КОМПЛЕКТ КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ПО УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ БД.02 «Иностранный язык» (ППССЗ) по специальности СПО 18.02.09 Переработка нефти и газа (1 курс)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
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Предварительный просмотр:
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Югорский государственный университет» (ЮГУ)
(филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения
высшего профессионального образования «Югорский государственный университет»
(ННТ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ЮГУ»)
На заседании ПЦК ГД | Председатель Методического совета ННТ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ЮГУ» | |
Протокол заседания | _____________ Хайбулина Р.И. | |
№ 01 от «09» сентября 2015г. председатель ПЦК ГД | «11» сентября 2015г. | |
_______________Паншина Т.Г. |
БД.02 «Иностранный язык»
программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ)
по специальности СПО
18.02.09 Переработка нефти и газа
(1 курс)
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине БД.02 «Иностранный язык» программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности СПО базового уровня разработан в соответствии: с Письмом МИНОБРНАУКИ РФ от 17 марта 2015г № 06-259 «Рекомендации по организации получения среднего профессионального образования в пределах освоения образовательных программ среднего профессионального образования с учетом требований федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов и получаемой профессии или специальности среднего профессионального образования» по специальности 18.02.09 «Переработка нефти и газа»; примерной программой учебной дисциплины БД.02 «Иностранный язык» профессиональных образовательных организаций, реализующих основную профессиональную образовательную программу СПО на базе основного общего образования с одновременным получением среднего общего образования, одобренной ФГАУ «Федеральный институт развития образования» от 21.07.2015г.; рабочей программой учебной дисциплины БД.02 «Иностранный язык» программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности СПО 18.02.09 Переработка нефти и газа
ННТ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ЮГУ»
Паншина Т.Г. преподаватель иностранного языка
1. Паспорт комплекта контрольно-измерительных материалов
1.1. Область применения
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов предназначен для проверки результатов освоения учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (далее - ППССЗ) по специальности СПО 18.02.09 Переработка нефти и газа
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов позволяет оценивать:
1.1.1. Освоение содержания учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» обеспечивает достижение студентами следующих результатов:
• личностных:
– сформированность ценностного отношения к языку как культурному фено-
мену и средству отображения развития общества, его истории и духовной
– сформированность широкого представления о достижениях национальных
культур, о роли английского языка и культуры в развитии мировой куль-
– развитие интереса и способности к наблюдению за иным способом мирови-
– осознание своего места в поликультурном мире; готовность и способность
вести диалог на английском языке с представителями других культур, до-
стигать взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать в различных
областях для их достижения; умение проявлять толерантность к другому
образу мыслей, к иной позиции партнера по общению;
– готовность и способность к непрерывному образованию, включая самооб-
разование, как в профессиональной области с использованием английского
языка, так и в сфере английского языка;
• метапредметных:
– умение самостоятельно выбирать успешные коммуникативные стратегии в
различных ситуациях общения;
– владение навыками проектной деятельности, моделирующей реальные си-
туации межкультурной коммуникации;
– умение организовать коммуникативную деятельность, продуктивно общаться
и взаимодействовать с ее участниками, учитывать их позиции, эффективно
разрешать конфликты;
– умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, используя адек-
ватные языковые средства;
• предметных:
– сформированность коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, необхо-
димой для успешной социализации и самореализации, как инструмента
межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире;
– владение знаниями о социокультурной специфике англоговорящих стран и
умение строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике;
умение выделять общее и различное в культуре родной страны и англогово-
рящих стран;
– достижение порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющего
выпускникам общаться в устной и письменной формах как с носителями
английского языка, так и с представителями других стран, использующими
данный язык как средство общения;
– сформированность умения использовать английский язык как средство для
получения информации из англоязычных источников в образовательных и самообразовательных целях.
1.1.2. Освоение умений и усвоение знаний
Результаты освоения
| Средства проверки (№ задания) |
Личностные: | |
сформированность ценностного отношения к языку как культурному феномену и средству отображения развития общества, его истории и духовной культуры; | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
сформированность широкого представления о достижениях национальных культур, о роли английского языка и культуры в развитии мировой культуры; | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
развитие интереса и способности к наблюдению за иным способом мирови- дения; | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
осознание своего места в поликультурном мире; готовность и способность вести диалог на английском языке с представителями других культур, до- стигать взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать в различных областях для их достижения; умение проявлять толерантность к другому образу мыслей, к иной позиции партнера по общению | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
готовность и способность к непрерывному образованию, включая самообразование, как в профессиональной области с использованием английского языка, так и в сфере английского языка | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
Метапредметные | |
умение самостоятельно выбирать успешные коммуникативные стратегии в различных ситуациях общения | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
владение навыками проектной деятельности, моделирующей реальные ситуации межкультурной коммуникации | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
умение организовать коммуникативную деятельность, продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать с ее участниками, учитывать их позиции, эффективно разрешать конфликты | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, используя адек- ватные языковые средства | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
Предметные | |
сформированность коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, необхо- димой для успешной социализации и самореализации, как инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
владение знаниями о социокультурной специфике англоговорящих стран и умение строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике; умение выделять общее и различное в культуре родной страны и англоговорящих стран; | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
достижение порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющего выпускникам общаться в устной и письменной формах как с носителями английского языка, так и с представителями других стран, использующими данный язык как средство общения | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
сформированность умения использовать английский язык как средство для получения информации из англоязычных источников в образовательных и самообразовательных целях | Практическая работа по теме 1, зад. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Практическая работа по теме 2, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 3, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 4, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 5, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 6, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 7, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 8, зад.1,2,3,4,5 Практическая работа по теме 9, зад.1,2,3,4,5,6 Практическая работа по теме 10, зад.1,2,3,4 Практическая работа по теме 11, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 12, зад.1,2,3 Практическая работа по теме 13, зад.1,2,3,4 Тест 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
1.2. Система контроля и оценки освоения программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык
1.2.1. Формы промежуточной аттестации по ППССЗ
при освоении учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык
Учебная дисциплина | Формы промежуточной аттестации |
1 | 2 |
Иностранный язык | Дифференцированный зачет (в виде компьютерного тестирования) |
Элемент учебной дисциплины | Текущий контроль |
Название темы | Форма контроля |
“Приветствие, прощание. Описание внешности человека ” | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
“Моя семья” | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
“Описание жилища” | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Распорядок дня» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Хобби, досуг» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Описание местоположения» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Средства массовой информации» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
“Шопинг” | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Спорт и здоровый образ жизни» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Путешествие» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Россия» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Англоговорящие страны. США. Великобритания. Канада» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
«Научно-технический прогресс» | аудирование письмо говорение тестирование чтение |
“Множественное число имен существительных ” | тестирование |
“Артикль ” | тестирование |
«Степени сравнения прилагательных» | тестирование |
«Личные и притяжательные местоимения» | тестирование |
«Глаголы to be, to have» | тестирование |
«Виды вопросительных предложений» | тестирование |
«Времена группы Simple» | тестирование |
1.2.2. Организация контроля и оценки освоения программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык
Промежуточный контроль по дисциплине Иностранный язык осуществляется на зачете в виде тестирования.
Контроль и оценка результатов освоения учебной дисциплины осуществляется преподавателем в процессе проведения практических занятий и тестирования. При организации контроля знаний и умений используются такие формы, как
- компьютерное тестирование
Методы контроля:
по месту контроля: текущий, периодический, итоговый;
по способу оценивания: оценочная технология;
по способу организации: автоматический (ПК), контроль со стороны преподавателя.
Условием положительной аттестации по дисциплине на зачете является положительная оценка освоения всех умений, знаний, а также формируемых профессиональных компетенций по всем контролируемым показателям.
2. Комплект материалов для оценки уровня освоения умений и усвоения знаний, сформированности общих и профессиональных компетенций при изучении учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык
2.1. Комплект материалов для оценки уровня освоения умений, усвоения знаний, сформированности общих и профессиональных компетенций
В состав комплекта входят задания для обучающихся и пакет преподавателя.
2.1.1. Комплект задания для обучающихся
Практические работы по лексическим темам.
