Текст "Рождество"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Текст по теме "Christmas" с заданиями
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Christmas around the world
It seems that each year Christmas starts earlier and becomes more commercialised. The typical image of Father Christmas in his black boots, red suit and white beard must be recognised in almost every country in the world nowadays, but despite this, Christmas is still celebrated in different ways in different countries and many still retain their individual customs both new and old.
If you spend this Christmas in Singapore, you might be surprised to see some of the huge shopping centres there wrapped up as Christmas presents or decorated from top to bottom like huge cakes or Christmas trees. This is because every year the government gives a prize for the best decorated building in the country.
If you’re in the UK, you may find yourself standing beneath a small green plant with white berries on. If you do, you should be careful because someone may try to kiss you. Kissing under the mistletoe is a British tradition that goes back much further than Christmas to when the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, was still celebrated as a religious day.
If you’re in the Austrian countryside, you may see the letters C, M and B written on the doors of the farmers’ stables. These are the initials of the three wise men, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, who are said to have visited the new born Jesus. This is because the farmers believe that putting these letters on the door will protect their animals from sickness in the year to come.
If you see people jumping across a bonfire this Christmas it could be because you’re in Granada in Spain where some people still believe that if they jump through the flames of the fire, they will be protected from illness for the year to come.
So, while businesses and advertisements may be trying to sell us all the same image of a man in a red suit, people in many countries of the world still follow the ancient traditions that make Christmas such a wonderful event.
- Complete according to the text:
- Christmas is not _______________________________________________ in different countries.
- In Singapore a prize _____________________________________________________________
- Most people would like _________________________________________under the mistletoe in the UK.
4. If you don’t jump over a bonfire in Granada, ___________________________________________
- Answer the questions:
- Do you agree that “ each year Christmas starts earlier and becomes more commercialised” ? Justify your opinion.
- What do you like and don’t like about Christmas?
- Do you prefer Christmas or New Year? Why?
- Describe your best New Year’s Eve.
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