9 класс Полугодовая контрольная работа по теме "Прямая и косвенная речь"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Surname and form ___________________________________________________
1. Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную речь
1. I am watching BBC news now.
She said that ____________________________________________________________________
2. I watch TV 3 hours in the morning.
3. BBC transmitted news here.
4. I have seen this film.
5. I watched my favourite film yesterday.
6. We will discuss it tomorrow.
7. We can learn this poem.
8. We shouldn’t spend much time in front of TV.
2. Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов (Choose the right variant of the Reported Speech).
1. I said, “He will not get there on time”.
a) I said that he wouldn’t get there on time.
b) I said that he will not get there on time.
2. “We can’t remember where we put our passports,” said Richard.
a) Richard said they couldn’t remember where they had put their passports.
b) Richard said they couldn’t remember where they put their passports.
3. “You don’t keep your flat warm enough,” said Jack.
a) Jack said I didn’t keep my flat warm enough.
b) Jack said you didn’t keep your flat warm enough.
4. “He doesn’t get on with his stepmother,” said Sam.
a) Sam said that he doesn’t get on with his stepmother.
b) Sam said that he didn’t get on with his stepmother
5. “I have lost my job and am short of money,” said Joan.
a) Joan said she has lost her job and is short of money.
b) Joan said she had lost her job and was short of money.
6. “The castle is only opened on Tuesdays,” explained the tour guide.
a) The tour guide explained that the castle is being only opened on Tuesdays.
b) The tour guide explained that the castle was only opened on Tuesdays.
3. Выберите правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов (Choose the right variant of the Direct Speech)
1. Nick said that he had been very successful learning to drive.
a) Nick: “I have been very successful learning to drive.”
b) Nick: “I was very successful learning to drive.”
2. He said that I could come and stay at his flat.
a) He said: “I could come and stay at his flat.”
b) He said: “You can come and stay at his flat.”
3. Fred said he worked for a small publishing company.
a) Fred: “I worked for a small publishing company.”
b) Fred: “I work for a small publishing company.”
4. Mary said that she would do it after my arrival.
a) Mary said, “I will do it after my arrival.”
b) Mary said, “I would do it after my arrival.”
5. Nick said that he had been very successful learning to drive.
a) Nick: “I have been very successful learning to drive.”
b) Nick: “I was very successful learning to drive.”
6. He said that I could come and stay at his flat if I was ever in London.
a) He said: “I could come and stay at his flat if I was ever in London.”
b) He said: “You can come and stay at his flat if you are ever in London.”
7. Fred said he worked for a small publishing company.
a) Fred: “I worked for a small publishing company.”
b) Fred: “I work for a small publishing company.”
4. Match different kinds of TV programmes with their descriptions.
1) documentary
2) the news
3) chat show
4) soap opera
5) nature programme
6) weather forecast
7) commercial
a) advertisement
b) a talk, usually with famous people
c) drama, usually about family life; often weekly or daily
d) no-fiction film based on real events
e) the latest events in the world and in your country
f) factual film about animals and plants
g) information about temperature, wind, rain, sun and so on
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