Темы для устно зачета по английскому языку.
методическая разработка по английскому языку ( класс) на тему
Темы для устно зачета по английскому языку.(5-8классы)
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автор: Саркисян А.В.
Темы для устно зачета по английскому языку.
Card 1
Speak about school clubs
- What clubs can students attend?
- What clubs do you have in your school?
- What clubs did you join?
- What do you do in your club?
- Why do you like it?
- What other clubs would you like to join?
Card 2
Speak about school holidays
- Do you like holidays? Why?
- How often do you have holidays?
- What can you do during holidays?
- What holidays do you like best?
- What did you do on your last holidays?
Card 3
Speak about yourself
- Introduce yourself (name, age, character, appearance);
- Speak about your family;
- Your likes and dislikes;
- Your hobbies.
Card 4
Speak about London sights (choose 2-5 sights and say)
- When was it founded?
- What is it famous for?
- Would you like to visit it and why?
Card 5
Speak about Moscow sights (choose 2-5 sights and say)
- When was it founded?
- What is it famous for?
- Would you like to visit it and why?
Темы для устно зачета по английскому языку.
Card 1
Give a talk about your last trip
- Where did you go? When did you go there?
- Where did you stay?
- What was the weather like?
- What did you do there?
- Did you enjoy the trip? Why?
Card 2
Talk about the country of the UK you would like to visit
- Where is it situated?
- What are its symbols?
- What is it famous for?
- What places of interest would you like to visit and why?
- What interesting facts do you know about the country (traditions, food, climate etc.)?
Card 3
Talk about your free time
- Do you have much free time?
- How do you usually spend your free time?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- What other activities would you like to try?
Card 4
Speak about a famous person
- Who can you call a famous person?
Choose one person and say:
- Where is he/she from?
- When was he/she born?
- What is he/she famous for?
- Describe his/her character and appearance.
Card 5
Give a talk about your school
- What is it like?
- What subjects do you study?
- What clubs and sport activities has the school got? Do you attend them?
- What school events do you have during the school year?
Темы для устно зачета по английскому языку.
Card 1.
Give a talk about yourself.
-Introduce yourself (name, age, character, appearance …)
- Speak about your family
-Your likes/dislikes
-Your hobbies l
-Would you like to change anything in yourself?
Card 2.
Give a talk about means of communication .
-What means of communication do you know?
-What means of communication are more important for you and why?
- Choose one means of communication and speak about its advantages and disadvantages.
-Can people live without modern means of communication?
Card 3.
Choose a country and give a talk about it.
- Name the country(capital, symbols ….)
- Where is it situated?
- Language
- Climate
- What places of interest would you like to visit this country and why?
Card 4.
Give a talk about your school.
- Speak about the building
- Timetable (subjects)
- School traditions and events
- Teachers
- Uniform
Card 5.
Give a talk about your favourite book.
- Do you like reading? Why/ why not?
- What types of books do you like?
- What is your favourite book?
- What is the book about?
- Why do you like it?
Темы для устно зачета по английскому языку.
Card 1
Give a talk about means of communication .
-What means of communication do you know?
-What means of communication are more important for you and why?
- Choose one means of communication and speak about its advantages and disadvantages.
-Can people live without modern means of communication?
Speak on the topic “Learning foreign languages”
- Why do people learn foreign languages?
- What foreign languages are studied in your country?
- What foreign language do you learn? How long have you been learning it?
- How can it help you I your life?
- What can you do to improve your English?
- Would you like to learn any other foreign language? Why?
Card 3
Give a talk about “Mass Media”:
- What is “mass media”?
- Why is MM important for people?
- Describe one source of information:
- Is it reliable or unreliable?
- Is it interesting or boring?
- How often do you use it?
- What do you use it for?
Card 4
Give a talk about your favourite book.
- Do you like reading? Why/ why not?
- What types of books do you like?
- What is your favourite book?
- What is the book about?
- Why do you like it?
Card 5
Give a talk about sights of London.
Choose 2-4 sights to describe. Follow the plan:
- When was it founded?
- What is it famous for?
- Why did you choose it?
- It is necessary to say a few words about the Houses of Parliament and the British Parliament.
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