6 класс Список слов по теме "Theatre"
консультация по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
список слов по теме "Theatre"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Unit 2. Theatre
Form 6th
Useful words and phrases:
The Bolshoy Theatre
The Maly Theatre
“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. (W. Shakespeare)
Turn off the phones, the performance is about to start.
To be a theatre goer/lover
A matinee performance/an evening performance
A row
The stalls
The orchestra stalls
The pit
The boxes
The dress circle
The balcony/the upper circle
The gallery
A tragedy/a drama/a comedy/a musical/love-story
What’s on at the theatre today?
The cloak-room
The house is full today.
To book the tickets (by telephone/in person at the box office of the theatre/online)
To collect tickets from the box office
On the day of the performance
To applaud
Who is playing the leading role?
The cast
To enjoy the play
The curtain is going up/down.
The interval
To be a flop
To cause admiration
Musical theatre, puppet theatre, opera house,
Refreshment room
A dressing room
A conductor
An usher
A Foyer
Unit 2. Theatre
Form 6th
Useful words and phrases:
The Bolshoy Theatre
The Maly Theatre
“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. (W. Shakespeare)
Turn off the phones, the performance is about to start.
To be a theatre goer/lover
A matinee performance/an evening performance
A row
The stalls
The orchestra stalls
The pit
The boxes
The dress circle
The balcony/the upper circle
The gallery
A tragedy/a drama/a comedy/a musical/love-story
What’s on at the theatre today?
The cloak-room
The house is full today.
To book the tickets (by telephone/in person at the box office of the theatre/online)
To collect tickets from the box office
On the day of the performance
To applaud
Who is playing the leading role?
The cast
To enjoy the play
The curtain is going up/down.
The interval
To be a flop
To cause admiration
Musical theatre, puppet theatre, opera house,
Refreshment room
A dressing room
A conductor
An usher
A Foyer
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