Практическая работа 1.
also ['o:ls3u] также
since [sins] с rex пор как
deep [di:p] глубокий
sister ['sista] сестра
during ['djuarirj] во время
sometimes [sAmtaimz] иногда
e.g. (for example: = exempli
spend [spend] проводить
gratia) например
teacher ['ti:tfa] учитель
each [i:t(] каждый
term [t3:m] семестр
especially [is'pejli] особенно
thing [0ir)] вещь
- Прочитайте текст
About myself
Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Dima Yaroslavtsev. I live in Vladimir.
Last year I finished school and now I’m a student of Radio-Technical college. I made many friends here, and we already know each other quite well. We like our studies and we spend our free time together. Many of us want to become engineers.
My family is neither large nor small. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a specialist at a plant. His work is very serious, and I think he does his best. My mother is a teacher of geography at school. When she comes home, she is usually very tired, so my sister and I help her around the house.
My sister is two years my senior. She is a student at the Pedagogical Academy. She wants to be a teacher of Mathematics. She sometimes helps me with my studies.
During the weekends we try to spend much time together. We go to the river in summer, or we go skiing in winter. I like my studies but I’m fond of other things too, e.g. I make computer programs, play the guitar, listen to music, chat with my friends in the Internet. I also like to travel. I study English since 2004. Now we study it again. We know how to pronounce better in English. This term we study grammar. Later we’ll learn how to read technical texts in English. My knowledge becomes deeper! Our teacher is Anna Pavlovna. I think she is the most competent English teacher!
My parents often say that this time of my life is the happiest. As for me, I don’t think it is so. There are so many difficulties, especially in my studies. But I hold on and say to myself: ‘Don’t give in!’ And finally everything is OK!
- Переведите текст на русский язык
- Вставьте определенный или неопределенный артикль, где необходимо.
- My brother goes to _ school on _ foot._night was very dark. We didn’t see _ moon.
- He drinks _ glass of juice when he feels tired. It helps him.
- _ Alps are very beautiful mountains. You must see them.
- Our train crossed _ bridge. _ bridge was very long.
- _ queen of _ Britain lives in _ Buckingham palace.
- He put sugar into his soup by _ mistake.
- Найдите в первых двух абзацах текста определенный и неопределенный артикль и объясните их употребление
- Поставьте существительные во множественное число.
branch, fox, day, apple, head, habit, nationality, surname, street, garden, car, ball;
tooth, mouse, ox, datum, radius, child, man.
- Раскройте скобки, поставив существительное во множественном числе. Нужно ли в этих случаях употреблять артикль?
- The boy has fifteen (toy).
- Jack knows many foreign (language).
- Little (child) go to the nursery.
- Wipe your (foot) when you enter the college.
- The (boy) are reading a book. In the picture they see (goose), (mouse), (sheep), (ox), (pig), and (deer).
Практическая работа 2
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My family
Our family is not large. We are a family of four: my father, my mother, my younger brother and I.My name is Olga. I am seventeen. I am a school leaver. My younger brother is ten. He is a pupil of the fifth form. He looks like our father. He has brown eyes, short straight hair. He is tall and thin. As for me everybody says I look like my mother. I have the same blue eyes, a snub nose, fair curly hair. I am not tall and 1 am not thin. I am an ordinary girl of 17.Our family lives in Moscow. We have a nice three-roomed flat on the fourth floor of a multistoried building. We have all modern conveniences: running hot and cold water, telephone, central heating, rubbish chute. We have no gas range. All the flats in our house are provided with electric cookers. We are satisfied with our flat where we moved only a year ago.My mother is about 40. She looks pretty well We all love dearly our Mum, and are always ready to help her about the house. We try to share our duties. Returning home after classes I usually do the shopping. 1 drop in at the bakery and at the dairy.My younger brother also has his duties about the house. He helps mother to set the table and wash the dishes. He usually sweeps the floor and dusts the furniture. On Saturdays Dad joins us in our work about the house. He likes to make or repair something. He also likes to clean the flat with a vacuum-cleaner. I suppose it's his little hobby But speaking seriously his real hobby is taking photos. He can do it perfectly well. We have several family albums with the pictures taken by him.My father is an engineer in computers. He is considered to be an experienced engineer. We are very proud of him but there is one unpleasant thing with this: he is always busy and very often he works overtime.My mother is an economist. The firm she works in deals with trading. They have business in different towns of Russia. She is to go on business trips from time to time.
We have a little summer house and a lovely garden near it not far from Moscow. The nature is very beautiful there. There is a lake there. My grandparents like to live there in summer.They don't work now. They are on pension. They live in an industrial district of the city where the air is rather polluted. That's why they are always looking forward to going to our summer house. My Granny is fond of gardening and my Grandpa likes to go fishing.Our family is friendly. 1 like them all.
- Переведите текст на русский язык.
- Переведите слова на английский язык
Предавать, даже, поддерживать, беда, во-первых, другой, кто угодно, подросток, невообразимый, дружба, знакомый, среди, сильный
- Вставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу слова
He is a reliable friend. He never___me.
When Jane said that the film was popular, she___a little.
Did you draw a lot in your___?
He’s so kind, he always____me and his experience.
Have you heard the____news ?
I see you are in trouble. Do you need my____?
Is it a____of this nation to get up early in the morning?
5.Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные слова
There are many mistakes in your dictation.
He is really a good friend?
Jack understood that he was late for the lesson.
The last information about him was that he had gone to Italy.
Практическая работа 3
- Прочитайте и выучите слова
Apartment - квартира
apartment house - жилой многоквартирный
Bathroom – ванная комната
bedroom - спальня
blinds - жалюзи
built-in wardrobe - встроенный платяной шкаф
carpet [ karpit] n - ковер
cost a fortune – стоить целое состояние
curtain [k3:tn] n - штора
downstairs – вниз по
kitchen ['kitJin] п - кухня
lay the tiles – укладывать кафельную плитку
match [maetj] v- подходить по цвету
nearby ['niabai] adv - неподалеку
paint [peint] v - красить
repairs [ri'peaz] n - ремонт
save money ['seiv 'тлш] – экономить деньги
sitting room ['sitnj ru(:)m] - гостиная
space [speis] n - пространство
to the left - слева
2.Прочитайте текст
Vlad’s sister Nina and her husband Boris now have got a new apartment. They are really happy: they have been renting an apartment for quite a long time and saving money to buy a new one. At last their dream has come true.
Their apartment is located not far from the centre^ near the park, and a walkable distance from Nina’s parents’ place,'so her parents and brothers can come to visit them quite often. It is on the third floor of a twelve-storeyed apartment house. There is a lift, of course, but Nina and her husband don’t use it, they prefer walking upstairs and downstairs. They say it keeps them physically fit.
There are two rooms in the apartment, a sitting room, which is rather large, and a bedroom, which is smaller, but very cosy, with two small windows; the view from the windows is to the park. From the sitting room one may go to the-balcony and enjoy a view of the city. The hall is neither large, nor very small. The two doors lead from the hall to the sitting room and the bedroom. A small corridor is to the right. It leads to the bathroom and to the kitchen. Nina and Rark have? decided that the kitchen will be used as a dining room as well, because there is enough space to place a big table and a few chairs.
The young couple has spent most of their vacation making repairs. The ceiling was whitewashed; the walls were wallpapered and painted, the tiles were laid in the bathroom. The only thing that is now left to do is to buy furniture.iThis, though, is quite a problem, because it is very well known that good furniture may cost a fortune. So now Nina and Boris are discussing which things will be bought before they move in.
Nina: We are lucky that there are two built-in wardrobes already; all our clothes may be placed either in the wardrobe in the hall or in that in the bedroom.
Boris: That’s right, so we don’t need any wardrobes. And we have a bed and two night tables, so our bedroom is already furnished. So we must look for something to sit on in the sitting room.
Nina: Yes, a sofa and a couple of armchairs will do. And 1 want to have a table for newspapers there, too.
Boris: What about a table for my computer?
Nina: But you have a table for it already.
Boris: You know, it’s rather old and uncomfortable ... But i agree with you: first things first. Now let’s think about the kitchen.
