конспект урока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
- Оргмомент. (slide 1)
T: Good morning children.
P: Good morning teacher.
T: I am very glad to see you. My name is S.R. and I will be your English teacher for today. Our lesson is unusual because we have got guests. Let’s greet them. Stand up please. Turn to our guests.
P: Good morning.
2. Мотивация
T: Thank you very much. Sit down please. I think that everything unusual is interesting and I hope that our lesson will be very interesting too. Dear boys and girls before I tell the topic of our lesson I would like to show you a short video. Watch the video and try to remember the name of the story. (slide 2) Ok, who knows this tale? Please rise your hand and tell us its name.
P: The tale of the lost time.
T: You are absolutely right. It is a tale about children who wasted their time. They didn’t know the value of time. Bad wizards casted a spell and made them old. (slide 3). Can you say why children became old?
P: Because they didn’t go to school.
P: They didn’t save their time.
P: Because they didn’t help parents.
T: Well done children. You’re absolutely right. I agree with you. The heroes of the story didn’t know how to use free time. Bad wizards knew it and used them to become young. Do you want to help our heroes to be young again?
P: Yes we do.
3. Сообщение темы урока.
T: Dear children. I have got a secret word. Please look at the screen, read the sentence and try to find the answer. (slide 4)
P: The answer is time.
T: You are right. My secret word is TIME. How do you think what will we do today?
P: We will speak about time.
T: Yes. Today we will speak about free time activities. We will learn how to spend it usefully. (Открываю таблички с темой на доске). So the topic of our lesson is “free time activities”. (slide 5) I will also ask you what you do when you are free. But before we do this I would like to show what British teens do in their free time. (slide 6). Look at the screen and tell me what they do.
P: читают
T: Thank you very much. And how do you think is it useful to spend free time like they do or not? Explain why do you think so.
P1: It is good because they will have some money.
P2: I think it is good because they help parents.
P3: It is good because they learn how to work.
T: You are right children. I agree with you. I also think it is good. They do the things they like and get money for it. It is very useful for them.
4. Закрепление лексики.
a) T: Now children please look at the screen. Let’s do an exercise. (slide 7)
P: Выполняют аудио-упр на слайде.
T: Well done. Now let’s revise the words you already know. Look at the screen. Read and translate words and expressions. (slide 8).
b) Пирамида. (slide 9)
Great! Now you know many interesting and useful activities. Let\s do an interesting exercise. Look at the blackboard. There are some pictures. Your task is to build the pyramid. But you must put only useful activities into your pyramid.
P: выходят и строят пирамиду.
T: Well done. Can you explain why didn’t you use these cards?
P1: Listening to music is not useful activity. We do it to relax.
P2: Go shopping is interesting. I like it. But it is not useful. We do it for pleasure.
P3: We must not watch TV in our free time. If we do it we should watch only useful programs.
T: All right. I agree with you. Sports are good for our health and spending free time with our family is also useful.
- Упр. 1 стр. 34. (slide 10)
Т: Remember that our heroes are still old. And if we want to help them we should do some exercises. Now I will give you cards and you will work in groups. Your task is to match the activities with the pictures and to find the activities that are not on the picture. Is it clear? Ok let’s start. You will have 1 minute to do this exercise.
P: работают в группах читают выражения и переводят их.
5. Физминутка. (slide 11)
T: Dear children I see you work very hard today. And I think its time to relax. Look at the screen, repeat the motions and sing.
6. Развитие навыков монологической речи. (slide 12)
a) T: Ok boys and girls sit down please. We had a rest and its time to work again. Dear boys and girls do you remember that I said you will tell me about your free time? We revised all the words, made exercises and I think now you can do it. I will give you cards that will help you to tell me what you do when you are free. I give you 2 min to do this task. Is it clear? Ok.
P: выполняют задание. Затем читают вслух о своих занятиях в свободное время.
b) (slide 13-14)
T: Very good. Now I know that you understand how to spend free time usefully. And if you will forget it you will have some tips. But I will not give them to you until you do one more interesting task. Please look at the blackboard. You can see proverbs. They are mixed. You should find right translation for each proverb. Do you understand the task?
P: Yes we do. (по очереди выходят к доске и ставят пословицы правильно.
7. Создание кластера (slide 15)
T: Good work. Thank you. Now its time to give some advises to our heroes. I will divide you into 3 groups and give a sheet of paper to each group. Your task is to make a cluster. Please right down useful activities and everything we do in our free time. You will have 6 minutes to do this task. (Раздаю шаблоны)
T: Ok, I see you are ready. Now I need one child from each group. Please come and read your group’s cluster.
P: выходят и читают кластеры.
- Подведение итогов урока. (slide 16)
- T: Now dear children who can say what did we learn at the lesson and what did you learn to do?
P: Сначала думают, если не скажут то Читают со слайда.
- T: (slide 17) Ok, well done. Now please look at the screen and tell me what happened with our heroes?
P: They are young again.
P: They are happy.
P3: The wizards are old now.
T: Yes you are right. The spell is destroyed. And do you know why it happened? Because we showed them how to use free time. Now they know it as well as you do. They will never waste their time. And wizards will not find them again.
10/. Рефлексия (slide 18)
T: Now I want you to show me how do you feel at our lesson. I will give red yellow and green cards. If the lesson was interesting show me green cards, if you think you didn’t like the lesson very much show me yellow cards and if the lesson was not interesting show me red cards.
P: показываю свое настроение.
T: Thank you very much for your work. It was very interesting to work with you. Now stand up please. Our lesson is over. Good bye.
P: Good bye S.R.
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