Олимпиада для 7-8 класса по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
+Данный материал по английскому языку составлен по типу ЕГЭ. В него входят задания по аудированию,чтению лексике и грамматике.
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Олимпиада по английскому языку
7-8 классы
Аудирование (45 минут)
Задание 1
Вы услышите рассказ о выдающихся личностях в истории. Определите какие из приведенных утверждений (1-10) соответствуют содержанию текста (а), какие не соответствуют (b) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (с). Вы услышите запись дважды.
1. The Text mainly tells about ordinary events in history
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
2. At the beginning of the story, the farmer was bathing in a river.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
3. There must have been an accident with a little boy.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
4. The action takes place on a sunny autumn day.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
5. The farmer's children were all girls.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
6. The little boy's father wanted to give the farmer a sum of money.
а) верно b) неверно с)в тексте не сказано
7. The farmer seemed to know the importance of knowledge.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
8. The nobleman's prediction did not come true.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
9. The boy glorified his family name.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
10. Wonderful coincidences always happen in life.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
Задание 2
Вы услышите рассказ о влиянии погоды на людей. Выполните задание (1-10), обводя букву (а,b,c,d), соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
1. The hottest and wettest time of the year in the south of the US is...
a) early summer;
b) late spring;
c) late summer;
d) midsummer.
2. There is no such region in the US as ...
a) Middle West;
b) Middle East;
c) Northeast;
d) South.
3. The best climatic condition for taking a test is probably
a) drought;
b) flood;
с) blizzard;
d) very strong wind.
4. The worst exam results in the US are very often produced
a) at the very beginning of a school year;
b) before a winter break;
c) after Easter holidays;
d) when the temperature outside is very high.
5. Weather normally does NOT affect people's ...
a) perception of the world;
b) resistance to heat and cold;
c) thinking abilities;
d) outlooks.
6. When air pressure is low; you are most likely to...
a) fall in love;
b) quarrel with your friend;
c) pass a test;
d) find an umbrella.
7. A large number of forgotten things in a bus may most probably mean that ...
a) the bus driver is to blame;
b) the air pressure is not high at all;
c) all the passengers were fools;
d) the bus tour was too long.
8. The best working conditions for humans imply...
a) about one third water in the air;
b) about two thirds water in the air;
c) about three thirds water in the air;
d) almost no water in the air.
9. What was NOT mentioned in the Text as a result of weather influence is ...
a) heart problems;
b) irritability;
c) accidental injuries;
d) low spirits.
10. The best title for this Text most probably would be...
a) «Beware of Weather»;
b) «How Are You Feeling Today?»;
c) «The Powerful Influence of Weather»;
d) «Some Funny Tales About Weather».
Чтение (45минут)
Задание 1
Прочитайте рассказ о том, как Барбара проводит свои праздничные дни. Определите какие из приведенных утверждений (1-10) соответствуют содержанию текста (а), какие не соответствуют (b) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (с).
My Holidays
On New Year's Eve a few years ago, I decided to go skiing for the first time with two friends. They are the complete opposite of me in that they are really brave and fearless – they've been skiing and diving all their lives, whereas I'm a bit of a coward. Surprisingly, however, I enjoyed it very much and the second we went I felt much more confident and decided to move away from skiing on the nursery slopes. I was doing really well and skiing down quite a steep slope when I heard one of my friends say, «Wow, Barbara, you're moving fast!» I thought, «Yes, I am, aren't I – but how do I stop?» Suddenly all my confidence left me and I fell very badly. I didn't break anything but I twisted my knee. The rest of the holiday was spent sitting on top of the mountain, looking after everybody's bags and coats.
If I'm honest, I prefer going somewhere hot and sunny for a holiday. I love going to Thailand, for example, and staying in one of the beautiful resorts on the coast. The people are extremely friendly and in one hotel we stayed at we got to know the chef quite well and he would take us round the market with him. And one of the waiters took us to visit his uncle who owns a coconut farm. It's only in ways like this that you begin to get a feel for the country and its people, as these kinds of opportunities are not available for the average tourist.
