План - конспект урока в 9 классе по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru» по теме: «Молодёжные субкультуры»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
План-конспект урока в 9 классе по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru» по теме: «Молодёжные субкультуры»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования РФ
Департамент образования Тульской области
Государственное образовательное учреждение
«Первомайская кадетская школа – интернат»
Методическое объединение дисциплин
гуманитарно-эстетического цикла
План-конспект урока в 9 классе по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru»
по теме:
«Молодёжные субкультуры»
Урок разработан и проведен:
учителем английского языка
Поздняковой Светланой Николаевной
( 21. 11. 2007.)
г. Щекино 2007 г.
План-конспект урока в 9 классе по учебнику К.Кауфман, М.Кауфман «Happy English.ru»
Тема урока: «Молодёжные субкультуры»
познавательный аспект: знакомство с различными молодёжными
субкультурами Лондона и нашего города;
поиск причин объединения подростков в
культурные группы
развивающий аспект: развитие способности к сравнению,
обобщению, классификации
воспитательный аспект: формирование терпимого отношения и
уважения чужого мнения, к попыткам
самовыражения подростков и понимания
этих попыток
учебный аспект: формирование лексико-грамматических навыков
аудирования, чтения, говорения (монологическая и
диалогическая форма речи), письма
сопутствующие задачи: - активизация лексики по темам:
«Внешность», «Мода», «Музыка»,
«Межличностные отношения среди
- развитие умения аудировать речь
Одноклассников с целью
извлечения конкретной информации;
- развитие умения чтения с целью
извлечения конкретной информации и
детального понимания содержания;
- развитие умения говорить на основе
прочитанного, устно излагать свою
точку зрения;
- развитие умения вести диалог – обмен
мнениями с помощью опор;
- развитие умения письменно описывать
молодёжную субкультуру.
Речевой материал:
лексический: (продуктивный): tight clothes, to wear make up, untidy
clothes, accessories, to dye hair, jewelry , to show off, to
paint nails, beads, rock; to rebel against, bracelet, to reject
smth, aggressive music, hooded-tops, to express
individuality, chain, pop music, brand, to put a label on
smb / to be labeled, baggy trousers, to wear earrings,
relations, to influence smb, handbag, to impress smb,
values, to pierce ears and navel, hair cut;
(рецептивный): sunbleached, crimson, to hang out, scruffy,
to grease and tong hair;
грамматичекий: (продуктивный): перевод утвердительных
в косвенную речь.
Оснащение урока: запись на компакт диске, листы с заданиями,
письменные опоры для диалогов, грамматичес-
кая таблица «Перевод утверждений в
косвенную речь»
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Приветствие учителя. Рапорт дежурного. Сообщение учителем
темы и цели урока.
T: Today we’ll continue to speak about youth groups. You’ll learn about
some so called tribes among London teenagers and speak about youth
subcultures in our town. We’ll discuss the reasons why teenagers join the
groups. You’ll express your personal attitude to them and we’ll create
the image of a new subculture “Cadets”.
II. Выполнение упражнения на активизацию изучаемой лексики по
темам: «Внешность», «Мода», «Музыка», «Межличностные
отношения среди подростков».
T: Young people have some special relations with the world. There are
many youth groups whose members differ from other people mostly in
three ways. What are they?
P: Image, music, values.
T: At home you were to revise the words o the topics: “Appearance”,
“Fashion”, “Music”, “Personal relations among teenagers” and fill in
the scheme.
Пример выполнения задания:
cloths make up accessories
baggy trousers dyed hair rings
… … …
(tight clothes, hooded tops, (do one’s nails, (beads, bracelets,
untidy clothes, worn out jeans, wear a lot of make-up) chains, handbags,
brands, loose T-shirts) jewellry)
(punk, rock, hip-hop, rap, classical)
to show off
(to rebel against, to reject smth, to express individuality, to put a label on smb,
to be labeled, to influence smb, to impress people, to escape from the problems of
everyday life, to spend free time together, to make friends, to listen to music, to talk to each other)
III. Рассказ об известных молодежных группах и знакомство с так
называемыми «племенами» среди лондонских подростков в
ходе аудирования, чтения и выполнения заданий к аутентич-
ному тексту.
T: At our previous lesson we’ve learned about some youth groups in
English schools. What are they?
P: They are Grungers, Townies, Goths and Preppies.
T: Remind us, please, of their distinctive features.
