Презентация - система упражнений по теме : " Reported Speech"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
В данной презентации представлена система упражнений на отработку перевода утвердительных, отрицательных, побудительных и вопросительных ( общих и специальных) предложений в косвенную речь.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Mary Tom « I live in Belfast.” « My mother is swimming now. « Kate and Ben have already done their homework » « We will go to the park tomorrow” « My sister was tired yesterday ”
Mary says that she lives in Belfast. Mary says that her mother is swimming now. Mary says that Kate and Ben have already done their homework. Mary says that they will go to the park tomorrow. Mary says that her sister was tired.
Tom Mary « My friends aren’t surfing the net now. « I don’t like to play with dolls” « He hasn’t bought tickets to the cinema yet » « I wasn’t rude yesterday” « You won’t dance with me tomorrow”
Tom says that his friends aren’t surfing the net now. Tom says that he doesn’t like to play with dolls. Tom says that he hasn’t bought the tickets to the cinema yet. Tom says that he wasn’t rude yesterday. Tom says that she won’t dance with him tomorrow.
“ Clean your room, children !» “Put your toys into the right place , children ! ” “Sweep the floor , children ! ” " Do your homework , children ! ” “ Children, wash up , please!” “ Children, help me to cook dinner, please” Mother
The mother tells her children to clean their room. The mother tells her children to put their toys into the right place. The mother tells her children to sweep the floor. The mother tells her children to do their homework. The mother asks her children to wash up. The mother asks her children to help her to cook dinner.
How not to catch a flu Children! “ Don’t eat a lot of ice-cream” “Don’t stay at the same room with an ill person” “Don’t use personal belongings of other people.” “Don’t drink cold juice!” “Don’t wear other people’s clothes.” “Don’t go to the places where there are a lot of people.”
The doctor tells the children not to eat a lot of ice-cream. The doctor tells the children not to stay at the same room with an ill person. The doctor tells the children not to use personal belongings of other people. The doctor tells the children not to drink cold juice The doctor tells the children not to wear other people’s clothes. The doctor tells the children not to go to the places where there are a lot of people.
“How do the British people live?” “What laws has the Parliament already made?” “When will you go to Scotland?” “How did the life of our country change last year?” “How many taxes did we get last year?” “What are my members of the Parliament doing at the moment?” The Queen asks her Prime Minister:
The Queen asks her Prime Minister how the British people live. The Queen asks her Prime Minister what laws the Parliament has already made. The Queen asks her Prime Minister when he will go to Scotland. The Queen asks her Prime Minister how the life of their country changed last year. The Queen asks her Prime Minister how many taxes they got. The Queen asks her Prime Minister what her members of the Parliament are doing at the moment.
Kate asks the policeman: “Will you return my money?” “Are the police looking for him now?” The policeman asks Kate: “ Do you live in London?” “Have you seen the burglar?” “Were your friends at home yesterday?” “Did you open the door to the burglar yesterday?”
The policemen asks Kate if she lives in London. The policemen asks Kate if she has seen the burglar. The policemen asks Kate if her friends were at home yesterday. The policemen asks Kate if she opened the door to the burglar yesterday. Kate asks the policeman if he will return her money. The policemen asks Kate if the police are looking for him now.
Well done!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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