects on the mind - launching space apparatus to Mars and studying the deeps of the ocean. If the _______________(3) development of society doesn't slow down in the near future, __________________(4) will make major breakthroughs in ______________(5) technologies, space technologies and genetics. Nanotechnologies and robots will widen people's abilities ______________(6). It's ______________(7) an exciting time to live in, as so many ________ (8) things are happening around. | science ambition technology science communicate dramatical real fantasy |
2.Change the verbs to nouns and write them down.
verb | noun | ||
1 | imagine | ||
2 | suggest | ||
3 | excite | ||
4 | invite | ||
5 | disappoint |
3. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations.
1 | A primitive dwarf elephant | a | Эволюция человека |
2 | Environmental condition | b | Сокращение энергетических потребностей |
3 | A global warming | c | Большая плотность населения |
4 | Tiny creatures | d | Примитивный карликовый слон |
5 | Densely populated | e | Крохотные существа |
6 | Human evolution | f | Время оледенения |
7 | Minimizing energy requirements | g | Условия окружающей среды |
8 | Glacial times | h | Глобальное потепление |
Инструкция для учащегося 10 класса.
Промежуточная аттестация (тест).
Вам предстоит выполнить тест промежуточной аттестации. Тест состоит из заданий по чтению и трёх заданий по лексике и грамматике.
В задании по чтению 5 вопросов. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после него. Перенесите ответы в бланк ответов.
В первом задании по грамматике вы должны прочитать текст, в котором 8 предложений с пропусками. После каждого из них предлагается слово для заполнения каждого пропуска, которое нужно записать в нужной видовременной форме. Перенесите ответы в бланк ответов.
Во втором задании по грамматике (5 заданий) вы должны при помощи суффиксации трансформировать глаголы в имена существительные. Перенесите в бланк ответов.
В третьем задании по лексике прочитав 8 словосочетаний на английском языке соотнесите их с переводом, данным в произвольном порядке. Перенесите в бланк ответов.
Желаем удачи!
Инструкция для учащегося 10 класса.
Промежуточная аттестация (устная речь).
Вам предстоит выполнить контрольные задания по устной речи. В карточке, которую вы получите, вам будет дана тема, на которую вы должны сделать монологическое высказывание. После вашего рассказа учитель задаст вам несколько вопросов по содержанию высказывания.
Желаем удачи!
Бланк ответов
по английскому языку для 10 класса
(базовый уровень)
Класс__________Вариант__________ Дата проведения ________________________
Бланк ответов.
№ вопроса | Вариант ответа | № вопроса | Вариант ответа |
Part I Reading Read the article and choose the correct answer. | 2.Change the verbs to nouns and write them down. | ||
1 | 1 | ||
2 | 2 | ||
3 | 3 | ||
4 | 4 | ||
5 | 5 | ||
Part II Use of English. 1. Use the words in the appropriate forms. | 3. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations. | ||
1 | 1 | ||
2 | 2 | ||
3 | 3 | ||
4 | 4 | ||
5 | 5 | ||
6 | 6 | ||
7 | 7 | ||
8 | 8 |
Результат тестирования _____________
Учитель, преподающий предмет: ______________________________/_______________
Контроль устной речи 10 класс
Задания для учащихся.
1. Give a talk on civilisation and progress. (2 - 4 minutes) The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions. |
1. Give a talk on the world of opportunities (2 - 4 minutes) The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions. |
1. Give a talk on civilisation and progress. (2 - 4 minutes) The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions. |
1. Give a talk on the world of opportunities (2 - 4 minutes) The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions. |
Вариант I.
Бланк ответов.
№ вопроса | Вариант ответа | № вопроса | Вариант ответа | ||
Part I Reading Read the article and choose the correct answer. | 2.Change the verbs to nouns and write them down. | ||||
1 | b) was less talented than his contemporary Edison. | 1 | improve – improvement | ||
2 | c) his family didn't want to publish his papers. | 2 | investigate - investigation | ||
3 | a) never did any other job but researching into physics. | 3 | punish - punishment | ||
4 | b) was re-designed in the middle of the twentieth century. | 4 | move - movement | ||
5 | b) but didn't get any results due to poor equipment. | 5 | explain - explanation | ||
Part II Use of English. 1. Use the words in the appropriate forms. | 3. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations. | ||||
1 | use -used | 1 | Pygmy elephant | c | Слоны – пигмеи |
2 | increase – has increased | 2 | Environmental condition | g | Условия окружающей среды |
3 | fall – have fallen | 3 | An astonishing discovery | e | Потрясающее открытие |
4 | businessman - businessmen | 4 | Tiny creatures | f | Крохотные существа |
5 | means - means | 5 | A limited food supply | h | Ограниченный запас пищи |
6 | emit – is emitted | 6 | Human evolution | a | Эволюция человека |
7 | deteriorate – is deteriorating | 7 | A giant rodent | d | Гигантский грызун |
8 | fly - flying | 8 | Glacial times | b | Время оледенения |
Вариант II.
Бланк ответов.
№ вопроса | Вариант ответа | № вопроса | Вариант ответа | ||
Part I Reading Read the article and choose the correct answer. | 2. Change the verbs to nouns and write them down. | ||||
1 | c) was known to the public. | 1 | inform - information | ||
2 | b) they were either lost, or vanished, or never published. | 2 | manage -management | ||
3 | d) at the end of his life was claimed to suffer from mental disorder. | 3 | examine - examination | ||
4 | a) Tesla supposed that it was possible to transmit it wirelessly over huge distances. | 4 | govern - government | ||
5 | a) is sure that Tesla succeeded in creating artificial lightning. | 5 | collect -collection | ||
