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Australia-a country located in the southern hemisphere, including the world's smallest continent, the island of Tasmania and the other much smaller islands in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
CLIMATE Most of the territory of Australia is located in a tropical continental climate zone, dry or very dry. Location of Australia in the southern hemisphere determines the distribution of the different seasons of the year than in the northern hemisphere. January is the warmest month of the year , while July has the lowest average temperatures.
Australian population THE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES Aborigines are the first and orginal inhabitants of Australia. They have lived here for over 40.000 years. When the first white settlers arrived in the 18th century and stole their land, many Aborigines died, fighting to protect it. Today only about 100.000 survive.
Uluru , also known as Ayers Rock, is a large sandstone rock formation in central Australia. It is a sacred importance to the Aborigens.
Animals in Australia - are fundamentally different from the fauna from other parts of the world. Many Australian animals are not found anywhere else. 83% of mammals, 89%reptiles, 90% fish and 93% of amphibians living in Australia does not occur in other parts of the world. Mammals For example: Monotremes Marsupials Echinda burningwell Tasdevil large Kangaroo Koala Platypus
In Australia and surrounding territories there are more than 800 species of birds . Emoe The most popular birds Humming-bird Parrot
Great Barrier Reef - the world's largest coral reef, located off the coast of Australia. It is the largest single structure on earth created by living organisms, visible even from space . GREAT BARRIER REEF
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