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The coat of arms of Australia The first state coat of arms of Australia was presented personally by king Edward VII in may 1908. This Royal assent was legally enshrined the existence of the Australian Federation, established in 1901 through diplomatic negotiations. The author of the sketch was Bowman, who created it by all the rules of the heraldic art. The Central emblem is the shield. It is supported by two iconic Australian animals – the kangaroo on the left, to the right is the EMU. These animals are symbolic for the fact that almost never move "backwards". Above them – the seven pointed star, a symbol of Union. At the bottom a scroll with the motto "Advance Australia". This emblem existed until September 1912, when the next monarch (George V) made a his command some changes, keeping the basic symbols of the star Union, kangaroos, EMUs and heraldic shield .
Background of the coat of arms became branches shares gustotsvetkovy , tied at the bottom with a ribbon. For kangaroo and EMU drew a fine "stand" thereby replacing the green "BLOB", previously symbolizing the green land of Australia. On the heraldic coat of arms is a British cross with stars arranged six characters of the Australian provinces, amounting to the Commonwealth: Direct red cross (of Saint George) with the stars – province of New South Wales. 1. The constellation of the southern cross under a crown the Empire – the province of Victoria. 2. The Maltese cross is blue with the crown of the Empire in the center of the province of Queensland. 3. Bird Shrike – the province of South Australia. 4. Flying Swan – Western Australia. 5. Leo – the island of Tasmania. 6. It should be noted that all these provinces have their own emblems, more complex and rich characters. A scroll with the motto on the new coat of arms contains the inscription is more laconic: Australia .
The Flag Of Australia The flag was born on a competitive basis before the coat of arms in 1901, once formed Australian Union. However, only in 1954 it acquired the status of national flag. Is the square panel, standard for the national flag proportions – the length is twice than width. It is dark blue, which is the traditional color of the British state. The four symbol. Chief among them – the image of the largest and brightest in the southern hemisphere of the constellation "southern cross". It is located at the free edge of the flag. In it six stars. In the upper corner near the Flagstaff is a reminder about the ownership of Australia to the Commonwealth realms, the head of which is the United Kingdom. This British flag "Union Jack" - two red cross (oblique straight English and Scottish) on a white background. This symbol occupies almost the entire upper quarter of the flag of Australia.
Under the flag of great Britain flag is a star, symbolizing the Union. It was originally a six-pointed, then after entry into the Commonwealth of the island of Guinea (Papua) became seven pointed. Also changed and the number of all the stars in the symbol of the "southern cross". Originally each star, depending on the strength of the glow, had from five to nine rays. The British Admiralty was not satisfied with such a "democracy" and in 1908 it was all brought to a common denominator – the biggest stars are the seven rays, the smallest five. Now Australians are beginning to dominate the Republican mood. Many of them believe that Queen Elizabeth II should be the last monarch, who is the head of Australia. So the question of whether to keep unchanged the flag and the coat of arms of this state, remains open.
Anthem A land of mountains and waters, country threads, The edge of ploughed fields and hoary cathedrals, Edge hammers rich forever The edge of the great sons and daughters. People are fascinated by your beauty, A lot of chanting, Austria, A lot of chanting, Austria. Baked wild feud disputes You're the center of the land witness bloody battles,, Like a strong heart you dearly. Are from the early days of brave ancestors Precious cargo high their messages About tested many times Austria, Many times tested on Austria. We are courage in the coming year Look, freely, with faith walking, Wealth, rejoicing in the work encountered. Let a single chorus sisters, brothers, The Fatherland, to give you the oath of allegiance, About mnogouvazhaemy Austria, About mnogouvazhaemy Austria.
T hank you for your attention
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