Текст "Культурная жизнь Москвы"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
The cultural life of Moscow
Now I would like to tell you about cultural life of Moscow. I will start with its architecture and then you will know about its parks, galleries, museums.
Moscow's architecture is world-renowned. Moscow is also well known as the site of Saint Basil’s Cathedral, with its elegant onion domes, as well as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Seven Sisters.
All seven towers can be seen from most elevations in the city; they are among the tallest constructions in central Moscow apart from the Ostankino Tower which, when it was completed in 1967, was the tallest free-standing land structure in the world and today remains the world’s third-tallest .
Small churches–almost always Eastern Orthodox–found across the city provide glimpses of its past. The Old Arbat Street, a popular tourist street that was once the heart of a bohemian area, preserves most of its buildings from prior to the twentieth century. Many buildings found off the main streets of the inner city are also examples of bourgeois architecture typical of Tsarist times. Ostankino Palace, Kuskovo, Uzkoye and other large estates just outside Moscow originally belong to nobles from the Tsarist era, and some convents and monasteries, both inside and outside the city, are open to Muscovites and tourists.
One of the most notable art museums in Moscow is the Tretyakov Gallery, which was founded by Pavel Tretyakov. The Tretyakov Gallery is split into two buildings. The Old Tretyakov gallery, the original gallery in the Tretyakovskaya area on the south bank of the Moskva River, houses the works of the classic Russian tradition. The works of famous painters, such as Ilya Repin, Russian icon painters can be found in the Old Tretyakov Gallery. The New Tretyakov gallery contains the works of Soviet artists, as well as of a few contemporary artists.
Another art museum in the city of Moscow is the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, which was founded by Marina Tsvetaeva's father. It hosts famous paintings from every main Western era of art; works by Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne, and Pablo Picasso are all sampled there.
The State Historical Museum of Russia is a museum of Russian history located between Red Square and Manege Square in Moscow. Its exhibitions range from relics of the prehistoric tribes inhabiting present-day Russia, through priceless artworks acquired by members of the Romanov dynasty. The total number of objects in the museum's collection numbers in the millions.
The Polytechnical Museum, founded in 1872 is the largest technical museum in Russia. Its collection contains more than 160,000 items.
Moscow is also the heart of Russian performing arts, |
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