презентация к уроку "The importance of dreams"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Презентация позволяет организовать обсуждение по теме "The importance of dreams"
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Подписи к слайдам:
Questionnaire 1. On weekdays I usually go to bed at… 2. At weekends I usually go to bed at… 3. To feel my best, I should go to bed at 4. To feel my best, I should wake up at… 5. I would go to bed earlier if ,,, 6. Sleep is a waste of time. Agree/Disagree. 7. I often have nightmares. Agree/Disagree.
Believe it or not? 1 . We spend a quarter of our lives in a state of sleep. 2 . Humans can survive longer without food than they can without sleep. 3 . People forget 40% of new material within the first 20 minutes. 4 . Sleep is important only for babies growth and development. 5 . Everyone has dreams every night. 6. Animals and birds dream too.
Complete the statements Sleep occupies a _______ of our lives. When you are sleeping a _______ of your circulatory blood is channeled to your brain. Forgetting curve shows that ____ % of new material is forgotten within the first ____ minutes. ______________ is a part of your brain responsible for remembering things (memory consolidation). Sleep is composed of ____ stages. You should go to bed ____ hours after memorizing formulas. third fifth 40 20 Hippocampus 4 3
Group A Do we dream as soon as we fall asleep ? What happens to your body while you are dreaming? How long are your dreams every night? Which d rea m image means that you are worried about something ? Which is the happiest dream image?
Group B What did the ancient Greeks and Romans use to think about dreams ? What is the connection between Lincoln’s dream and the reality? Who did Lincoln see in his dream? In Lincoln’s dream, where did he hear people crying loudly ? When did Abraham Lincoln have his unusual dream ?
A strange dream Remember to say: 1) when you had a strange dream 2) what you were doing in your dream 3) how you felt 4) what suddenly happened 6 ) what you did 7 ) how you felt in the end 5) what this person/creature did
Believe it or not? 1 . We spend a quarter of our lives in a state of sleep. 2 . Humans can survive longer without food than they can without sleep. 3 . People forget 40% of new material within the first 20 minutes. 4 . Sleep is important only for babies growth and development. 5 . Everyone has dreams every night. 6. Animals and birds dream too. False True True False True True
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