P: Grugers listen to grunge music. They have skateboards, and they wear
baggy jeans, with baggy, hooded tops, loose T-shirts and silver or black
metal jewelry or chains.
Goths wear black cloths, and both girls and boys use black and white
make-up and dye their hair black. They listen to gothic punk. Teachers
don’t like them and say that they worship Satan and listen to awful music.
Townies are the enemies of Goths. They like to be called “the children of
the street”. There uniform includes: fake “gold” jewelry, fake Adidas or
Nike trousers with white socks and baseball caps. They talk to each other
in a “yeah, ah’m cool, ah’m cool manner and a lot of them smoke
Preppies come from rich families wear shirts instead of T-shirts, and
trousers instead of jeans.
Задание 1. Аудирование аутентичных текстов с извлечением конкрет-
ной информации.
T: Today we’ll learn about three more youth groups (sometimes they are
called “tribes”) in London. They are Camden Cool, Ragga girls and
boys, Skater Dudes. Your first task will be to listen to the CD and match
the names of the subcultures with their descriptions and fill in the
activity sheets (Task 1).
Правильный ответ:
- Skater Dudes
- Camden Cool
- Ragga girls and boys
Задание 2. Чтение аутентичных текстов с детальным пониманием
содержания. (Работа в группах)
T: Now you’ll read about these youth groups and write out their specific
features and fill in the table in your activity sheets. You’ll work in groups.
Задание 3. Cопоставление высказываний подростков и их принадлеж-
ности к субкультуре. Перевод утвердительных предложе-
ний из прямой речи в косвенную.
T: Now you’ll read the sayings of the teenagers and match them with the
subculture. Change the sentences into reported speech according to the
Model: “I love gold. I have a few gold rings but I’ve seen another I really
want.” – A Ragga boy says that he loves gold and has a few gold
rings but he has seen another he really wants.
- I’d like to be in sunny California now to practice skating.
- I want to be like Tony Hawk.
- I don’t like those who show off to impress people.
- I will go to the market to buy a South American bracelet.
- Yesterday I bought a crimson T-shirt at a second-hand shop.
- I’m happy now as I’ve got a suntan.
- Music of 70’s is my cup of tea.
- Untidy clothes are not possible for me.
Правильный ответ:
a. A Skater Dude says that he’d like to be in sunny California now to
practice skating.
b. A Skater Dude says that he wants to be like Tony Hawk.
c. A Ragga boy says that he doesn’t like those who show off to
impress people.
d. A Camden Cool says that he will go to the market to buy a South
American bracelet.
- A Camden Cool says that he bought a crimson T-shirt at a second-hand shop.
- A Skater Dude says that he is happy now as he’s got a suntan.
- A Camden Cool says that music of 70’s is his cup of tea.
- A Ragga boy says that he untidy clothes are not possible for him.
IV. Дискуссия на темы: «Почему подростки вступают в молодёжные
группы?», «Какие молодёжные субкультуры существуют в Туль-
ской области?», «Ты бы хотел вступить в какую-нибудь группу и
почему?». Диалоги – обмен мнениями по теме.
Задание 1. Выражение мнения по темам: «Почему подростки вступа-
ют в молодёжные группы?», «Какие молодёжные субкуль-
туры существуют в Тульской области?» «Ты бы хотел
вступить в какую-нибудь группу и почему?»
T: Now we are going to share opinions on the topic “Why teens join a
subculture?” When discussing use the expressions of agreement and
disagreement with somebody’s opinion.
Возможные варианты ответов.
P1: In my opinion teenagers join subcultures to escape from the problems of
everyday life.
P2: I agree with P1. And I think they do it simply to show off and to make
P3: Yes, but some teenagers are labelled to a particular subculture without
their wish.
P4: To my mind they meet to spend free time together, to make friends, to
listen to music, to talk to each other.
P5: This is right. But on the other hand this is the way how they rebel
against their parents, to reject the rules and express their individuality.
P6: I can’t agree with you in full. Some of my friends simply follow fashion
to impress other people with their clothes.
T: Have you head about any subcultures in Tula region? While answering
the question you can start with the following expressions in your
activity sheets:
I’ve heard about…
I saw teenagers dressed as…
My friend is a …
I know there are…in Tula.
Возможные варианты ответов.
Goths, bikers, punks, hackers, rockers, skinheads…
T: Next question you are to answer is, “Would you like to join any youth
group and why?”
Возможные варианты ответов.