Nina: I saw a nice set of kitchen furniture in a store the other day.
It is not very expensive, and I liked it. We must also look for
a table and chairs.
Boris: Is there anything else that we have left out?
Nina: Yes, definitely! We have all forgotten about the curtains! What colour curtains do you want?
Boris: It depends on the colour of the furniture in the living room. The colour must also match the carpet and the walls.
Nina: So it is quite a difficult task to choose something to your liking. But we can’t live in the apartment without curtains on the windows!
Boris: Very well, now I suggest you going shopping and looking for a sofa and armchairs. Then we will go and choose the curtains for the bedroom: the wallpaper there is light blue, so it won’t be difficult to find something nice.
Nina: Will it be all right if we order blinds for the kitchen window?
Boris: Why not? As to me, I have nothing against it.
Nina: And as soon as we buy the curtains we can arrange a housewarming party!
Boris: Yes, I think we both deserve a nice party: we have worked quite a lot to make our house a home.
3.Переведите текст на русский язык.
4.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
- Where is their apartment located?
- What floor is it on?
- Are there all modern conveniences in the house?
- Is their flat large or small?
- How many rooms are there?
- What are the rooms like?
- What repairs have they already done?
- What furniture are they going to buy?
- Where are they going to place it?
- When will they have a house-warming party?
Практическая работа 4
- Прочитайте и выучите слова
break [breik] n | перемена | go in for sports | заниматься |
be fond of [fond] | увлекаться | ['дэи in fe spo:ts] | спортом |
(чем-л.) | gym [d3imj n | спортивный | |
brush one’s hair | причесы | зал | |
[bl*Aj| | ваться | hair [hes] n | волосы |
canteen [kasn'tirn] n | столовая | have breakfast/ | завтракать/ |
chat [tjset] v | болтать | lunch/dinner | обедать/ |
coach fkautj] n | тренер | [hasv 'brekfsst/ | ужинать |
college ['kDlid3] n | училище, | lAntJ/'dina] | |
колледж | introduce | представлять, | |
day off [dei Df] n | выходной день | [,intr3'dju:s] v | знакомить |
do the make-up | делать | jog [d3Dg] v | бегать трусцой |
[ 'meikAp] | макияж | leave (something) | забывать, |
fail [feil] v | проваливаться | behind | оставлять |
(на экзамене) | [ li:v bi'haind] | ||
get up ['get 4p] | вставать | lecture ['lektjb] n | лекция |
(с постели) | look through | просматривать | |
give a lift | подвозить | ['luk '0ru:] v | |
['giv э 'lift] | на машине | period ['pisriad] n | урок, занятие |
- Прочитайте текст
Hello. My name is Vlad Volkov and 1 am a college student. I am in my first year now. I want to tell you about my usual working day. It is 6.30 am and my younger brother Alexei is knocking at the door "Will you jog with me today?” he asks. This is the way every morning begins for me. 1 went jogging last year but then 1 have become lazier and Alexei uses every chance to mock at me. He goes jogging regularly and he is a good sportsman by the way — so his coach says. Alexei goes in for tennis and he has been playing football since he went to primary school. He is the best forward in his team. Alexei goes away and I stay in bed a little while longer. But anyway it is time to get up. I go to the bathroom and take a shower and clean my teeth, then come back to my room and switch on the television to watch the news while I am brushing my hair, shaving and putting my clothes on. Now it is time for breakfast. All my family is at table — my mother, my father, Alexei and myself. We have scrambled eggs and bacon, a cup of tea and sandwiches. We chat and discuss news. I think it is right time to introduce my family members to you. My mother’s name is Mary. She is a children’s doctor. My father’s name is Alexander and he is an engineer. Alexei is still a schoolboy. He is four years my junior. Oh, I haven’t yet told you about my elder sister. Her name is Nina. She is married. Her husband and she rent a flat not far from our place.
After breakfast I look through my notes — just in case I have left something behind, put on my coat, then say good-bye to my mother and leave home. My father gives me a lift to the college in his car. He starts working later than my classes begin.
I arrive at my college just in time to say hello to my fellow-students before the bell goes. As a rule, we have three or four periods every day. We go to college five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days oil. We have lectures and seminars. Sometimes we work in the work-
shops. To my mind, these are the most interesting lessons. My friends say that we will be having a test in English today. I think that writing tests in grammar is more difficult than speaking English. I hope I won’t fail.
During the breaks we go to the gym and play a round or two of basketball or volleyball. My friend John and I are fond of reading fantasy and we discuss the latest book by Nick Perumov. He asks me if I liked the book that he had given me: I tell him that I will have read the book by the end of the week.
At 1 pm we have a long break. We go to the canteen and have a roll and a cup of juice. Then there is one more period, which is Mathematics. It is my favourite subject. The classes are over at 2.40 pm. Sometimes I go to the library to study there, but today I don’t.
On my way home 1 see my girlfriend Lena. She smiles at me and we walk together for a while. I suddenly remember that we will have been dating for a year next week. I will go and look for a present for her tomorrow. When we first met at a party, I told her that she was the prettiest girl in the world and I had been looking for her all my life. Now i think that she is not only the most beautiful girl, but also the best friend. I am really fond of her. She is still a schoolgirl; she is leaving school this year. Lena’s dream is to enter Moscow State University. I come to my place at about 4 pm. Mother is already at home. She is cooking in the kitchen. Soon my father and brother arrive and we have dinner together. After dinner I do my lessons for tomorrow, watch television and read. I don’t go out because the weather has become worse. I go to bed at about 11.30 pm.
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Практическая работа 5
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My Hobby
Hobby is a favourite occupation which people like to do when they have some free time. We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession because we learn a lot of new things.
Many people are interested in music. Others like reading or going on hikes, taking photographs or knitting. People living in cities and towns like to be closer to nature. They get away from the tiresome and dusty cities to enjoy the countryside. 8). For example, gardening and growing flowers is the most common hobby among Englishmen.
All the members of our family have their own hobbies. My mother enjoys knitting, and my father is fond of collecting stamps. My brother's favourite occupation is playing different computer games, and my sister's hobby is cooking.
As for me, I am keen on music and whenever I have some free time I go to the Concert Hall. I like to go to the concerts. I take a special liking to the concerts. I take a special liking to the music of the Russian composers and I try not to miss solo concerts or symphonic orchestras by our famous conductors. I like piano concerts, especially Chopin's waltzes. I like the violin too.
My friend has a good ear for music, she goes to school for violin lessons. She accompanies me all the time when I go to the concert hall. We enjoy music very much.
- Переведите текст на русский язык.
- Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
- What is a hobby?
2. What kinds of hobby do you know?
3. What is the most popular hobby among Englishmen?
4. What is your hobby?
5. Will your hobby help you in your future life?
6. It is a matter of taste. How do you understand this proverb?
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Практическая работа 6
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I would like to tell you all about my home. Firstly I must tell you that I live in the small town of Novogrudok. It is an ancient township of Western Belarus, but within recent twenty years some new residential areas have sprung up around the town's old centre. We live in one of such newly built areas.
We moved into our new flat five years ago. Ifs a four-room fiat on the third floor of a five-storied block of flats. Certainly there are an modern conveniences in our flat. Its fairly cosy. The layout is good. The rooms are light, though net very large. Its quite a modern-looking flat with two balconies looking out on the park in front of the building.
Our sitting room is quite a big room, about 20 square metres. As my mother doesn't like much furniture in the house so in the sitting room there are two comfortable chairs and a sofa, a coffee-table, a television set in the comer of the room and a bookcase. Of course there is a carpet on the floor. We usually watch television in the sitting-room or have dinner on special occasions.
I am happy to have a room for myself. Its the smallest room in the flat but I try to keep it tidy and cosy. There is a single-bed, a writing table, a bookcase and a wardrobe in my room. There is a little rug on the floor. I have two pictures in my room. They are nice copies of my favourite paintings by Savrasov.
You may be surprised to hear when I tell you that the most popular and favourite place with all of us is the kitchen. We spend most of our time in the kitchen, not eating in fact, we like just to sit and talk there.