I'm not a rough-it kind of person: I did enough of that when I was younger. The trouble with me is that I have a genuine problem with mosquitoes – they absolutely adore me! If I get bitten, the bites turn into mini-balloons all over my body. Once when we were travelling by jeep during the monsoon season, the rain was so heavy that we stopped in a village. A young Thai boy noticed this huge bite on my arm, which was going a funny colour, and looked as if it might be infected. He picked some leaves off a tree and made a mixture of them using some salt and a little alcohol and then rubbed the mixture into my arm. You could see the infection disappear: it was amazing, it was like letting the air out of a balloon.
I am an actress and generally, after I've finished a run of performances in a play, I feel exhausted, but not too tired to escape! All I want to do is to find a hotel with a fantastic view, a beach, a good book and a mosquito net. My needs are very simple, really, and I just want the opportunity to refresh myself. Sometimes I might consider a holiday in a completely different environment, like visiting a friend in a country cottage or staying in a small bed and breakfast place and walking in the surrounding hills. It's good for my soul
1. Barbara didn't like her first trip to the mountains.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
2. Barbara's friends like her very much.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
3. When skiing down the slope, Barbara fell over.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
4. Barbara prefers mountains for her holidays.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
5. People in Thailand are not very friendly.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
6. They stopped in a village because they had heavy bags.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
7. She gave some sweets and a balloon to a Thai boy.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
8. Barbara works in a theatre.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
9. She is usually tired after the performance.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
10. She wants a lot from her holidays.
а) верно b) неверно с) в тексте не сказано
Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и выполните задание (1-10), обводя букву (а,b,c,d), соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.
The Internet, a computer-based worldwide information network, is composed of a large number of smaller interconnected networks called internets. These internets may connect tens, hundreds, or thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with each other and to share various resources, such as powerful supercomputers and databases of information. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and inexpensively communicate with each other. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet is a decentralized system. Each, connected individual can communicate with anyone else on the Internet, can publish ideas, and can sell products with a minimum overhead cost. In the future, the Internet may have a dramatic impact on higher education and business as more universities offer courses and more companies offer goods and services online.
The internets from which the Internet is composed are usually public access networks, meaning that the resources of the network can be shared with anyone accessing the network. Other types of internets, called intranets, are closed to public use. Intranets are the most common type of computer network used in companies and organizations where it is important to restrict access to the information contained on the network.
During the 1990s the Internet has grown tremendously in the number of people using it and the amount of information contained on it. According to the Internet Society, a non-profit society that studies and promotes the use of the Internet, 134 countries had full Internet connection and an additional 52 countries had limited access (for example, e-mail only) in 1996. Surveys performed by International Data Corporation and Matrix Information and Directory Services found that as of September 1997 there were between 53 and 57 million users of the Internet worldwide.
1. The Internet is most likely to be associated with:
a) an ad work;
b) a Ned work;
c) a neat work;
d) a network.
2. The computers in the Internet are:
a) connected to each other;
b) standing on each other;
c) looking for each other;
d) not needed at all.
3. One can make a conclusion that:
a) corresponding with a distant friend is much easier now;
b) there are fewer powerful computers now than before;
c) it is difficult to afford using the Internet;
d) you need to be an expert to use the Internet.
4. It can be inferred from the Text that:
a) it is more difficult to post an advertisement on the radio than on the Internet;
b) it is more expensive to use the Internet for selling goods;
c) using the Internet for educational purposes is not considered;
d) some universities offer complete Internet training.
5. Where from is it least possible for general public to connect to the Internet?
a) From home;
b) from a public library;
c) from a private company;
d) from an Internet cafe.
6. Internets and intranets differ in:
a) the cost of use;
b) accessibility;
c) the number of supercomputers;
d) the way of connecting computers together.
7. Companies create intranets to:
a) protect the environment;
b) prevent misuse of important data;
c) restrict working areas;
d) predict the future.
8. It may be inferred from the Text that the Internet Society:
a) has the aim of earning money;
b) does a database research;
c) wants more people in the world to use the Internet;
d) died out in the 1990s.
9. The researches mentioned in the Text:
a) were carried out at the same time;
b) could not be trusted;
c) promoted using e-mail;
d) were done independently on each other.
10. One can infer from the Text that because of the Internet:
a) more information is now used by fewer people;
b) less information is available;
c) there's recently been a great increase in the information exchange;
d) about 57 million people will never use the Internet.