P1: I don’t want to join any subculture because I don’t want to be labeled / I
don’t like them all / I don’t share their values / I don’t like clothes they
wear and music they listen to.
P2: As for me I’d like to join … because I like clothes they wear / I listen to
the same music / I share their values / I want to spend my free time with
friends / I want to make new friends / I want to talk to other people.
Задание 2. Драматизация мини-диалогов по теме.
T: Now you’ll work in pairs. I want you to translate dialogues in your
activity sheets and dramatize them.
Situation 1.
A: Вы слышали, что в школе вашего собеседника все учащиеся
причислены к определённой группе подростков в соответствии с
одеждой, которую они носят.
B: Говорит, что это верно, но многие из них причислены не по своему
Situation 2.
A: Спрашивает, почему подростки вступают в различные субкультуры.
B: Отвечает, что по его мнению, это способ выражения их индивиду-
Situation 3.
A: Спрашивает, почему одноклассники его собеседника носят такую
необычную одежду.
B: Отвечает, что они просто рисуются и хотят произвести впечатление
на других людей своей одеждой.
Situation 4.
A: Слышал, что его собеседник присоединился к байкерам и интере-
суется почему.
B: Отвечает, что он любит мотоциклы заводить друзей и общаться с
Situation 5.
A: Слышал, что в их школе появились панки и, что они поклоняются
Сатане и слушают отвратительную музыку.
B: Говорит, что его собеседник неправ, многие из панков хорошие и
интересные люди.
Situation 6.
A: Говорит, что подружка его собеседника употребляет слишком много
косметики и спрашивает почему.
B: Отвечает, что так она выражает свой протест против родителей и
учителей в школе.
Situation 7.
A: Спрашивает у своего собеседника в какую субкультуру он хотел бы
вступить и почему.
B: Отвечает на вопрос и объясняет почему.
Примерные ответы учащихся:
Situation 1.
A: I heard that in your school all the pupils are labeled according to the
clothes they wear.
B: It’s true, but many of them are labeled without their wish.
Situation 2.
A: Why do teens join a subculture?
B: To my mind this is the way they show their individuality.
Situation 3.
A: Why do your classmates wear such extraordinary clothes?
B: They simply show off and want to impress other people with their
Situation 4.
A: I heard that you had joined bikers. Why?
B: I like motorbikes, to make friends and talk to other people.
Situation 5.
A: I heard that there are punks at our school. They worship Satan and listen
to awful music.
B: You are wrong. A lot of them ate nice and interesting people.
Situation 6.
A: Why does your girl-friend wear a lot of make-up?
B: This is how she rebels against her parents and teachers.
Situation 7.
A: What subculture would you like to join and why?
B: As for me I’d join Skater Dudes, because I’ve got a skating board and I
like the way they dress and spend their free time.
V. Описание субкультуры «Кадеты»
Т: I see that each of you has his own interests and clothes style but there is
something that unites all of you – you all are members of cadet’s
brotherhood. Your image, music and values differ from those of other
teenagers. Let’s see in what way you differ from other young people.
What can you say about the image of a cadet?
Примерные ответы учащихся:
P: Cadets wear a special uniform at school. There three types of it: one is
for celebrations, one for studies and one – for after school activities. We
are not allowed to wear any make up or jewellry at school.
T: Do you like your school uniform?
P: …
T: What is the attitude of other people to your school uniform? Do they like
it or not? Aren’t you ashamed to wear it outside?
P: …
T : But when you are at home what kind of clothes would you like to wear?
Do you wear any make – up?
What accessories do you prefer?
P: …
T: What is the attitude of other people to your school uniform? Do they like
it or not?
T: What music do you like to listen to?
P: We like to listen to different types of music. As for me I like … but each
of us likes to listen to patriotic songs such as “Officers” by Gazmanov
and songs of the pop group “Lube” and knows the hymn of cadets by
T: Can you sing at least one verse of the hymn?
T: What are the values of cadets?
P: All the cadets take an oath to love their Motherland and be ready to
defend it, to respect people who are older or younger, to help each other
to be honest and brave, to study well and be well organized and
T: Who is you role model?
P: My role model is … He is…
VI. Подведение итогов урока. Оценка работы учащихся на уроке.
Объяснение и запись домашнего задания: написать сочинение
на тему «Братство кадет».
Activity sheet
Task 1. Make groups of four pupils. Read one of the descriptions of youth subcultures in London and find it’s specific features: image, music and values.