Our kitchen is comparatively large and looks the usual modem kitchen you can see in many other homes. There is a gas-cooker, a fridge, a kitchen table and some cupboards in it. We have regular meals in the kitchen. But I have to bring a chair and take it away when the whole family are at table. But its not much trouble.
Ah, yes, I haven't mentioned the corridor. Its long but slightly narrow. Or perhaps it looks narrow to me because my brother Victor keeps his bike in it.
I like our flat. Its also important that our building is quite close to the town centre, its only five stops from the town's main street. What else can I tell you about our home?Переведите текст на русский язык.
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Практическая работа 7
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Mass media.
What do we have in mind when we talk about mass media? Mass media include all the people and organizations that provide information and news for the public. Such means of communication are television, radio, magazines and newspapers. The most recently invented mass medium is the Internet, which combines the benefits of the more traditional ones. The mass media surround us all our lives. They influence the way we look at the world and very often are able to change our positions and opinions.
The printed media, that is newspapers and magazines remain very popular nowadays. The English word “newspaper” does reflect its content quite accurately. On the one hand, newspapers and magazines do tell us about the latest developments in all areas of life, such as politics, culture, and the like. On the other hand, they may have deep analysis of a situation, advice relating to health-issues, advertising and other types of information apart from purely news articles. There are hundreds of newspaper and magazines specialized, so to say, in a specific area: in sports, gardening, politics or child-raising.
Radio and TV are probably among the most important inventions ever made by man. Listening to the radio does not require complete concentration. You can continue whatever you are doing at the time and still be able to follow the broadcast programmes. Although radio is able to educate and to inform, to my mind today radio plays primarily the role of entertainment. Every town has a dozen of musical radio stations catering to different musical tastes, from classical music to pop and rock music. As for television, it is probably the most popular from all mass media. There is hardly a household without a TV-set. Television is always available as a source of education and entertainment, although to my mind the entertainment-related programmes are too many. For instance, lots of people find “soap operas” too boring and banal. A soap opera is a serialized drama, which usually deals with domestic themes. It is characterized by sentimentality. The history behind this genre is very interesting. Soap operas are called so because companies producing soap were typical sponsors of the first television serials. TV talk-shows are very popular nowadays. Talk-shows are programmes in which hosts invite guests who give their opinions on a chosen topic and take part in the following discussion with the audience or with other guests. Different quiz-shows are also generally liked by the viewers. In quizzes, players have to answer a number of questions testing their general of specific knowledge and the best player gets some kind of reward, usually an amount of money.
The Internet is an amazing combination of the three traditional mass media, that is the press, the radio and the television. You can read on-line versions of papers and magazines in any language. If you have special software you can even listen to the radio online. As for me, every morning I listen to the BBC radio programmes over the Internet. For learners of English it is a very effective way of getting familiar with different dialects and accents. Moreover, in the nearest future everybody will be able to watch television broadcast in the Internet. Besides, the Internet is a very democratic means of communication. If you think you have something interesting to tell to others, or you want to share your expert knowledge online, you can easily create your own site and change it regularly as needed just like a real newspaper or a magazine. You can send messages any place in just several seconds and talk to other people in online chats or forums. The Internet is believed to have become a world of its own, with specific rules of etiquette, and particular language.
There are people who think that with the invention of the Internet all other kinds of mass media will disappear very soon. I absolutely disagree with that and believe that all of them will continue to have their own dedicated users for many years.
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- Сделайте предложения вопросительными.
- She speaks English well.
- His parents are going to give him a CD player for his birthday.
- They weren’t at school yesterday.
- I spoke to our teacher an hour ago.
- She will be happy to see you.
- Mike likes detective stories.
- My friends went skiing in winter.
- He has taken some pictures of his family.
- They will visit several museums in this city.
- She is going to cook vegetable soup.
- They went to St. Petersburg in summer. (Where ... ? When ... ? Who ... ?)
- I’ll listen to rock music at home. (Who ... ? Where ... ? What kind of... ?)
- Mary is going to learn English. (Who ... ? What language ... ?)
- Sam and his girlfriend have come to stay with us this weekend. (Who ... ? Where ... ?)
- There were five students in the class. (Where ... ? How many... ?)
- It usually takes me five minutes to get to the college. (How long ... ?)
- My father is forty-seven years old. (Who ... ? How old ... ?)
- This magazine costs fifteen rubles. (How much ... ? What ... ? What kind of... ?)
- They collected stamps. (What... ? Who ... ?)
- We have been friends with Vlad for quite a long time. (How long ... ?)
- It is raining.
- She likes cooking.
- He has taken a few pictures.
- They don’t know English.
- We didn’t go to a disco yesterday.
- She was my great friend.
- Mike collected posters last year.
Практическая работа 8
- Прочитайте и выучите слова
add [asd] v | складывать | multiply | умножать |
addition [o'dijan | n | сложение | ['nultiplai] v | |
appetizer | закуска | peel [pi:l] v | очищать от |
['spitaiza] n | (potatoes, | кожуры, | |
bacon ['beikan] n | ветчина | vegetables, | чистить |
beef [bi:f] n | говядина | etc.) | (картофель, |
biscuit ['biskit] n | печенье, | овоши и | |
boil [boil] v | крекер | т. д.) | |
варить | pork [po:k] n | свинина | |
butcher’s fbutjbz] n | мясной отдел | rice [rais] n | рис |
cake [keikj n | пирог, торт, | shop assistant | продавец, |
cheese [t/i:z] n | пирожное | f'Jop assistant] | продавщица |
сыр | spice [spais] n | специя, | |
chocolate [’tjoklit] n | шоколад | пряность | |
confectionery | кондитерский | spicy ['spaisi] a | приправлен |
[kan'fekjbnari] n | отдел | ный специя | |
cook [kuk] n | повар | ми, пря | |
cook [kuk] v | готовить | ный | |
dairy ['desri] | молочные | stew [stju:] v | тушить |
продукты | subtract [sab'traskt] | v вычитать | |
(milk, | (молоко, | supermarket | супермаркет, |
cream, | сливки, | ['sju:pa,ma:kit] n | магазин |
sour cream, | сметана, | самообслу | |
butter, | масло, | живания | |
yogurt) | йогурт) | the first/ | первое/ |
divide [di'vaid] v | делить | the second/ | второе/ |
fruit [fru; t ] | фрукты | the third | третье |
(apple, | (яблоко, | course [ko:s] | блюдо |
banana, | банан, | veal [vi:l] n | телятина |
pear, | груша, | vegetables | овощи |
peach, | персик, | ['ved3itabalz] | |
plum) | слива) | (cabbage, | (капуста, |
grocery store | продоволь | beetroot. | свекла, |
['grausgri ,sto:] | ственный | carrot, | морковь, |
магазин | cucumber) | огурец) |
2. Прочитайте текст
Americans go shopping in four main types of stores: supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores and delis.
Supermarkets are the largest. They often have a wide variety of dairy products, cereals, bread and baked goods, prepared, canned and frozen food, ice cream and desserts, paper products, film and much more. You can also develop film in supermarkets. Prices are usually marked on the packages or on signs near the goods. There are usually carts and baskets, so you can carry the goods which you have chosen around the store. Usually supermarkets have several cashiers. In general, they are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm, and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. Some supermarkets are open on Sundays as well.
Grocery stores are smaller than supermarkets. As a rule, they carry most of the same types of products, but in smaller quantity and less variety. Prices are usually similar to those in the supermarkets. In general, grocery stores work the same hours as supermarkets.
Convenience stores are called this because of their hours of operation — usually from at least 7 am. to 12 pm and sometimes round the clock. They usually carry a very limited selection of goods and brands.
Delis usually carry only cold cuts (sliced ham, turkey, salami, chicken, roast beef and cheese) to use in sandwiches, breads, beverages and condiments. Some delis also carry selections of prepared foods and other items.
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5.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
Who does the shopping for food in your family?
You like shopping, don’t you? What type of stores do you like?
What are the food stores in your location?
Describe the nearest grocery store or supermarket. Are there many departments? What are they? Is it a self-service store?
How often do you go shopping for food?
What items do you usually buy when you go shopping for food?
What are your favourite dishes? Can you cook them?
Who does the cooking in your family?
