Диалог 5 класс Free Time
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Dialogue “Free time”. Form 5
- A. Hello. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?
- B. Hi! Oh, I’m fine. What about you?
- A. I’m fine, too. I know that you are a perfect student. But how do you spend your free time?
- B. Oh, I don't have much free time. But when I have it, I prefer spending it with my family or friends.
- A. I see. I mean do you have any hobbies?
- B. Yes, of course. I have a hobby. I collect postcards and stamps. As for activities, I enjoy bowling most of all. I also like watching a good film.
- A. I should say, we have much in common. I also collect stamps, like bowling with friends, and enjoy watching interesting films. What films do you prefer?
- B. I like detective stories and comedies. They are exciting and they help me to relax. What about you?
- A. Detective stories, comedies and thrillers are the best genres for me, too. That’s why I’d like to invite you to a new film which is on. It's a new version of "Sherlock Holmes" and people say it's amazing.
- B. It’s a wonderful idea! I haven't been to the cinema for ages. If I don't like the film, I will definitely enjoy popcorn and Coke.
- A. I'm sure we'll have a good time.
- B. As for other activities, what do you think about bowling next week?
- A. Sounds great!
- B. Then let’s meet at the cinema at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
- A. Ok! Bye!
- B. Have a nice day!
Dialogue “Free time”. Form 5
- A. Hello. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?
- B. Hi! Oh, I’m fine. What about you?
- A. I’m fine, too. I know that you are a perfect student. But how do you spend your free time?
- B. Oh, I don't have much free time. But when I have it, I prefer spending it with my family or friends.
- A. I see. I mean do you have any hobbies?
- B. Yes, of course. I have a hobby. I collect postcards and stamps. As for activities, I enjoy bowling most of all. I also like watching a good film.
- A. I should say, we have much in common. I also collect stamps, like bowling with friends, and enjoy watching interesting films. What films do you prefer?
- B. I like detective stories and comedies. They are exciting and they help me to relax. What about you?
- A. Detective stories, comedies and thrillers are the best genres for me, too. That’s why I’d like to invite you to a new film which is on. It's a new version of "Sherlock Holmes" and people say it's amazing.
- B. It’s a wonderful idea! I haven't been to the cinema for ages. If I don't like the film, I will definitely enjoy popcorn and Coke.
- A. I'm sure we'll have a good time.
- B. As for other activities, what do you think about bowling next week?
- A. Sounds great!
- B. Then let’s meet at the cinema at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
- A. Ok! Bye!
- B. Have a nice day!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Технологическая карта урока английского языка 6 класс «Free time»/ Модуль 3 урок 1
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Технологическая карта урока английского языка 6 класс «Free time». Модуль 3 урок 2
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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 6 классе "Free time"
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План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе "Free time"
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Урок английского языка в 6 классе "Free time"
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