Places of interest
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку ( класс) на тему

Ильичева Ольга Александровна

Призентация "Places of interest in the USA" - английская версия презентации на русском "Достопримечательности США".


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Слайд 1

Places of Interest in the USA СПб ГБПОУ «Российский колледж традиционной культуры» Составила преподаватель Шарабаева О.А. Санкт-Петербург 2016

Слайд 2

This strict lady with a burning torch and a tablet is a symbol not only of new York but of all America. Created in France, the Statue of Liberty is the perfect "stuck" on the island near Manhattan. Her background is photographed by all tourists without exception, traditionally becoming becoming known around the world pose with outstretched hand. Statue of Liberty

Слайд 3

The historic center of new York, the heart and the most famous, expensive, prestigious, bustling area of the city. There is an unbelievable number of people, cars, shopping malls and office complexes. Manhattan has repeatedly become the "hero" of Hollywood movies, action thrillers and romantic comedies. Manhattan

Слайд 4

Yes , this is the same mount, which knocked out the portraits of the four most famous US presidents: Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Is this otherwise unremarkable mountain in South Dakota, near the town of Keystone. The height of this bas-relief is 18.6 meters, so the presidents can be seen from afar. Mount Rashmor

Слайд 5

The beauty and power of this most famous waterfall in the world to say, but the sight can never be replaced. Niagara Falls

Слайд 6

This is the Central the Washington monument, erected as a symbol of state power right in between the Capitol and the White house. Granite obelisk with a height of 169 meters and weighing about 91 tons of beautiful lined with Maryland marble. Washington monument

Слайд 7

T his suspension bridge in San Francisco was the longest in the world, but now to record him far away, because it was built in 1937. However, the Golden gate still looks very respectable and gracefully, as a recognized landmark of the city, showing off on postcards and photos. Golden gate bridge

Слайд 8

What can I say, this is really a Great Canyon, a miracle of nature that takes your breath away even the most experienced travelers. It is located in Arizona and is a most unusual geological site on our planet. Tourists are most attracted by the opportunity to stand on a glass platform over the canyon. Great Canyon

Слайд 9

This route is rightly called "the mother of all American roads". Route 66 has a length of four thousand kilometers and connects major cities such as Los Angeles and Chicago, are located in different parts of the USA. Thus, the highway became a symbol of the unity of America, had a significant impact on the country and its economic development. Route 66

Слайд 10

T his area of Los Angeles each year attracts about 10 million tourists to see the handprints of Hollywood stars, left right on the sidewalk. On the walk of fame today, the stars are almost 2.5 thousand celebrities, the collection is updated since 1960. Star on the walk of fame — recognition for outstanding personality, her contribution to American culture. Holywood walk of Fame

Слайд 11

The name of this building is Greek and means simply "the Pentagon" and fully meets all the characteristics of the architecture. No one says "the building of the Ministry of defense" — just the Pentagon — and all becomes clear. It is remarkable, the largest on the planet office building in Virginia. It is interesting that the lawn in front of the entrance to the Pentagon is also pentagonal. The Pentagon

Слайд 12

Do you remember , these snow-white HOLLYWOOD letters, which look especially bright against the green slopes of the mount? Of course, remember! This is one of the most recognizable characters in the world, a symbol of "Dreamland", just the state of California and even the United States. The sign was erected in 1923 and became a real brand Holywood

Слайд 13

Arch of peace (Peace Arch) was at a checkpoint erected in 1921,in honor of the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Ghent 1814 (between England and USA), which ended the AngloAmerican war in 1812-1814 gg ... Peace arch

Слайд 14

The space needle ( eng. Space Needle— space needle) is the most recognizable landmark in the North-West Pacific coast of the USA and a symbol of Seattle. Space Needle

Слайд 15

The first theme Park Walt Disney opened July 17 , 1955,becoming the embodiment of the idea of Walt Disney Park, which would have recreated the world of cartoons and fairy tales where interesting to everyone: adults and children . Disney land

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