Контрольная работа за 1 триместр (6 класс)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа за I триместр
Учитель: Босатина Д.А.
Ф.И. ученика:________________________________________
- Аудирование.
Listen the text and write: “True”, “False” or “Don’t know”.
Weathermen collect information from universities, colleges and offices.________________
If the barometer shows low pressure, the weather is rainy and windy.________________
We never knows what weather to expect and there’s nothing that can help us.________________
For some people it’s very important to know the weather forecast._______________
When the weather is cold and frosty in winter, the barometer shows high pressure.______________
- Лексика.
Translate these words into Russian.
a forecast - ___________________ heat - _______________________
huge - _______________________ changeable - __________________
climatic - ____________________ a rainstorm - __________________
to influence - ________________ a greenhouse - ________________
III. Грамматика.
- Write what the people were doing yesterday at different time:
1. Robert (2.45 / to speak) on the phone.
2. Nelly and Ann (11.30 / to move) into a new flat.
3. Mrs Brown (5.45 / to sell) vegetables.
4. Peter and Jack (7.00 / to cook) dinner.
- Translate sentences into English:
1. Аня читает книгу на протяжении двух часов.
2. Мои сестры слушают музыку с пяти часов.
3. Мария и Ник играют в теннис с шести часов.
4. Бил и Роберт играют в футбол на протяжении трех часов.
IV. Письмо.
Write what the temperature was in different cities five days ago.
Rome +5 Paris +1 St. Petersburg – 18
Madrid +4 Moscow – 14 Washington – 10
Edinburgh – 8 London +2 Cardiff +6
V. Чтение.
Read the text. Circle right answer.
Bird Island
Once there was a beautiful island. It was called Bird Island. Many birds lived on the island. There were big birds and small birds, blue birds and red birds. There were parrots, ostriches and eagles.
One day there was a very strong wind. It blew across the sea and it blew across the land. The birds were all afraid. The next day it was quiet and still. A small yellow bird sat in a tree.
"Who are you? Where do you come from?" asked a parrot in his language.
The parrot said to the ostrich. "Who is this? Where does he come from?"
"I don't know," said the ostrich. "I don't understand his language. The wind carried him here."
The night was quiet and still but the yellow bird was unhappy.
"I don't understand them," he said. "I don't understand their language."
Suddenly an eagle landed in the tree. "What's the matter?" she said. "Why are you crying?"
"I can't understand the parrot, I can't understand the ostrich," said the yellow bird. "I can't understand their language."
"Don't worry," said the eagle. "I can teach you. Listen carefully. Sing after me."
The yellow bird listened carefully and learnt the language of the other birds. At last, he was friends with all the other birds.
1. On the island there were...
a) many birds and animals.
b) many animals and insects.
c) a lot of birds.
2. The birds were all afraid because...
a) there was a storm at sea.
b) the wind blew strong.
c) they heard a strange noise.
3. The yellow bird...
a) didn't want to learn their language.
b) understood their language.
c) didn't know their language.
4. Who helped the poor bird?
a) the eagle
b) the ostrich
c) the parrot
Ostrich – страус
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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