Образование в Британии и России
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Урок на тему Образование в Британии и России


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План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме : The School Systems in Great Britain and Russia.

УМК Spotlight 10

  • Цель: ознакомить учащихся с системой образования в России и Британии, овладение новыми языковыми средствами, развивать умения аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи.


  • Образовательные: 
  • 1)  Формирование  представления учащихся о системе образования в Великобритании и России.
  • 2)  Провести презентацию домашнего задания о частных школах Великобритании  на примере Harrow School и системе русского образования;
  • 3)  Развитие умений аудировать с детальным пониманием содержания
  • 4)  Развивать навыки монологических высказываний на основе видеоматериала;
  •  Воспитательные: 
  • 1) формирование  интереса учащихся к системам образования разных стран.
  •  2) Повышение интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
  • Развивающие:
  • 1) Развивать межпредметные  связи и познавательный интерес учащихся;
  • 2) Формирование и развитие умений и навыков работы с информационным материалом, способности осуществлять творческий подход к решению коммуникативных задач;
  • 3) Развитие навыков языковой догадки, языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы.

Ход урока.

  1. Good morning, students. I see you are ready for the lesson, so sit down.

Look at the blackboard, read and guess the riddle, students.

  • It is a place where you should go six times a week.
  • It is a place where you can find the answers to your questions.
  • It is a place where you can have a lot of friends.
  • You can go to different clubs there.
  • You can learn about interesting things there.

T: what is this place? What is the topic of our discussion at the lesson today?

P1: we shall speak about school life and types of schools.

P2: we shall speak about schools around the world.

P3: we shall speak about the educational systems.

T: yes, right you are. Today we are going to talk about the school systems of Britain and Russia. We’ll discuss different types of schools and do some (many) exercises. I would like you to work hard and be more attentive. Take part in our discussion, please.

Students , Where do we get education?

  • Generally we get education at school.

What do we study for?

S: we study to get knowledge

S. we study to enter the university

S3 we study to get a good education

S4: we study to get a good job

T:There are a lot of proverbs , sayings about education.  Look at the blackboard! Read  the proverb. How do you understand it: «education brings a child the world»

S: I think education gives knowledge about the world.

S: We can learn many new things about different countries, their history and culture.

  1. Now, let’s revise the words. What is the English for:

Дошкольное образование – infant school

Начальная школа – primary school

Младшие классы   средней школы- junior school

Общеобразовательная школа – comprehensive school

Средняя школа – grammar school

Средняя современная школа – secondary Modern school

Сдавать экзамены – to pass exams

Сдавать выпускные экзамены – to take final examinations

Аттестат о среднем образовании – the General Certificate of Secondary  Education

Получить продвинутый уровень – to get an Advanced level of education

Получить высшее образование – to get  higher education

         -Частная школа –private school

  • Государственная школа- state school
  • Школа совместного обучения – co-educational school
  • Школа-интернат – boarding school
  • Школа раздельного обучения – single school
  • Профильная школа – specialist school

A a school for boys and girls

B a school you usually have to pay to go to

С a school students go to for a particular reason (to become actors)

D a school for only boys and girls

E a school owned by the government

F a school which students live in during school term

T: Please, match types of schools to the descriptions. Take card №1.

Read your sentences.

3. and now I invite you to British school. (film)

T: did you like this film?

P1: yes I did, it was interesting.

T: What school do British children go to at the age of 5?

P2: they go to infant school.

T: when does compulsory education start in England?

P3: Compulsory education starts in England at the age of 5.

T: What subjects do British children study at school?

P4: British students have a wide choice of subjects. They study English and English literature, Math, History, Geography, Art. Most students study French. Other popular foreign languages are Spanish and Italian. They have the Food and Technology class where the students learn Food and Cooking.    

T: What do you think about the school rules?

Student: All British schools have rules, but sometimes they are really strict. For example, at Eton College, a very famous boys’ boarding school in England, the students have a smart, but old-fashioned uniform with a long jacket, trousers and shirt.

T: What do you know about British universities?  

Student: Oxford and Cambridge universities are the best known universities in the world. It is not easy to enter these universities because many pupils want to get high education there. The most intelligent man and women in the country live and work there.