Describe how to cook one of the dishes you like.
What things did you buy before your birthday party?
Практическая работа 9
- Прочитайте и выучите слова
attempt [э'tempt] n | попытка | [pa:'tisipeit] v | |
bowling ['baulir)] n | боулинг | physically fit | в хорошей |
dozen [d/vzn] n | дюжина | ['fizikli 'fit] | физической |
energetic | энергичный | форме | |
[,ena'd3etik] a | pin [pin] n | кегля | |
entertainment | развлечение | point [point] n | очко |
[^enta'teinmant] n | route for ['ru:t fa:] v | болеть за | |
fan [faen] n | болельщик | rule [ru:l] n | правило |
frame [freim] n | рамка | runway ['nuiwei] n | дорожка |
(в боулинге) | score [sko:] n | счет | |
golf course | поле | “spare” [spea] n | «резерв» |
['golfko:s] | для гольфа | stadium [ steidiam] n | стадион |
handle ['haendl] v | обращаться | “strike” [straik] | «сбито» |
keep record | вести запись | training centre | спортивный |
['ki:p rekoid] | ['treinir) 'sents] | центр | |
knock down | сбивать | try [trad n | попытка |
['nok 'daun] v | winner ['wina] n | победитель | |
major ['meid33] a | главный, |
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Going in for Sports in the USA
Americans consider themselves the nation of sports fans. A visitor to the USA may be really amazed at seeing how much attention is paid to different kinds of sports. The major sporting events are widely discussed in newspapers and magazines, and the names of famous sportsmen are known to everyone. Special TV channels broadcast championships all over the country. -Hundreds of stadiums are built every year.
Physical training is a very important subject at school, high school and college. Preference is given to team games, such as American football, football (called soccer by Americans), baseball, and basketball. In every city one may find a cafe with a dozen of large TV sets showing different sports events. People go to those cafes to route for their favorite team and to talk to friends. It is a very popular way to spend an evening.
Great attention is paid on keeping oneself physically fit. Companies spend money on building gyms and arranging sports facilities for their employees. A company staff may have an option of going to a swimming pool, a training centre or a golf course for a symbolic fee. The companies are pragmatic doing this. If a person goes in for sports he or she will be healthier and more energetic, and this will do good for the company he works for. Besides, medical care is very expensive, and it is often easier to prevent a disease by giving a person an opportunity to look after oneself than to pay the insurance afterwards.
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5.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
Are sports popular in Russia?
What are the most popular sports?
Do you go in for sports?
What is your favourite kind of sport?
Do you try to keep physically fit?
What is it necessary to do to keep oneself physically fit?
Can you play bowling/baseball/American football/soccer?
What sporting games did you play when you were a child?
Bowling is not a sport, but an entertainment, isn’t it?
Are there any other sports that are entertainment?
6.Прочитайте текст, вставьте на место пропусков необходимые предлоги
The history ... the Olympic games began ... 777 BC ... the south ... Greece. Since that time they were held every four years ... Olympia, and were devoted ... Zeus, the chief god ... Greeks. There was a tradition to stop wars when the Games were held. All the cities ... Ancient Greece sent their best athletes ... participate ... the Games. They competed ... wrestling, running, chariot racing, jumping and reciting poems. The winners were honored with laurel wreaths. No women were allowed not only to take part ... the Games, but also to watch them. The Olympic Games were held ... more than eleven centuries and were prohibited ... Emperor Theodosius I in 394 AD.
Практическая работа 10
- Прочитайте и выучите слова
place of interest | достопримеча |
Lpleis av 'intrist] | тельности |
railway ['reilwei] n | железная |
resort [ri'za:t] n | дорога курорт |
route [ru:t] n | маршрут |
sunbathe ['sAnbeiS] v загорать | |
take trouble | волноваться, |
[,teik 'trAbal] | заботиться |
tent [tent] n | палатка |
tiresome ['tai9sam] а утомительный | |
travel/go by bus | путешество |
['trajval/gau bai | вать на |
'bAS] | автобусе |
travel/go by car | путешество |
['traeval/дэи | вать на |
bai 'ka:j | машине |
travel/go by plane | путешество |
[Чгэеуэ1/дэи | вать на |
bai 'plein] | самолете |
travel/go by train | путешество |
['trasval/gau | вать на |
bai trein] | поезде |
trip [trip] n | небольшое |
путеше ствие, поход, экскурсия неудобный | |
a view [vju:] n | Вид |
voucher ['vautja] n | путевка |
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Travelling. Transport
It is early spring now, but the Volkovs are already making plans for their summer holidays because it is always better to arrange everything beforehand than to make a fuss the last minute.
Vlad has already decided to go to St. Petersburg with Lena and his friends from college. They want to visit the Hermitage and Petergof and many other places of interest. They will go there by bus. Nina and Boris are planning to go abroad to Prague or to Warsaw for a week or two, if they are through with their repairs. Now Alexei and his parents are discussing where to go.
Father: Well, Alexei, what are your plans for summer holidays?
Alexei: It is difficult to say anything for sure now, but I think I will
spend the whole July in the sports camp, if nothing changes. My coach has already included me in the list of the people who go there.
Mother: What are you planning to do in June and August, then?
Alexei: I think I’ll either stay in town or go to the country to live
with grandmother and grandfather. Besides, we have a tournament in football in June. Our team has strong chances to win.
Father: So far as 1 understand, you’ve already made plans for June and July. What about August? Would you like to go with us somewhere?
Alexei: Most willingly. Where are you planning to go?
Father: We are thinking about going to the seaside, if you have nothing against it.
Mother: We can spend a month by the sea, sunbathing, swimming, diving, and having nothing to do.
Alexei: Which is the best place to go, in your opinion?
Father: What would you both say about going to the Crimea?
Alexei: Why, I was there when I was a little boy, and I don’t
I wouldn’t go there if I were you.
Father: Going by train in summer is very uncomfortable. But this time we won’t go by train. We can fly there, if you want to. It will take no more than three hours to get to Sochi. You will^enjoy wonderful views while we go. Or we might go there by bus with air-conditioning: buses are comfortable. If we buy a voucher to a resort or a holiday centre, we won’t have to take trouble about meals and accommodation.
Mother: I must say I am airsick.
Alexei: Resorts are boring. I can suggest you doing a more exciting
thing: why don’t we go by car? We can travel as much as we want to, visiting as many places as we like. We won’t have to book tickets and hotel rooms in advance, or to queue in a booking office. We will visit all the towns along the coast, provided that we have time.
Father: When I come to think about it, it seems a very attractive idea, except for the fact that you don’t drive and I will have to drive all the way there and back. But still I have nothing against it: we can travel all over the Crimean coast or stay in one place for the whole month, if we like.
Alexei: And we don’t have to carry the luggage. Just put everything
you want to take into the car, and that’s all!
Mother: Now we must decide on where to stay during our journey.
Father: There are plenty of opportunities: we may take a tent, or stay in a hotel, or rent a room or a cottage.
Alexei: Living in a tent is a bad idea. What if it rains? And, be
sides, it will occupy too much room in the car if we take it.
Mother: All right, dear. We will rent a room or stay in a hotel, then.
Father: Now we’d better take a map and choose the best route for our journey.
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Практическая работа 11
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Russia. Geographical Position and Political System.
