Конспект открытого урока в 5 классе на тему «Добро пожаловать в Лондон»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Конспект открытого урока в 5 классе на тему «Добро пожаловать в Лондон»
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Тема урока: «Добро пожаловать в Лондон»
Цель урока:
Систематизировать знания о достопримечательностях Лондона
Обучающие: формирование навыков употребления грамматической формы Present Perfect
Развивающие: развитие умения проводить экскурсию-комментарий по Лондону, а так же художественно-творческих способностей учащихся
Воспитывающие: расширение культурного кругозора учащихся, формирование уважительного отношения к истории Великобритании и городам
Форма урока: урок-экскурсия
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент.
( Встреча российских школьников, приехавших в Лондон)
T Excuse me, please. If I am not mistaken, you are the group of tourists from Russia, aren’t you?
P Yes, we are.
T Welcome to London. Glad to meet you. My name is Regina Ravilevna. I will be your guide and interpreter.
Nice to meet you.
P Nice to meet you too.
T Well, our bus is waiting for you, please, proceed there and we shall finish with the formalities. This way, please. Take your seats, please, make yourselves comfortable. Are you comfortable?
P -Yes, we are comfortable.
T -Fine! And how was the flight? You are not tired, are you?
P Thank you, everything was wonderful.
T Very glad to hear it.
- Речевая разминка
And how many of you are there in the group? Let’s count.
There are 15 students in the group. But according to my list there are 16 people. Who is missing?
P Sasha Sobolev is seriously ill
T Oh, yes, we’ve got a fax message from him. What a pity! Poor thing. Let us wish him a speedy recovery!
P We wish him a speedy recovery!
T By the way, who has heard the weather forecast for today?
P The weather will be fine today.
P And now it is warm and sunny.
P It is not windy.
P The temperature is10degrees above zero.
T Ok, we are lucky to have such beautiful weather.
- Развитие произносительных навыков учащихся
(Планирование культурной программы)
Well friends, we haven’t discussed our cultural program yet. Let’s work out the plan of the excursion. Have a look through the maps of the city and choose any places you like to visit today. We may start with the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square. (уч-ся повторяют за учителем названия достопримечательностей)
- Активизация в речи учащихся вводных клише и названий достопримечательностей Лондона
Which variant do you prefer?
P I suggest to begin with..
P As for me I prefer to start with…
P Let’s start with…
T So many men, so many minds. There is so much to visit. Let’s divide our tour into some days. And today let’s start with Piccadilly Circus, then we shall visit Trafalgar square, The houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London and Westminster Abbey. It will be enough for one day I think.
T No objections?
P No objections!
T OK then, by the way, don’t forget you cameras with you, please.
Three hours passed. We returned from the excursion. Now we are in the room of the hotel.
- Активизация в речи учащихся реплик-клише оценочного характера
T Oh. At last we are at home, we are physically exhausted. Are you physically exhausted? Are you tired?
P Yes, we are physically exhausted and tired.
T Well. Have a rest and relax a bit. Help yourselves to traditional English tea, please. Girls, will you help me, please.
T OK, I say friends, how did you like the excursion?
P Oh, it was fantastic!
P It was great!
P It was marvelous!
P I couldn’t imagine such beauty!
P It was smashing!
P It made a great impression on me.
T It is very nice to hear it.
You have taken a lot of photos during the excursion, haven’t you?
P Yes, we have.
T I think that it will be very interesting for our guests to see where you have been and what you have seen. Please, show your photos and try to comment the places you visited.
- Развитие навыков монологической речи учащихся
(уч-ся рассказывают о достопримечательностях)
We have known from our tour that London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. About 7 million people live here. London is a very old city. It is more than two thousand years old.
London stands on the river Thames. Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, the West end and the East End. They are very different from each other. We have visited mostly the West end- the symbol of wealth and luxury.
We have started with Piccadilly Circus. It is a real heart of London. This is the Statue of Kupido. It is a Greek God of Love. There are a lot of illuminated advertising signs. I think that it looks very beautiful at night.
