Контрольная работа по разделу 2 к учебнику В.Эванс, Дж.Дули "Starlight 6"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Данилина Анна Михайловна

Контрольная работа по разделу 2 к учебнику В.Эванс, Дж.Дули "Starlight 6"


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Test. Module 2.

1. Match the words in two columns to get expressions with containers and quantities.

A bottle of


A carton of

olive oil

A box of


A packet of


A piece of


A kilo of


A jar of


A bag of


A loaf of


A bar of



2. Use much or many.

  • Did you buy __________ food yesterday?
  • There aren’t __________ oranges left in the fridge.
  • Nick hasn’t got __________ money.
  • We haven’t got __________ olive oil.
  • How __________ milk do you want in your coffee?
  • How __________ chocolate bars are there on the table?

                                                                                                                                         _____ (6)

3. Use little/a little/few/a few.

  • There was __________ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
  • Do you want sugar in your cocoa? – Yes, ___________, please.
  • There’s very __________ rice left for pilaw (плов).
  • Would you like some soup? – Yes, __________, please.
  • You don’t need to buy bread. We’ve got _________ loafs of bread.
  • There’re _________ carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.

                                                                                                                                                       _____ (6)

4. Look at the adjectives and use them to complete the sentences.

Salty – Sweet – Hot and spicy – Delicious

A: Let’s go to the Chinese restaurant!

B: Do you want to see me crying again?

A: Why? Are there any reasons?

B: Their cuisine is so _________________________.


A: Oh, this baked fish is extremely ________________! Thank you, mom!!!

B: I am happy you like it!


A: Mum, are you in love?

B: Why?

A: The soup is too ____________.


A: Do you like candyfloss?

B: I love it! It’s so ____________.

________ (4)

5. Arrange the menu in the form of a spidergram. Use the words below to complete it.

  • Main course, Starters, Desserts, Drinks.
  • Fruit, banana, grape, kiwi, peach, strawberry, vanilla, choc-ice, sorbet, tea, white coffee, black coffee, fruit juice, noodle soup, chicken soup, tomato soup, chef’s salad, Caesar salad, mashed potatoes, chips, cabbage, trout, tuna, salmon, lamb,  roast beef, chicken curry, roast turkey.

________ (16)

6. Put the words in the correct order.

  1. still/fizzy/water/or/mineral? _____________________________________________________________
  2. I/ like/would/the/pate. __________________________________________________________________
  3. ready/you/are/order/to? _________________________________________________________________
  4. I’d/chicken/for/like/main/the/course. _______________________________________________________
  5. What/would/you/vegetables/like? __________________________________________________________

_________ (10)

7. Use the sentences from exercise 6 to complete the dialogue.

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: Yes. ____________________________________________________________

A: Yes, sir.

B: And then, ________________________________________________________

A: Certainly. ________________________________________________________

B: Potatoes and peas, please.

A: How about drinks? Would you like some juice?

B: No, thanks. Some mineral water, please.

A: ________________________________________________________________

B: Still, please.                                                                                                                                  __________ (10)

8. Circle the correct item.

1. Can I help/show you to your table?

2. Andrew lets his imagination act/run wild when he cooks.

3. Can I see the bill/menu, please?

4. Many teenagers eat at quick/fast food restaurants.

5. The restaurant orders/serves Asian food.

6. I like scrambled/baked eggs for breakfast.

7. The chicken comes with a side/top order of rice.

8. Can I order/pay the bill now, please?

9. You can find cola in the dairy/drinks aisle.

10. The brain controls our bones/nervous system.

_________ (10)

9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or –ing form.

1. Sue promised ___________________________ (study) harder.

2. Her parents don’t let her __________________________ (stay) out late.

3. After _____________________________ (do) the washing-up, I always relax on the sofa.

4. I really look forward to ______________________________ (visit) EuroDisney at Christmas.

5. I can’t decide what _______________________________ (wear) to the dinner tonight.

6. I suggest ___________________________ (go) to London this New Year’s Eve.

7.  I hate ________________________________ (iron) on Sundays.

8. I have enough money ______________________________ (to buy) that nice dress.

9. I’m glad ____________________________ (help) you.

10. My parents always make me __________________________ (to do) my homework.

11. It’s no use ___________________________ (wash) the car right now. It’s muddy outside.

12. Don’t disturb father. He’s busy ___________________________ (work).

13. I hope ________________________________ (hear) from you soon.

14. He’d prefer ___________________________ (spend ) this summer near the sea.

___________ (28)

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