If we have a look at the world map, we will notice immediately that Russia is the largest country on our planet. It’s total area is 17,075,200 sq km. Just to better realize how large our country is it is enough to say that it occupies almost one-seventh of the Earth’s surface and it is approximately 1.8 times the size of the USA. Moscow is the capital of Russia and is the most important city in the country due to its central role in the economic, political, scientific and cultural life of the country. Russia is situated in two continents and the Urals make a natural divide of the country: the territory west of the Urals is included into eastern part of Europe and the territory east of the Urals is included into northern Asia.Russia’s climatic conditions range from subarctic in the north to subtropical in the south with temperate and continental in the middle of the country. The country is washed by 13 seas and 3 oceans. Drinking water supply is made up by more than two million rivers and lots of beautiful lakes. The Volga is one of the largest rivers worldwide, whereas Lake Baikal actually is the deepest lake in the world and is considered by many scientists a natural wonder due to its fascinating flora and fauna. The lowest point in Russia is in the Caspian Sea (-28 m below the sea level), and the highest point is Mount Elbrus (5,630 m above the sea level). Our country is one of the richest in natural resources, which include large deposits of oil, natural gas, coal, and many other minerals. According to the latest population census conducted in 2004, there are 143,782,338 people in Russia. Russia’s border line length is more than 20,000 km and it borders on the following countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania (Kaliningrad Oblast), Mongolia, Norway, Poland (Kaliningrad Oblast), and Ukraine. Besides, Russia has a sea-boundary with the American state of Alaska in the Far East. Administratively, our country is composed of the following divisions: 49 oblasts, 21 republics, 10 autonomous okrugs, 6 krays, 2 federal cities, and 1 autonomous oblast. Russia is a federation. According to that type of government, power is formally divided by the constitution between the central or federal authority and all its constituent regions, that is oblasts, okrugs, krays. The executive branch of the Russian Federation is composed of the president, and the government headed by the prime minister. Since 7 May 2000, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has been the chief of state. There is also a so-called Presidential Administration, which supports the president with advice, makes drafts of presidential decrees. Presidents in Russia are elected by popular vote every four years. The Russian Legislative branch, also known as Federal Assembly, is composed of two parliamentary chambers: the Federation Council and the State Duma. The Federation Council has 178 seats. Its members are appointed by each of the 89 federal administrative units and serve four-year terms. As for the State Duma, there are 450 seats there. Its members are elected by direct, popular vote and serve four-year terms as well as the Federation Council members.
The following parties are currently represented in the State Duma: United Russia, Communist Party, LDPR, Motherland, People’s Party, and other. The Judicial Branch of the Russian Federation is composed of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and other lower level courts. It is important to note that judges for all types of courts are recommended by the president and later appointed by the Federation Council.
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Практическая работа 12
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English Speaking Countries
Today, more than 300 million people use the English language as their native language.
Although English is the official or one of the official languages in over 45 countries, the most important English speaking countries are the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Irish Republic, and New Zealand.
I am going to give a brief description of all these countries. The full name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London. Other important cities are Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, and Cardiff. Great Britain is actually the biggest island in Europe containing England, Wales and Scotland.
Population of the UK is about 60 million people. Almost 80% of the population which is 45 million people lives in England, in Scotland over 5 million, in Wales over 3 million, and in Northern Ireland about 2 million people.
Ethnically, the country consists of English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish, although there are large immigrant communities representing India, Turkey and other countries. Great Britain is administratively divided into 55 counties with certain amount of autonomy in local matters reserved by law. The UK is a parliamentary monarchy, although the monarch plays a rather symbolic role.
The British Parliament is one of the oldest in the world and consists of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The United Kingdom is a highly developed country with many scientific and cultural centres. This country gave us a world language, almost all modern ball games and many other kinds of sport. It created a culture which influenced the evolution of the world civilization.
The biggest English speaking country is the USA. It occupies almost half of the continent of Northern America and borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. Having the total area of over nine million sq km it is one of the largest countries in the world.
The population is about 250 million people, most of whom live in towns and cities.
The administrative and political of the country is its capital Washington D.C., named after the first US President George Washington.
Here are many federal institutions are situated such as Capitol, the main building of US Congress, and the White House, which is the official residence of the US President. At the same time, the main economic and financial of the USA is New York, lovingly called “Big Apple”.
Second largest city in the USA is Los Angeles, an industrial and educational centre. The Wall Street in New York is the symbol of financial power of the USA. The biggest and most important stock exchange is situated on that street as well as head offices of hundreds of companies of world level.
Other important US cities are: San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston. The USA consists of fifty states. Each state has its own constitution, a parliament and a government headed by a governor.
The most powerful political parties of the USA are the Democratic and the Republican parties, which alternatively win the general elections for the president’s office.
It is interesting that neither the constitution nor any other federal law of the USA contain anything about English as the official language of the country!
The importance of the USA in today’s world politics, technology, and pop-culture cannot be overestimated and is evident.
Canada is situated north of the USA. Canada is second largest country in the world after Russia. Its climate and nature is very much like in our own country. Canada has two official languages with equal status: French and English.
It is divided into 10 provinces and 2 northern territories.
The population is about 25 million people.
Most developed territories are those adjacent to the US border.
Ottawa is the capital of the country.
In the past, the city was called Bytown but then given its present name in 1854.
The country’s largest city and major port is Montreal.
Australia is the only country in the world taking up the territory of a whole continent, which has the same name.
This country is unique in many ways.
It has no land borders with any countries.
Its flora and fauna has exotic plants and animals you can meet only there, such as kangaroos and humming-bird.
Most Australians are of British or Irish origin because it used to be the British colony and the local population used to be mercilessly killed by the colonists.
Canberra, the capital of the country, was founded in 1913 as a planned capital.
Australia is the largest wool producer in the world.
According to some estimates, there are more sheep living in Australia than people!
Australia’s only close neighbouring country is New Zealand, which is situated on two islands: the North and the South Island.
The capital of the country is Wellington.
New Zealand has a population of nearly 3.5 million people, most of whom speak English and are of European origin.
Officially, the country is headed by the British monarch, who is represented by the governor-general.
Ireland’s official name is the Irish Republic.
It is separated from Britain by North Channel.
Its population is almost 4 million people.
The official languages are English and Gaelic.
The capital of the city is Dublin was the birthplace for many famous people such as James Joyce or Jonathan Swift.
It is also the most important commercial and financial centre of Ireland.
For eight hundred years up until 1922 Dublin had been under the English rule.
Country’s favourable geographic position on the way of the warm ocean current called Gulf Stream makes it a nice country to visit.
It is a wonderful country with striking coastlines and unspoilt landscapes.
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Практическая работа 13
- Прочитайте и выучите слова
age [eitfc] век
annual ['aenjual| ежегодный
atomic |a'tnmik] атомный
available [a'veilabl] доступный
consequence [’knnsikwans] следствие
copy f'kopi] копия
correct [ka'rekt] исправлять
crime [kraim] преступление
decade ['dekeid] десятилетие
document [dokjumant] документ
e-mail ['i:meil] (electronic mail) электронная почта
enemy ['епэпп] враг
enter ['enta] вводить, входить
good [god] добро
impossible [im'pnsibl] невозможный
influence ['influans] n влияние v влиять
lord [la:d] господин
occur [э'кз:] возникать
periphery [pa'rifari] периферия
photo album [fautau 'aslbam] фотоальбом
progress ['praugres] прогресс
realistic [ria'listik] реалистичный
relative ['relativ] родственник
report [ri'pa:t] отчет
simplify ['simphfai] облегчать
slave [sleiv] раб
social ['saujl] социальный
tear (oneself) away [tea a'wei] оторвать(ся)
ticket ['tikit] билет
type [taip] печатать
typewriter ['taipraita] печатная машинка
virtual ['v3:tjual] виртуальный
- Прочитайте текст
The role of technical progress
The scientific and technical revolution has changed our life very much. The computers, the mobile phones and other digital devices have entered our everyday life.
The atomic, space and energy age was followed by the age of computers. The tasks which had seemed eternal before have been solved one by one by computers. During the last decade many fundamental changes occurred because of electronic devices. It is even difficult to imagine the social and economic consequences of the microelectronic revolution.
The large use of computers has influenced our life in such a way that it was difficult to imagine 15 or 20 years ago. On the one hand, computers have simplified our life greatly. If you typed a text on the typewriter and made a mistake you had to type the whole page again. Making several copies of the same document used to be a difficult job too. But now it’s quite different. Correcting mistakes is easy. Computer also helps us to buy goods, find information, book tickets, make presentations and annual reports, and make difficult calculations. Time is saved for leisure.
Leisure time is also influenced by computer and other periphery devices. You no longer go to the music shops — many things are available on the internet. You needn’t write letters to your relatives or friends — you can send an e-mail. And your photo albums are on computer too.
Computer games are probably also a part of your free time. They became more and more realistic and complicated, and for many people it becomes impossible to tear themselves away. This means that electronic devices, such as computer and TV set are used mostly for entertainment and consume most of the time that could be spent on work, going for a walk and sleeping. Man becomes a slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger.
