Ессе ученицы 9 класса Елагиной Марии, 2014
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Essay "How poor are they that have no patience"
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How poor are they that have no patience.
Impatience… What distinguishes a person that possesses this quality from the others? They are ready to reach his goal immediately, ready to overcome obstructions on the way to their dream. It turns out to be that impatience is not a bad trait of a character. However in the concept of impatience there are a lot of negative aspects.
To start with, it is unwillingness to reason and to think about how the action will affect the others. Also, an impatient person usually doesn’t evaluate the goal and methods to achieve it from the moral point of view. And as a result, even the most spiritually beautiful personality loses his/her happiness because he/she just cannot resist the sense of impatience.
About the fatality of this human quality warned the ancient Greeks. For example, in the myth about Orfeo ed Euridice the miracle did not happen and the singer didn’t manage to return his beloved. It emerged that Orfeo had a lot of courage, bravery and talent to descend into the worldof the dead and to convince Acheron to release Eurydice. But the brilliant musician didn’t have enough patience that was why on the way back he turned around and by that lost his beloved forever.
However, in Greek literature there are a lot of examples of amazing patience. These heroes were able to wait and survive all miseries. Everyone knows “Odyssey” created by Homer and his famous heroine Penelope.This woman endured separation with her husband uncomplaining. She rejected all her fiancé and in the end her only beloved came back.
Now let’s turn to William Shakespeare, a great English writer with an observing mind, a profound understanding of life and an ability to see human nature. Who if not he teaches us to be patient. In his immortal tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’ lovers didn’t unite not only because of the unwillingness of their parents. The impatience of Romeo, who heard about the death of Juliet, did not allow him to find out, what truly had happened. He didn’t talk to his brother Laurence about it. And exactly impatience condemned his suicide. As a result, this caused the death of poor Juliet.
To finish, if you ask me to make a list of qualities that I believe to be important and to put them in order of importance, I will place patience on one of the first positions. They say that I’m patient but I do my best to develop this feature because it helps me to work hard and to concentrate on my study, as a result I make progress. Also, it helps me to have stability in relations with my parents, teachers and friends, that, by the way, is the most essential problem for some my peers. So I look in my future without fear, I know that labor and patience defeat all obstacles.
Yes, truly, patience – is a good quality of a human, and poor is the person that doesn’t possess it.
Мария Елагина, 9 класс
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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