Олимпиада для 5-6 класов по английскому языку
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) по теме

Авдеева Евгения Юрьевна

 олимпиада по английскому языку 5-6 классов (45 минут)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиада по английскому языку

Районный этап

5-6 класс


Choose the correct variant.

1. He is very honest, he never tells ... lie.

a) — , b) a, c) an, d) the.

2. Your hair ... beautiful today.

a) look, b) is looking, c) are looking, d) looks.

3. I have no pen. I have nothing to write ... .

a) by, b) with, c) on, d) about.

4. Would you like ... milk in your tea?

a) some, b) any, c) none, d) every.

5. I'm afraid I can't tell you ... about the accident.

a) many, b) much, c) little, d) a little.

6. I ... getting up very early.

a) am used to, b) used to, c) didn't use to, d) never used to.

7. They all have worked ... at their English.

a) good, b) well, c) hard, d) hardly.

8. Kate is the ... dancer in our class.

a) good, b) better, c) best, d) best of all.

9. The train leaves _____ half past eight.

a) in b) at c) on

10. She ... to do the work immediately.

a) tells, b) told, c) was told, d) was telling.

11. What did you do _____ Sunday morning.

a) in b) at c) on d) by

12. If it's dark, you may ... the light.

a) turn on, b) turn in, c) turn out, d) turn off.

13. She ... in the library the whole evening yesterday.

a) works, b) is working, c) has worked, d) was working.

 14.When she arrived we ... dinner.

a) have had, b) were having, c) are having, d) will have.

15. He ... school this year.

a) finished, b) was finished, c) has finished, d) is finished.


Choose the most suitable word.

PART 1. Match the definitions to the words.

1. get on a bus here                     a) cinema

                2. play sports here                     b) bank

you can           3. buy things here                     c) leisure centre

                4. watch films here                     d) bus station

                5. get money here                     e) shops

PART 2. Dialogue
Arrange phrases of telephone conversation in a correct order. 

    1) Why not! See you tomorrow morning then.

    2) Have you ever been to an art gallery?

    3) I don’t know yet.

    4) What are you going to do on Saturday?

    5) No, I’ve never been there.

    6) Let’s go then. It’s worth seeing.

       a) 1,3,4,2,6,5                           b) 2,5,4,3,6,1                        c) 4,2,5,6,1,3



Choose the correct answer.

1. The financial centre of London is ... .

a) the West End, b) the East End, c) Westminster, d) the City.

2. What river does London stand on?

a) the Thames, b) the Severn, c) the Avon, d) the Clyde.

3. The Tower of London now is ... .

a) a prison, b) a royal residence, c) a museum, d) a burial place.

4. The capital of Australia is ... .

a) Melbourne, b) Sidney, c) Canberra, d) Ottawa.

5. The British money is ....

a) franks, b) dollars, c) crones, d) pounds.


Fill in the blank with the prefixes or suffixes which correspond to the words given in brackets.

1. This room is so ………………….! Put all your toys away! (tidy)

2. He doesn’t have a job. He’s ……………………..(employed)

3. Be ………………………when you open the door.(care)

4. Could your repeat that ………………….., please? I don’t really understand it.(explain)

5. The receptionist was very……………………. and explained to us everything very carefully.(help)


Read the text “My trip to Canada ” and choose the correct item.

My trip to Canada by Tessa Watts

I had a great time on my adventure trip to Canada. I went with two teachers and all

my classmates. I missed my family at first but by the end of the holiday, I didn’t

want to go home!

On my favourite day, we went on a really long walk in the mountains. We had to

carry all our things in bags on our backs which was hard work but we never got

bored because we all chatted the whole time. We had a rock climbing lesson just

before our picnic lunch and later that afternoon we arrived at a lake where we

camped for the night. Three of my classmates tried to fish, without success! I

helped build the fire. The teachers and two of the older students made supper, then

we sat in our blankets around the fire and sang songs and made wishes in the dark.

We decided not to sleep inside the tents, but outdoors because we wanted to look at

the stars. Some of the boys made “bear” noises trying to make us afraid, but we

were still laughing at midnight because we were having so much fun. I’ll never

forget that day.

  1.  Tessa felt happy on the first day because she was with her family.

A True B False C Not stated

  1.  Tessa talked a lot with other people on the walk.

A True B False C Not stated

  1. After the picnic lunch, the group had a lesson in rock climbing.

A True B False C Not stated

  1.  The students caught three fish in the lake.

A True B False C Not stated

  1.  The older students helped the teachers make supper.

A True B False C Not stated

  1.  The students didn’t sing songs because they left the guitar at home.

A True B False C Not stated

  1.  The group slept outside so they could look up at the sky.

A True B False C Not stated


Match the English proverb with its Russian equivalent.



1) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

a. Посмотрим, сказал слепой

2) A blind man would be glad to see.

b. Дешево, да гнило, дорого, да мило.

3) Catch the bear before you sell his skin

c. Побольше слушай, поменьше говори.

4) Cheapest is the dearest

d. Не дели шкуру неубитого медведя.

5) Be swift to hear, slow to speak

e. Лучше воробей в руке, чем петух на кровле.

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