Is there a way out? In fact, there is, but many people don’t know it and are still slaves. The best decision is not to give these equipments place in your heart. They should do their work. And when you have a rest, prefer real communication to virtual one and living an active life to watching films about crime. Then electronics will be not our lord or enemy but our friend2.Переведите текст на русский язык
3.Перескажите текст, пользуясь опорой
4.Ответьте на вопросы
The technical revolution has changed our life very much, hasn’t it?
What were the predecessors of computer age?
Do computers make our life easier and simpler? In what way?
Computers influence our free time too, don’t they?
Can you get music and video on the internet? What other information can you get there?
What devices became compatible with computer during the last years?
Can you communicate with your friends on the Internet? Do you like such communication or you prefer real one?
In what way do computer games influence the people?
Do electronic devices take all our free time?
Is man a slave of the devices which were designecf to make him stronger?
Does the author suggest a way out?
What is the way out in your opinion?
2.1.2. Пакет преподавателя
Критерии оценки практических работ 1-13.
Баллы | Решение коммуникативной задачи | Организация текста | Языковое оформление текста |
4-5 | Задание выполнено полностью: содержание отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании (даны полные ответы на все вопросы, заданы три вопроса по указанной теме); стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно с учетом цели высказывания и адресата; соблюдены принятые в языке нормы вежливости | Высказывание логично; средства логической связи использованы правильно; текст верно разделён на абзацы; структурное оформление текста соответствует нормам, принятым в стране изучаемого языка | Используемый словарный запас и грамматические структуры соответствуют поставленной задаче; орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки практически отсутствуют (допускается не более 2-х негрубых лексико-грам-матических ошибок или/и не более 2-х негрубых орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок) |
3 | Задание выполнено не полностью: содержание отражает не все аспекты, указанные в задании (более одного аспекта раскрыто не полностью или один аспект полностью отсутствует); встречаются нарушения стилевого оформления речи или/и принятых в языке норм вежливости | Высказывание не всегда логично; имеются недостатки/ошибки в использовании средств логической связи, их выбор ограничен; деление текста на абзацы нелогично/отсутствует; имеются отдельные нарушения принятых норм оформления личного письма | Имеются лексические и грамматические ошибки, не затрудняющие понимания текста; имеются орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки, не затрудняющие коммуникации (допускается не более 4-х негрубых лексико-грамматических ошибок или/и не более 4-х негрубых орфографических и пунктуационных ошибок) |
2 | Задание не выполнено: содержание не отражает тех аспектов, которые указаны в задании, или/и не соответствует требуемому объёму | Отсутствует логика в построении высказывания; принятые нормы оформления личного письма не соблюдаются | Понимание текста затруднено из-за множества лексико-грамматических ошибок |
Критерии оценки результатов тестирования
Процент результативности (правильных ответов) | Качественная оценка индивидуальных образовательных достижений | Оценка на дифференцированном зачете | |
балл (отметка) | вербальный аналог | ||
85 ÷ 100 | 5 | отлично | 5 |
60 ÷ 84 | 4 | хорошо | 4 |
40 ÷ 59 | 3 | удовлетворительно | 3 |
менее 39 | 2 | не удовлетворительно | 2 |
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Югорский государственный университет» (ЮГУ)
(филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения
высшего профессионального образования «Югорский государственный университет»
(ННТ (филиал) ФГБОУ ВПО «ЮГУ»)
На заседании ПЦК ОГД | Зам. директора по УР | |
Протокол № 01 от 09.09.2015г. | ННТ (филиала) ФГБОУ ВПО «ЮГУ» | |
Председатель ПЦК | _____________ Р.И.Хайбулина | |
______________Т.Г.Паншина | «11» сентября 2015 г. |
по дисциплине Иностранный язык
для студентов 1 курса
специальности 18.02.09 Переработка нефти и газа
F1: Английский язык
F2: Паншина Т.Г.
F3: Итоговый контроль для 1 курса
V1: Личные и притяжательные местоимения. Местоимения в объектном падеже
S: Выделенное местоимение переводится на русский язык как
They are pupils.
-: она
-: вы
-: ты
-: я
+: они
S: Выделенное местоимение относится к
She is in the garden.
-: 1 л. ед.ч.
-: 2 л.
-: 3 л. мн.ч.
+: 3 л.ед.ч.
-: 1л.мн.ч.
S: Выделенное местоимение переводится на русский язык как
We are schoolgirls.
-: я
-: вы
+: мы
-: они
-: она
S: Выделенное существительное можно заменить местоимением
Tom is a doctor.
+: he
-: she
-: it
-: her
-: they
S: Выделенное местоимение переводится на русский язык как
Where is my pencil?
-: его
-: их
+: мой
-: ваш
-: наш
S: Выделенное местоимение переводится на русский язык как
They are in your pencil-box.
-: его
-: их
-: мой
+: ваш
-: наш
S: Выделенное местоимение переводится на русский язык как
Its rooms are large.
+: его
-: их
-: мой
-: ваш
-: наши
S: Выделенное местоимение переводится на русский язык как
Where are their English textbooks?
-: его
+: их
-: мой
-: ваши
-: наш
S: Выберите необходимое местоимение, выражающее принадлежность одного предмета (лица) другому
Nina is (I) little sister.
+: my
-: your
-: her
-: his
-: our
-: their
S: Выберите необходимое местоимение, выражающее принадлежность одного предмета (лица) другому
(She) eyes are brown.
-: my
-: your
+: her
-: his
-: our
-: their
S: Выберите необходимое местоимение, выражающее принадлежность одного предмета (лица) другому
(We) room is large.
-: my
-: your
-: her
-: his
+: our
-: their
S: Выберите необходимое местоимение, выражающее принадлежность одного предмета (лица) другому
(I) father is an engineer at a factory.
+: my
-: your
-: her
-: his
-: our
-: their
S: Выберите необходимое местоимение, выражающее принадлежность одного предмета (лица) другому
(He) car is in the street.
-: my
-: your
-: her
+: his
-: our
-: their
S: Выберите необходимое местоимение, выражающее принадлежность одного предмета (лица) другому
(You) cat is not in the yard.
-: my
+: your
-: her
-: his
-: our
-: their
S: Выберите необходимое местоимение, выражающее принадлежность одного предмета (лица) другому
What is (they) telephone number?
-: my
-: your
-: her
-: his
-: our
+: their
V1: Артикли
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
I see a kitten. ###kitten is grey.
-: a
-: -
+: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
I have###doll. The doll is nice.
+: a
-: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
This is a farm. ###farm is big.
-: a
-: -
+: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
These are###apples. The apples are red.
-: a
+: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
I have###tea in the morning.
-: a
+: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
He was###very good musician.
+: a
-: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
You are still such###baby.
+: a
-: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
My grandmother likes to give me###tea.
-: a
+: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
I see apples on the table. ###apples are big.
-: a
-: -
+: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
These are###apples. The apples are red.
-: a
+: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
There is###lamp on the table.
+: a
-: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
This is the girl. ###girl has a coat on.
-: a
-: -
+: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
This is###my friend’s sister.
-: a
+: -
-: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
There is a window in###room.
-: a
-: -
+: the
-: an
S: Вставьте необходимый артикль
My brother is###pupil.
+: a
-: -
-: the
-: an
V1: Глаголы to be, to have
S: Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense в данном предложении имеет форму
What###your name?
-: are
-: was
-: were
+: is
-: am
S: Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense в данном предложении имеет форму
What###your address?
-: are
-: was
-: were
+: is
-: am
S: Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense в данном предложении имеет форму
Where###you from?
+: are
-: was
-: were
-: is
-: am
S: Глагол to be в Present Simple Tense в данном предложении имеет форму
My sister###a teacher.