(Reading for specific information)
Task 2. Read the following sentences and guess a representative of which tribe it may belong to. Change the sentences into reported speech according to the model.
Model: “I love gold. I have a few gold rings but I’ve seen another I really want.” – A Ragga boy says that he loves gold and has a few gold rings but he has seen another he really wants.
- I’d like to be in sunny California now to practice skating.
- I want to be like Tony Hawk.
- I don’t like those who show off to impress people.
- I will go to the market to buy a South American bracelet.
- Yesterday I bought a crimson T-shirt at a second-hand shop.
- I’m happy now as I’ve got a suntan.
- Music of 70’s is my cup of tea.
- Untidy clothes are not possible for me.
Task 3. Discuss at the lesson: What youth groups are there in Tula region?
Task 4. Checking homework. Work in groups.
Group 1. Discuss the problem: Why do teens join a subculture?
At the lesson: answer the question, give the reasons.
Group 2. Make up dialogues in the following situations.
1. A: Спрашивает, почему подростки вступают в различные субкультуры.
B: Отвечает, что по его мнению, это способ выражения их индивидуальности.
2. A: Спрашивает, почему одноклассники его собеседника носят такую необычную одежду.
B: Отвечает, что они просто рисуются и хотят произвести впечатление на других людей.
3. A: Слышал, что в их школе появились панки и, что они поклоняются Сатане и слушают
отвратительную музыку.
B: Говорит, что его собеседник неправ, многие из панков хорошие и интересные люди.
4. A: Говорит, что подружка его собеседника употребляет слишком много косметики и
спрашивает почему.
B: Отвечает, что так она выражает свой протест против родителей и учителей в школе.
At the lesson: dramatize the dialogues in pairs.
Group 3. Discuss the problem: Would you like to join any subculture?
At the lesson: answer the question, give the reasons.
Task 5. Describe the youth group Cadets . Prepare for the home composition on the topic “Brotherhood of Cadets”.
Тексты для чтения
Skater Dudes
Unlike most teen tribes, their common interest is not always music. They dream of being in California so they can practice their jumps over and over again without the rain stopping them. Their American equivalents always end up with a suntan but skaters in London rarely do! A few have their hair made a bit more blonde so they can at least have 'that sunbleached(made lighter by the sun) look'. Luckily London's main skatepark is covered so they don't get wet. The boys' baggy trousers and hooded-tops often make them look like they haven't eaten for weeks but it does also make them look cool. The girls often have multi-coloured tight T-shirts with logos. The most important accessory, apart from that super-cool board is the T-shirt with the logo. Logos and brands are important to skaters and there are hundreds of brands with amazing designs. Tony Hawk is their favourite skater and clothing brand. Skater dudes often overlap with Nu-metal suppor-
ters (Wow, those nu-metal supporters are friends with everyone!!)
Music: Crazy Town, Puddle of Mudd.
The Camden cool
Camden cool kids are into a variety of things. They have their hair dyed different colours (or they do it themselves) – crimson(deep red) is a popular one at the moment. They want to save the environment and often hang out(spend time) in London's second-hand clothing shops, hunting for a bargain. They tend to mix quite expensive clothes with cheap ones. They look scruffy but in a very clean way! Their T-shirts often show their heroes who consist of people from cult TV programmes from the 1970's or people who have fought for human rights. The attraction of Camden is the market with its clothing stalls, selection of T-shirts with sparkling designs, ethnic accessories (such as beads and South American bracelets.)
Music: everything: 70's music, Pink, alternative bands that are new.
Ragga girls and boys
The most common place to see Ragga Girls is South London. Their
attitude to clothing is sexy and classy(expensive, in good taste). It should be tight. Scruffy(untidy) is not acceptable. Even more important than clothing is accessories - rings, chains and bracelets are essential, not just for the girls but boys too. Danyo, 16 knows some of his friends think he's crazy but he has to have the best and latest trainers and sports tops. "It's important to me. It's who I am. I've got to look good. I love gold, I have a few gold rings but I've seen another I really want. My girlfriend is the same but with handbags and shoes too." Denise, 15, has a Saturday job in a shop so she can play for the things she needs to look good. "I like to have my nails done once a fortnight. If I'm going out on Saturday I need 2 hours to grease my hair and tong(electric device that tong hair) it." Raggas like to look their best and demand that anyone they go out with looks as good as they do but without showing off. "I can't stand boys who walk around with their motorbike helmet or car keys to impress people."
Music: Ms Dynamite, Usher. Motto: Be stylish or die!
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