краткое эссе на тему:"Дети-тираны"
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, tyrannize their teachers. (Socrates, Ancient Greek, philosopher, 470BC-399)
More violence, more vandalism exists than it did ten years ago. Many people say that their lives have been made miserable by young people out on the street late at night. Young people are more violent than ever. They only think about rebellion against society, its laws, they reject everything, they protest against their parents and school. They thought to be potential criminals. Their groups are like gangs. It is impossible to point to a single broad explanation for the violence problem. Violence is the symptom of problems in the society. Some social and economic problems may give rise to youth violence. Teenagers do not live in a desert. Home, school, neighbourhoods are part of the individual environment. They play a great role in the expression of violence. A society cannot suggest anything really worthwhile for teens. That’s why they are rebellious. Crime for teens is an expression of their inability to join in society at different levels - social, economic, cultural. Teens do not think much about their future life. They want to live now. Being in a group is like living a real life for them. To be a fan of something is a hobby, to protest against the older generation and to reject everything, it is a life.
It seems to me that our society and some of parents make the situation worse. Young people are not that bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best.
Then, I am sure, teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. And I know a person who was a hippie and some years later became a president of a big country. Being young is a way of life.
To prevent teens from becoming spoilt and greedy you should not indulge them too much. Teens should be scolded for bad behavior, which will be an effective way of helping them to distinguish right from wrong. Parents should try to place great importance on setting a good example to their children, because their behavior is often an imitation of that of their parents.
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