защита животных
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People speak about mercy so much , but every day accept not realized participation in death lethal injection. Animals cannot be considered exclusively as a private property, and it is not necessary to use only for reception of food, clothes, in show business and research experiments. The heaviest sin before our smaller brothers is not hate to them, and indifference. This is Inhumanly.
1. Statistics of death. - Every year about 25 million animals become homeless. - From these 25 million homeless animal on the average 9 million die in the street. - Remained 16 million die in shelters .
2. Meat. Every year the quantity of meat production increases. Silly to assume, that the animal died without serious consequences or of an old age.
3. The slaughterhouse. Many people would not want to eat chicken if they knew, what severe method it has deprived with a life. Meat is just more money…
4. How does food appear on our table? On all meat cattle put a brand. To cows and bulls delete horns, to birds cut off beaks, to pigs stop tails and ears, delete teeth, and all this without anesthesia. Transportation of animals is actually combined by a pile. Many of them die for a way to a slaughterhouse.
Though various ways of slaughter of cattle are used, at many enterprises of animals suspend, cut with it throats and leave to bleed profusely. Sometimes all of them are still alive after them have exsanguinated, and they are on a way to the finishing conveyor. Dying bulls dump on metal slopes on the floors impregnated by blood, with sticking out tracheas and gullets.
6. Clothes . Cows overtake in Staffs. Many of them do not maintain transportation and if the cow falls without forces to it break a tail or rub pepper of Chile in eyes – from a pain it again rises on legs. Further, a leather of animals send on skinneries which use fatally dangerous substances, such as chrome and other toxins to stop its decomposition. It is a dead leather, and for it is natural to decay.
7. The entertainments. Gambling (jumps), rodeo, pigeon bowling, hunting, fishing, fairs, circus, imagination of people have not present a limit.
8. The Science. And after test of a medicine on an animal it is necessary to test it on the person before it will be possible to consider it safe. Experiments with animals only detain research.
Some people consider that animals do not feel pain because of the less developed brain . But it is not true: pain is pain transferred in a brain by the nervous terminations. A regular tortures of reasonable essences what neither was their form and what nor were an occasion, cannot reach something greater, than have already reached: to show us, the person can reach how much low level of degradation.
Conclusion We know feelings of animals. They feel fear, loneliness, and pain as people do. Who would like do not want it either.
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