Part II Use of English. 1. Use the words in the appropriate forms. | 3. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations. | ||||
1 | person - personal | 1 | Pygmy elephant | e | Слоны – пигмеи |
2 | inform - information | 2 | A hobbit-like species of humans | f | Люди, похожие на хоббитов |
3 | communicate - communicating | 3 | An astonishing discovery | g | Потрясающее открытие |
4 | importance - important | 4 | Minimizing energy requirements | a | Сокращение энергетических потребностей |
5 | relax - relaxation | 5 | A limited food supply | d | Ограниченный запас пищи |
6 | wonder - wonderful | 6 | Prehistoric times | b | Доисторическое время |
7 | education - educational | 7 | A giant rodent | h | Гигантский грызун |
8 | prefer - preference | 8 | A movable type | c | Печатный станок |
Вариант III.
Бланк ответов.
№ вопроса | Вариант ответа | № вопроса | Вариант ответа | ||
Part I Reading Read the article and choose the correct answer. | 2. Change the verbs to nouns and write them down. | ||||
1 | d) was less talented than his contemporary Edison. | 1 | imagine - imagination | ||
2 | c) they were either vanished, or never published, or lost. | 2 | suggest -suggestion | ||
3 | d) was born in nineteen century and died in twenties century. | 3 | excite - excitement | ||
4 | b) Tesla supposed that it was possible to generate electricity from atmosphere. | 4 | invite - invitation | ||
5 |
| 5 | disappoint - disappointment | ||
Part II Use of English. 1. Use the words in the appropriate forms. | 3. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations. | ||||
1 | science - scientific
| 1 | A primitive dwarf elephant | d | Примитивный карликовый слон |
2 | ambition - ambitious | 2 | Environmental condition | g | Условия окружающей среды |
3 | technology - technological | 3 | A global warming | h | Глобальное потепление |
4 | science - scientists | 4 | Tiny creatures | e | Крохотные существа |
5 | communicate - communication | 5 | Densely populated | c | Большая плотность населения |
6 | dramatical - dramatically | 6 | Human evolution | a | Эволюция человека |
7 | real - really | 7 | Minimizing energy requirements | b | Сокращение энергетических потребностей |
8 | fantasy - fantastic | 8 | Glacial times | f | Время оледенения |
Civilisation and progress.
I’d like to tell you about technological civilization. We are a technological civilisation and culture. Technology has been with humans from the first use of a stone as a tool and it is impossible to separate technology from our life now. This tool use has since developed to an advanced state, where our human culture is dependent upon the technology that surrounds it.
According to legend, the wife of Emperor of China developed silk as an industry about 4, 700 years ago and she may be the first ever recorder female inventor. Chine still produces more silk than any other country.
At the end of the Middle Ages the German Johan Gutenberg invented printing with movable type. His Gutenberg Bible of 1455 was the first known printed book. . The first printed press in England was set up by William Caxton in 15th century. The first printed press in Russia was set up by Ivan Fedorov in 16th century. I should say that the invention of printing was a really great event in history.
In 1888, an American inventor, Herman Hollerith, develop the first successful computer, using punched cards and electricity. Then in 1975, personal computers were finally introduced. Today we cannot live without them.
The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by brothers Biro from Hungary.
The greatest inventions in my opinion are electric light bulb, lasers, airplane, television, microwave oven, computer, copy machine, mobile phone.
Many students would like to go away from home for some time so as to become more independent and to develop some self-confidence.
Many universities welcome applications to all of their courses from overseas students. Academic Year Abroad -10-11 months long, participating in a public or private school in the country of your choice, Semester Abroad – 4-6 months long, Summer Programmes and Foreign Language Programmes - 2 to 8 weeks long with an option of intensive foreign classes.
The value of a student exchange between foreign families is an experience of a lifetime.
We are part of a global network. You can visit some websites for best internships and study programs. They are bunch of young people spread in different corners of the world who have decided: To make it simple for YOU! This world is absolutely FULL OF OPPORTUNITIES and they want to manage them from one place.
There is an online directory gathering different opportunities for youth all over the world. You can easily find Institution, University or language school offering internships and study opportunities. What is more, they will help you through the application process, make you ready for the English tests and encourage you to achieve your dreams!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Материалы промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку 8 класс.
Материалы промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку 8 класс....

Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 5 класса
Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения по английскому языку для обучающихся 5 класса...

Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 6 класса
Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 6 класса...

Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 7 класса
Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 7 класса...

Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 8 класса
Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 8 класса...

Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса
Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов для проведения промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса...
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