Средства связи
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Презентация к уроку английского языка в 7 классе
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Means of communication
The tasks of the lesson: Repeat words Use grammar structures Find out advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication Tell us about the most important mean of communication for you
Фонетическая зарядка
Read the telephone numbers: 190338 230447 890810 589421 567097 120954 574932 768890 791379 478433
Translate into English the following phone numbers: 1)Двадцать два – тринадцать - восемьдесят, 2) Триста пятьдесят четыре – двести тринадцать, 3) Пятьсот – шестьсот тридцать пять, 4) Сто сорок пять – восемьдесят.
Match the pairs. computer telegram fax e-mail telephone fax message telegraph phone call
Guess the mean of communication: A system to find, to download and to store (хранить) useful information, music, videos – 2) A mean of communication by means of which we can send letters, photos and even music – A system for sending or receiving speech over long distances – A mean to send telegrams – An electronic machine that can store and recall (восстанавливать) information, do many processes on it – The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of printed material, letters, pictures, along a telephone line – the Internet. an e-mail. a telephone. a telegraph. a computer. a fax.
1 ) There are different means of communication: computers, mail, telegraph, phones .What is your favourite? 2) Do you like to talk over the phone or send e-mails? 3) What is the fastest mean of communication? 4) Do you have a telephone? Answer the questions:
Listening Listen, read and complete the dialog.
Check your answers Mrs Smith: Hello! Paul: Hello! This is Paul . Can I speak to Steve, please ? Mrs Smith: Hang on a moment , Paul. I will get him. Steve: Hi, Paul ! What is up? Paul: Hi, Steve! Good news! You answered the questions for the World Teenagers Competition, did not you? Steve: Yes, you helped me then. We both tried our chances. Paul: Well, we have won it! What luck ! Steve: That is great! It was a chance in a million . There were so many participants. Really, we have been Lucky. Paul: So get ready for the tour . We will have an unforgettable trip. Steve: Sure. Touch wood, and keep your fingers crossed. Paul: OK. No problem.
Make up a dialogue 1. You don’t know your homework. Call up your friend. 2. You are at school party. Phone your mother that you’ll come home later. 3. Your sister Ann is playing tennis in school. Take a phone message from her friend. 4. Your elder brother Steve is playing computer games in his room. His friend phones him.
Work in groups A) Choose the most important means of communication. B) Discuss and write down its advantages and disadvantages. C) Tell you classmates about your choice. Explain your choice.
Hometask Do the crossword. Use about 8-10 means of communication.
спасибо за внимание!
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