"Празднование Рождества в Великобритании"
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Презентация, посвященнная празднованию Рождества в Великобритании. Может использоваться как страноведческий материал для 4-7 классов. 


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It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas! Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas, It’ time for hanging stockings, It’s time for riding sleighs, It’s time for jolly greeting, Snow and holly, overeating, Oh, I love you, merry Christmas, You’re the best of holidays !

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The 25 th of December is Christmas Day. Christmas is a religious holiday because it is the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

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Christmas is rich of its symbols

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Most British families decorate their houses with evergreens and Christmas wreaths. One of them is Christmas Wreath.

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Christmas wreath is made of evergreens in a shape of a ring. It is decorated with candles, symbolizing the sun, holly with red berries and pine cones, symbolizing the harvest, a bow of red ribbons and sometimes flowers.

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The Christmas star symbolizes high hopes and high ideas. Stars are one of the most well known symbols of Christmas.

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The Christmas star, also known as the Star of Bethlehem revealed the birth of Jesus to the three wise men and also guided them to Bethlehem.

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Holy is a bush with shiny red berries and evergreen leaves with pointy edges. Most families decorate their houses with holly

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Interesting fact: Harry Poter’s magic stick was made of holly!

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Mistletoe is a green parasitic plant , which grows high up in the branches of oak trees.

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Springs of it are tied together with ribbons and hung up in doorways. By custom anyone standing under the mistletoe gets to be kissed. It is a symbol of love, peace and good will.

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Christmas rose is a European evergreen plant with white or purplish rose- like winter- blooming flowers. Christmas rose

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In Germany and in some other European countries they use the symbol of the Christmas rose for decorations. You can see this symbol on table clothes, napkins, wrapping paper and Christmas cards.

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The Legend of the Christmas Rose speaks of a young girl named Madelon who wanted to come and worship the Christ Child.

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Her tears turned into beautiful roses

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Candy cane It is a traditional sweet on Christmas Holidays. This sweet has a shape of a crook. The three wise men had the canes when they went to Bethlehem.

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Candy Cane represents the Life of Christ. White colour means His purity, the red stripe - His blood, 3 stripes represent the Trinity. Candy cane is also a decoration on Christmas tree .

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Children hang Christmas stocking near the fireplace. They believe that Santa will fill it with presents. There is a popular legend about the tradition of hanging stockings. One Christmas eve Santa came across a poor family and wanted to help them. He dropped in a few gold coins from the chimney. The coins fell into the stockings that were hanging there to dry.

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Christmas is incomplete without the Christmas cookies as they add sweetness. They are also popular Christmas gift.

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Cookies, cookies, cookies! Who doesn’t love a delicious Christmas cookie?

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Christmas is a family holiday.

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Everybody tries to come home for Christmas to be with their families.

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