It is the centre of London. This is Trafalgar square. On the column in the centre there is the statue of Admiral Nelson, who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1905. To the left you can see the National Gallery. It has a fine collection of European paintings.
Every one in the world knows this building. Of course it is Big Ben. It is one of the most famous clocks in the world. You can hear the sounds of Big Ben every hour in London. And that is the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British Government. There are two Houses there- the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
We also have been to Buckingham Palace. It is the London Home of the Queen- the official Residence of Her Majesty. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. Every day at 11.30 a ceremony of Changing the Guards take place here. It is an old tradition. It is unforgettable.
Westminster Abby produced a great impression on me. It is a Royal church. It is more than 9 hundred years old. Here you can see the tombs of many British Kings and Queens and other famous people. This is the magnificent example of Gothic architecture. We have been inside the church. It was fantastic.
T. Thank you very much for your interesting information.
8. Развитие навыков аудирования. (Просмотр видеосюжета)
T Danil had a chance to record a beefeater in the Tower of London. Now we are going to watch it, and after that, you are to say if it was true or false.
- Проверка понимания услышанного
(утверждения “True”, “False”)
- The pigeons are one of the famous sights in the Tower of London. (False)
- The legend says that without black ravens The Tower will fall. (True)
- The man, who takes care of ravens is called “A Guard” (The Raven Master)
- Ravens are free and they can leave the Tower away. (False)
- The wings of ravens are a bit cut. (True)
- Every Raven lives in it’s own special cage.
T Ok, then. You are the most talented pupils I’ve ever seen.
- Развитие навыков диалогической речи
Well my dears, now you have some free time, you can have a rest and phone your parents, I am sure that they missed you very much.
P1,P2 (пары учащихся разговаривают с родителями)
-Hello, mum.
-Oh, hello my dear, how are you?
-Oh, I am fine, I am really happy here.
-How do you like London?
-London is great! We have visited a lot of interesting places here, I’ll tell you more at home.
-Ok, take care of yourself!
-I kiss you mum!
-I love you, my dear!
T Fine, now your parents are happy and don’t trouble for their babies.
- Закрепление грамматического материала Present Perfect Tense
(Игра в командах «Кто знает английскую грамматику лучше всех»)
Well, boys and girls, tomorrow we are going to meet with London school students and of course you will speak English with them. Now I invite you to play a game “Who knows English grammar best?” to improve you grammar.
We have got three teams. The team that scores more points becomes a winner and will get a prize.
Are you ready?
P Yes. We are ready already.
Name three forms of the verbs
Become, begin, break, buy, choose, drink, eat, find, forget, give, go, know, see, take
You score …points, and you score..points
Task 2.
Make up verbs from the letters
You score…points, and you…points
Task 3
Make up the right sentences from the words in Present Perfect Tense. Mind the correct word order in the sentence.
Task 4
Look at the pictures very carefully and say what children have already done and what they haven’t done yet.
(You are great, you are talented)
- Совершенствование навыков чтения
Task 5
The competition of the best announcers. You are to read the advertisements and invite the tourists to visit your place.
Welcome to the Tower of London!
There are lots of wonderful sights and interesting activities in this ancient fortress. You can visit the museums, see the Crown Jewels and take photos of the famous black ravens. Historical performances take place in the White Tower! Don’t lose a chance to get unforgettable impressions.
Being in London don’t lose a chance to visit Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. Look, they are changing the Guards. It happens every day at 11.30. Hurry up and try to memorize these wonderful moments on your cameras!
T How clever you are! You have shown the perfect knowledge of your grammar and some pleasant surprise is waiting for you. Here you are, you deserved it.
- Подведение итогов
(что было сделано на уроке)
But before you start tasting the cake let us conclude what we have done at the lesson today.
Where have we been today?
Have we made an excursion around London?
Have we watched video?
Have we phoned our parents?
Have we improved our grammar?
And one more thing, my dears! You have become good friends and friendship makes wonders.
- Исполнение песни “The more we get together the happier will be”
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