Грамматика и лексика(45 минут)
Задание 1
Впишите пропущенное слово
Diana: Hello, is that Jenny? I'm bored (1)_____ watching TV and I felt (2)_____ a chat. What are you doing?
Jenny: Hi, Diana. Well, I'm reading a book (3)_____ a Russian writer. It's (4)_____ how to become a great actor.
Diana: Really? Oh, I'm really interested (5)_____ acting. Tell me about it.
Jenny: He says it takes a long time to get good (6)_____ acting. To become popular (7)_____ the public, you need to really understand people.
Diana: That sounds just like me! Tell me more. What else does he say?
Задание 2
Заполните пропуски преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они грамматически, и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста
Collecting records
These days, most of us have a CD (1)_____ Before the CD, (2)_____ made LPs, or 'long-playing' records. Although many (3)_____ have never seen an LP, they were once very popular.
To play these records, you needed a record (4)_____with a needle that ran along the record and produced the sound. Some (5)_____ say the sound of LPs was better than CDs - and many (6)_____ agree! LPs are no longer very popular as form of (7)_____ but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from their (8)_____ and listening to records reminds them of the past.
Задание 3
Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов.
One day a little Indian boy (1)______ outside his wigwam. He (2)______ how the Indians (3)______ their children’s names. He (4)______ to go and ask the Indian Chief. “Well, (5)______ the Chief, “we (6)______ our nature and when a new baby (7)______ born, we (8)______ around and we (9)______ a name from what we (10) ______ like Bright Star, Running Bull and so on. “(11)__ you ______?” “Yes, chief,” the little Indian boy said. “Why (12)______ you so interested in this, Two Dogs Fighting?”, the Chief asked. “I want to know our traditions”, the boy said.
1.a)sat b)was sitting c)had sat d)sit
2.a)was wondering b)had wondered c)wondered d)wonder
3. a)chose b)had chosen c)was choosing d) choose
4. a)decide b)decided c)was deciding d)had decided
5. a)explained b)had explained c)explain d)was explaining
6. a)loved b)was loving c)love d)had loved
7. a)be born b) had been born c) was born d)is born
8. a)look b)looked c)were looking d)had looked
9. a)choose b)chose c)were choosing d)had chosen
10. a)had seen b)saw c)seeing d)see
11. a)understand b)understood c)had understood d) do….understand
12. a)are b)were c)had been d)is
Задание 4
Arrange the words and expressions in pairs of antonyms.
1. | burst into tears | a) finish |
2. | cry | b) be late |
3. | lose | c) useful |
4. | useless | d) the worst |
5. | wake up | e) find |
6. | begin | f) laugh |
7. | turn red | g) the happiest |
8. | be early | h) turn pale |
9. | the most unhappy | i) fall asleep |
10. | the best | j) burst into laughter |
Задание 5
Match up the English and Russian idioms.
1. to tread on smb's corns (toes) 2. put your best foot forward! 3. to throw dust in smb's еуеs | a) одна нога здесь, другая там! b) для отвода глаз c) наступать на мозоль |
Задание № 1: 1) b; 2) b; 3) a; 4) c; 5) b; 6) a; 7) a; 8) b; 9) a; 10) c.
Задание № 2: 1) с; 2) b; 3) d; 4) d; 5) d; 6) а; 7) b; 8) b; 9) с; 10) с.
Задание № 1: 1) b; 2) c; 3) a; 4) b; 5) b; 6) b; 7) c; 8) a; 9) a; 10) b.
Задание № 2: 1) d; 2) a; 3) a; 4) a; 5) c; 6) b; 7) b; 8) b; 9) d; 10) c.
Грамматика и лексика
Задание № 1: 1. with, 2. like, 3. by, 4. about, 5. in, 6. at, 7. with
Задание № 2: 1. collection 2. singers, 3. children, 4. player, 5. musicians, 6. collectors, 7. entertainment, 8. childhood
Задание № 3: 1-в; 2-с; 3-а; 4-в; 5-а; 6-с; 7-d; 8-а; 9-а; 10-d; 11-а; 12-d
Задание № 4: 1. j; 2. f; 3. e; 4. c; 5. i; 6. a; 7. h; 8. b; 9. g; 10. d
Задание № 5: 1. c; 2. a; 3. b
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