КИМ для промежуточной аттестации в 10 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
КИМ составлен на основе материала учебника М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English» (10 класс) и рабочей программы по английскому языку.
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Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 10 класс
A1. Match the word and its definition: (one definition is extra)
1) caring a) knowing a lot about many different subjects
2) courageous b) always telling the truth
3) honest c) kind and helpful to other people
4) knowledgeable d) good at thinking of new and original ideas
e) very brave
A2. Choose the odd word out:
- orchestra, organ, accordion, opera, applause
- country, classical, romantic, pop, hard rock
- tuneful, lovely, pleasant, violent, joyful
- sing, relax, serious, play, dance
A3. Match the words and their definitions.
- a vacuum cleaner a) to write programs, play games, and use information
- a computer b) to wash the dishes
- a fax machine c) to perform everyday cleaning tasks
- a dishwasher d) to send and receive urgent messages
A4. Match the verbs on the left and the prepositions on the right.
Match the word combinations on the left and the prepositions on the right.
1) to bring... more money a. between
2) used... living b. for
3) links... stress levels c. in
4) dangerous... life d. to
A5. Match the names of sports and the places corresponding to them.
1) skiing a. skating rink
2) hockey b. pool, lake
3) swimming с. street
4) roller skating d. mountains
B1. Преобразуйте слова так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Life on the planet would be ______POSSIBLE______ without water. To be strong and ______HEALTH______ a person should drink enough fresh water every day. We need water for cooking, washing and producing goods.My uncle, who is a ______FARM______, says that he waters the vegetables, beans and other crops a lot in dry weather._____FORTUNATELY______, fresh water resources on the Earth are limited.We should be ______CARE______ and not waste it.
B2. Match the texts with the headings:
1. A less popular subject
2. Never too late to learn
3. The essential piece of uniform
4. Keeping the tradition
5. Choosing the place to learn
6. School exchange programmes
A. Christ's Hospital school was founded in the 16th century. Its uniform at that time consisted of a long blue coat, a leather belt and yellow socks. Today students still wear the same uniform because they think it's a symbol that unites them. There was some talk about making the uniform more modern, but it was decided to keep the original uniform.
B. Nola Ochs from the USA is the world's oldest university graduate. She says she has always loved learning and has never lost her taste for knowledge. She started university when she was over 90. Her example proves that age is not important if you want to be a student. You can acquire new skills at any age.
C. The Dublin College of English offers one, two or three week Football and English Programmes. They are for young people who are interested in both learning English with native speakers and practising football. The students enjoy the friendly, inspiring atmosphere in the classrooms, after which they improve their skills on the school football pitch.
D. Harrow is a prestigious boys' school in northern London with a strict uniform policy. You can easily recognize a Harrow student by his hat, which is part of the uniform. All boys have to wear their hats every day when going to or from lessons. Some students are allowed to wear a different scarf, tie or jumper but the hat should always be there. Wearing it remains a must.
E. In most British schools children start studying a foreign language at 11, but many are happy to give up languages completely at 14. Research suggests that students think that it is more difficult to get good marks in Modern Foreign Languages than in other subjects such as Science or History. They also say that foreign languages are less fun than other lessons like PE or Art
C1. Imagine that you could only use ONE of the following: a computer, a mobile phone or a fridge. Which one would you use and why?
КИМ составлен на основе материала учебника М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English» (10 класс) и рабочей программы по английскому языку.
Вопросы и задания теста разделены на три уровня сложности: части А — базового уровня, части В — повышенного, части С — высокого уровня. Каждое верно выполненное задание уровня А оценивается в 1 балл, уровня В - 2 балла, уровня С - в 3 балла.
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