T: What can you add to our discussion about this film?

Student: Sporting activities are a major part of English school life. If you are not the sporty type, there are also many other things to do such as music, the school newspaper and so on.

T: Now, look at the blackboard. Read to get more information about British schools.

4. Now we’ll have a short quiz about British schools. Take card №2 and choose the right item.

 1. In Great Britain schools begin at the age of ……. .

a) 4-5             b)5-6                          c)6-7

2. The school year in England begins on ……………. .

a)  the first of September

b  )the first Monday of September

c)  the first Tuesday of September  

3. Classes in English schools usually begin at ………… .

A )8 o’clock           b)8:30                   c)9 o’clock

4. The first schools which children go are called ………. .

a) infant schools    b) junior school  c) secondary schools

5. Children spend …… years in primary schools.

a)four    b)five    c)six  

6. Most of English schools have …… .

a) numbers   b)names   c)numbers and names

7. Classes are usually over at …… o’clock

a) two            b) three                c)four

put your cards aside

5. There are many famous schools in England such as Eton, Harrow, Rugby and Winchester.  It is very interesting for us to learn about them.  Lena has prepared the presentation about Harrow School in England. Lena, you are welcome!

Thank you very much. It is a very interesting  information.

T: What is interesting about Harrow school?

P: it is interesting for me to know that Harrow  school is an independent boarding school only for boys.

T: what surprised you most of all?

P: A straw harrow hat surprised me most of all.

6. Физкультминутка для глаз.  

  T:Now we’ll have a short rest. Our eyes are tired, aren`t they? Look up, look down, look right, look left, look around.

         Close your eyes. One, two, three, four, five. Open your eyes. Now we are ready to work

 7. THE next task for you is an  exercise in reading as it is in your

State  exam.  Take   card №3, read the task and do it. You have only 8 minutes to do this exercise.

 Time is up, students, give me your papers.

  8. You know a bit about English schools, but imagine the situation when a pupil from Britain comes to our school and he wants to know something about Russian Educational system and about our school.

Nickita is our guest. Nickita, what questions have you got?

What type of school do you go to? At what age do children go to school in Russia? How long do they study in primary school?   What time do your classes begin?   What subjects do you study? What is your favorite subject? What marks do you usually get? Do you like going to school? How many lessons do you have every day?

9. Ilya will show us his presentation about Russian schools. Listen to his presentation attentively. Then you will work with the text.

T: Thank you for your presentation, Ilya

10. Now students you’ll do one more exercise. Take card №4 and put the words into the text.  Make all necessary changes with the words and put them in the right form.

Trouble          education                attend                   allowed     ages      schools

Have               punish       private            punishment             behaves

    In Russia education is compulsory between … of 6-7 and 15years. There are different types of secondary….in our country. Most of them are state schools where …. is free.

    But some parents want their children to attend …schools which are not free.

     Children have to…school from Monday till Friday. In some schools they … to wear uniform. In others they are … to wear what they want.

   The discipline is not very strict. But if a pupil …badly the teacher can …the child. Of course, the …is not severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of …and always do

We pass over to another exercise. Complete the sentences. These sentences are taken from this text.

  • Private schools …..
  • In nursery schools children ……..
  • The school system  of Great Britain  ……………….
  • In the junior school there are …………………
  • The Secondary education includes ………………………….
  • The Secondary Modern schools provide ……………………

T:  Now students tell me what you think about education. Is it necessary to get it? Игра “Снежный ком”.

My school is …( number 1935/which is situated in … Street/near the Sport school/where I go/every day besides Sunday/and learn different subjects/for example…/and have a lot of friends…

  1.  Would you like to study abroad?
  •  Students, what have we done at the lesson?
  • S: we have learnt about the school systems of Britain and Russia.
  • S: we have done many exercises.
  • S: we have watched an interesting film about English schools.
  • Thank you for your work at the lesson. Your mark is … Open you diaries and write down your homework for the next lesson. Your will write the letter to your English pen-friend about your school.

Homework: Write a description of our school according to the plan – history, aim, curriculum, extra – curricular activities, school uniform.  You see the plan at the blackboard.

Приложение 1

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