Westminster Abbey аудирование 6 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
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Westminster Abbey
There are many places of interest in Great Britain, especially in its capital city – London. Millions of visitors a year arrive in London to see the sights of the city. One of the most attractive buildings is Westminster Abbey. It attracts visitors not only with its architectural glory but also with its rich history and cultural importance. Westminster Abbey is the place where many outstanding Englishmen are buried, among them well-known poets, writers, scientists, statesmen, painters and many others. Many people who visit the Abbey want to commemorate such great men as William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Robert Burns, Bernard Show, Lord Byron, Walter Scott, Geoffrey Chaucer, and many others. The history of Westminster Abbey dates back to the Middle Ages or even the earlier times, as 900 years ago St. Peter found the first church on the place, where the Abbey is now situated. The present building appeared during the reign of Henry III. There is one more reason why people are highly interested in Westminster Abbey. According to the ancient tradition all English kings and queens were crowned and wed here. There is something special and wonderful about this building and it’s not only because of its impressive height and size. People who visit it for the first time are startled by its beauty and glory.
to arrive – приезжать
the sights of the city – достопримечательности города
attractive buildings – привлекательные здания
architectural glory – архитектурное величие
rich history – богатая история
cultural importance – культурная ценность
outstanding – выдающийся
buried – похоронен
to commemorate – почтить
the Middle Ages – средневековье
appeared – возникли
the reign – правление
are highly interested – очень заинтересованы
crowned – коронованы
wed – венчаться
ancient – древний
height – высота
size – размер
startled – впечатлены
Variant 1
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
a) Parish;
b) London;
c) Moscow.
2. How many visitors a year arrive in London?
a) thousand;
b) million;
c) hundred.
3. What is One of the most attractive buildings?
a) Westminster Abbey;
b) the Tower of London;
c) the London Eye.
4. With what does Westminster Abbey attract visitors?
a) with its friendship and beauty;
b) with its kindness and glory;
c) with its architectural glory, rich history, cultural importance.
5. Who are buried in Westminster Abbey?
a) outstanding Englishmen;
b) animals;
c) poor people.
6. What do people want to do when they come here?
a) to sing songs;
b) to play games;
c) to commemorate great men.
7. Were William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Robert Burns, Bernard Show, Lord Byron, Walter Scott, Geoffrey Chaucer buried in Westminster Abbey?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) maybe.
8. To what time does the history of Westminster Abbey date back?
a) the Present Time;
b) the Ancient Time;
c) the Middle Ages.
9. Who found the first church on the place, where the Abbey is now situated?
a) Isaac Newton;
b) William Shakespeare;
c) St. Peter.
10. Are people highly interested in Westminster Abbey?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) maybe.
11. What tradition are there in Westminster Abbey?
a) historical;
b) ancient;
c) funny.
12. Who were crowned and wed here?
a) poor people;
b) rich people;
c) English kings and queens.
13. Is there something special and wonderful about this building?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) maybe.
14. What impressive things are there?
a) beauty and glory;
b) height and size;
c) weight and color.
15. What are people when they visit it for the first time?
a) they are startled by its beauty and glory;
b) they don’t like its beauty and glory;
c) they want to go home.
Variant 2
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
a) London;
b) Parish;
c) Moscow.
2. How many visitors a year arrive in London?
a) thousand;
b) hundred;
c) million.
3. What is One of the most attractive buildings?
a) the Tower of London;
b) Westminster Abbey;
c) the London Eye.
4. With what does Westminster Abbey attract visitors?
a) with its architectural glory, rich history, cultural importance;
b) with its kindness and glory;
c) with its friendship and beauty.
5. Who are buried in Westminster Abbey?
a) poor people;
b) animals;
c) outstanding Englishmen.
6. What do people want to do when they come here?
a) to commemorate great men;
b) to play games;
c) to sing songs.
7. Were William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Robert Burns, Bernard Show, Lord Byron, Walter Scott, Geoffrey Chaucer buried in Westminster Abbey?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) maybe.
8. To what time does the history of Westminster Abbey date back?
a) the Present Time;
b) the Middle Ages;
c) the Ancient Time.
9. Who found the first church on the place, where the Abbey is now situated?
a) St. Peter;
b) William Shakespeare;
c) Isaac Newton.
10. Are people highly interested in Westminster Abbey?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) maybe.
11. What tradition are there in Westminster Abbey?
a) historical;
b) funny;
c) ancient.
12. Who were crowned and wed here?
a) English kings and queens;
b) rich people;
c) poor people.
13. Is there something special and wonderful about this building?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) maybe.
14. What impressive things are there?
a) beauty and glory;
b) weight and color;
c) height and size.
15. What are people when they visit it for the first time?
a) they don’t like its beauty and glory;
b) they are startled by its beauty and glory;
c) they want to go home.
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