-: are
-: was
-: were
+: is
-: am
V1: Множественное число имен существительных
S: Существительное a class во множественном числе имеет форму
+: classes
-: a classes
-: the classes
-: classies
S: Существительное a story во множественном числе имеет форму
+: stories
-: the stories
-: the storyes
-: a stories
S: Существительное a man во множественном числе имеет форму
-: mans
-: a men
+: men
-: a mans
S: Существительное a woman во множественном числе имеет форму
-: womans
-: a womans
-: a women
+: women
S: Существительное a child во множественном числе имеет форму
-: a childs
-: childs
+: children
-: childrens
S: Существительное a tooth во множественном числе имеет форму
-: the tooth
-: toothes
-: a teeth
+: teeth
S: Существительное a sheep во множественном числе имеет форму
+: sheep
-: sheeps
-: a sheep
-: a sheeps
S: Существительное a foot во множественном числе имеет форму
-: a foots
-: foots
-: a feet
+: feet
S: Существительное a country во множественном числе имеет форму
-: a countryes
+: countries
-: a countries
-: countrys
S: Существительное a hero во множественном числе имеет форму
-: a heroes
-: heros
+: heroes
-: herois
S: Данное предложениe во множественном числе принимает форму
This is a spider.
-: These is a spiders.
-: These is spiders.
-: These are a spiders.
+: These are spiders.
S: Данное предложениe во множественном числе принимает форму
This is a star.
-: These is a star.
-: These is stars.
-: These are a stars.
+: These are stars.
S: Данное предложениe во множественном числе принимает форму
It is a cat.
-: These is a cats.
+: They are cats.
-: They are a cats.
-: They are a cat.
S: Данное предложениe во множественном числе принимает форму
That is not a bus.
-: Those are not a buses.
-: These are not buses.
+: Those are not buses.
-: Those is not buses.
S: Данное предложениe во множественном числе принимает форму
This is a mouse.
-: These is a mouses.
-: These are mouses.
-: These are a mice.
+: These are mice.
V1: Типы вопросительных предложений
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Does Peter read English books?
+: общий
-: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Where is the Peter?
-: общий
+: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
What were you talking about?
-: общий
+: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Is it a book or a copybook?
-: общий
-: специальный
+: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Will he come today or tomorrow?
-: общий
-: специальный
+: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
He is reading, isn’t he?
-: общий
-: специальный
-: альтернативный
+: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Is he painter or a sculptor?
-: общий
-: специальный
+: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
He isn’t there, is he?
-: общий
-: специальный
-: альтернативный
+: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
The band is very good, isn’t it?
-: общий
-: специальный
-: альтернативный
+: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Why are you so late?
-: общий
+: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Who is the best pupil in your class?
-: общий
+: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Had he a book?
+: общий
-: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Is he kind person?
+: общий
-: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
Is it your room or is it your sister’s room?
-: общий
-: специальный
+: альтернативный
-: разделительный
S: Следующий вопрос относится к типу вопросительного предложения
How are the kids?
-: общий
+: специальный
-: альтернативный
-: разделительный
V1: Степени сравнения прилагательных
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного small
+: положительная
-: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного larger
-: положительная
+: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного the biggest
-: положительная
-: сравнительная
+: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного better
-: положительная
+: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного clever
+: положительная
-: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного more interesting
-: положительная
+: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного the most beautiful
-: положительная
-: сравнительная
+: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного the best
-: положительная
-: сравнительная
+: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного longer
-: положительная
+: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного good
+: положительная
-: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного farther
-: положительная
+: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного cold
+: положительная
-: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного more delicious
-: положительная
+: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного higher
-: положительная
+: сравнительная
-: превосходная
S: Степень сравнения прилагательного the biggest
-: положительная
-: сравнительная
+: превосходная
V1: Прошедшее простое время
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
On Monday we (to have) five lessons.
+: had
-: to have
-: have
-: shall have
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
The first lesson (to be) Russian.
-: is
-: were
+: was
-: are
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
At this lesson we (to write) a dictation.
-: to write
+: wrote
-: writed
-: writes
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
Nick (to go) to the blackboard.
-: goes
-: goed
+: went
-: go
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
He (to answer) well.
+: answered
-: to answer
-: answer
-: answers
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
Pete (not to get) a “five”.
-: didn’t got
-: doesn’t get
-: don’t get
+: didn’t get
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
Lena (not to know) her lesson.
-: don’t know
+: didn’t know
-: doesn’t know
-: didn’t knew
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
After the second lesson I (to go) to the canteen.
-: go
-: goes
+: went
-: goed
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
I (to eat) a sandwich.
-: eated
-: eats
+: ate
-: eat
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
He (to drink) a cup of tea.
-: drinks
-: drinked
-: drink
+: drank
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
I (not to drink) milk.
+: didn’t drink
-: don’t drank
-: didn’t drank
-: doesn’t drink
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
He (to look) at his watch.
+: looked
-: look
-: looks
-: will look
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
It (to be) a quarter to seven.
-: is
-: were
+: was
-: are
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
He (to meet) her there.
-: meets
+: met
-: meet
-: will meet
S: Глагол в скобках в Past Simple Tense имеет форму
The boys (to spend) the whole day swimming.
+: spent
-: spended
-: spends
-: spend
V1: Будущее простое время
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
He (to turn) on the TV to watch cartoons tomorrow morning.
+: will turn
-: shall turn
-: turned
-: turns
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
He (to turn) to the left.
+: will turn
-: shall turn
-: turned
-: turns
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
We (to go) to London next summer.
-: go
-: will be going
+: will go
-: goes
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
He (not to play) the piano tomorrow.
-: will play
-: shall not play
+: will not play
-: plays
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
I (to spend) next summer at the seaside.
+: will spend
-: will be spending
-: spent
-: spends
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
We (to visit) our parents next Sunday.
-: visit
-: are visiting
+: will visit
-: visited
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
I (to go) to my doctor tomorrow.
+: will go
-: will be going
: went
-: goes
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
My friend (to be) busy.
+: will be
-: shall be
-: was
-: is
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
She (to try) to do it better.
-: shall try
+: will try
-: try
-: to try
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
She (to bake) an apple pie.
+: will bake
-: shall bake
-: baked
-: bakes
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
I (not to play) chess tomorrow.
+: will not play
-: will not playing
-: didn’t play
-: plays
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
Nick (to go) to school tomorrow.
+: will go
-: shall go
-: went
-: goes
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
Nick (to read) this book tomorrow.
-: reads
-: shall read
+: will read
-: read
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
You (to eat) apples tomorrow.
+: will eat
-: shall eat
-: ate
-: eats
S: Глагол в скобках в Future Simple Tense имеет форму
My father (to live) in San Francisco.
+: will live
-: shall live
-: lived
-: lives
5. Время выполнения: 45 минут
6. Оценка индивидуальных образовательных достижений
Процент результативности (правильных ответов) | Качественная оценка индивидуальных образовательных достижений | Оценка на дифференцированном зачете | |
балл (отметка) | вербальный аналог | ||
85 ÷ 100 | 5 | отлично | 5 |
60 ÷ 84 | 4 | хорошо | 4 |
40 ÷ 59 | 3 | удовлетворительно | 3 |
менее 39 | 2 | не удовлетворительно | 2 |
Составитель: _____________________________Паншина Т.Г.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
КОМПЛЕКТ КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ПО УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ БД.02 «Иностранный язык» по специальности СПО 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям) (1 курс)
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине БД.02 «Иностранный язык» программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности СПО базового уровня разработан в с...
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Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине БД.02 «Иностранный язык» программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности СПО базового ...
КОМПЛЕКТ КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ПО УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ БД.02 «Иностранный язык» (ППССЗ) по специальности СПО 08.02.09 Монтаж, наладка и эксплуатация электрооборудования промышленных и гражданских зданий (1 курс)
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине БД.02 «Иностранный язык» программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности СПО базового уровня разработан в с...
КОМПЛЕКТ КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ПО УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» ППССЗ по специальности СПО 21.02.02 Бурение нефтяных и газовых скважин (2 курс)
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности СП...
КОМПЛЕКТ КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ПО УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» 21.02.01 Разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений (2 курс)
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности...
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Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине (междис...
КОМПЛЕКТ КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ПО УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» 18.02.09 Переработка нефти и газа (4 курс)
Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов по учебной дисциплине (междис...