Времена английского глагола.
тренажёр по английскому языку на тему

Горшкова Екатерина Александровна

 Тренировочные упражнения


Предварительный просмотр:

Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в форму Future Continuous


" + "

" - "

" ? "


I (do)


He (work)

She (sleep)

We (work)

They (drink)

Mike (write)

You (have)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен: Future Simple  или Future Continuous


1. I (to do)  my homework tomorrow

2. I (to do)  my homework at six o'clock tomorrow.

3. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to sleep) 

4. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read)  your book.

5. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write)  a composition the whole evening.

6. I(not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch)  TV the whole evening.

7. What you (to do) tomorrow? 

8. What you (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow? 

9. You (to play) volleyball tomorrow? 

10. I (to do)  my homework from three till six.


Предварительный просмотр:

Exercise 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Past Continuous.

1. I (to read) an English book now. 
2. I (to read) an English book at this time yesterday, 
3. My daughter (to play) now. 
4 My daughter (to play) at this time yesterday. 
5. The students (not to do) their homework now. They (to walk) in the park now. 
6. The students (not to do) their homework at five pm yesterday. They (to go) to the museum. 
7. You (to drink) coffee now? 
8. You (to drink) coffee when I came into the cafe yesterday? 
9. What you (to do) now? 
10. What you (to do) from five till six yesterday? 
11. Why Jennifer (to sing) now? 
12. Why Jennifer (to sing) when I saw her in the hall yesterday? 
13. She (to bake) the whole day yesterday. 
14. We (not to write) now. 
15. Now the pupil (to go) to school. 
16. What you (to do) now? —-I (to read) a newspaper. 
17. You (to have) breakfast at this time yesterday? — No, I (not to have) breakfast at this time yesterday, I (to go) to the university. 
18. Her sister is fond of sport. She (to skate) the whole morning yesterday, and now she (to train) at the gym.
19. Look! My dog (to play) with a toy. 
20. When I looked out of the window, the children (to play) football and their parents (to watch).

Exercise 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. I (to read) a book yesterday. 
2. I (to read) a book at five pm yesterday. 
3. She (to play) the guitar during three hours yesterday. 
4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday. 
5. What Nick (to do) when his sister returned back home? 
6. What you (to do) when they rang you up? 
7. Mike and Susan (not to sleep) at nine o'clock yesterday. 
8. What he (to do) yesterday? — He (to read) a book. 
9. What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? --He (to read) a book. 
10. She (to sleep) when you came home? 
11. My brother (to play) the guitar on the stage yesterday. 
12. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening. 
13. When I came into the kitchen, mother (to bake) an apple pie. 
14. She (to dance) the whole day in the studio last week. 
15. We (to dance) in the club yesterday. 
16. John (to wash) the clothes in his bathroom at 4 pm yesterday. 
17. They (to do) your homework yesterday? 
18. They (to do) your homework from five till six yesterday? 
19. Why she (not to want) to meet his friends at nine pm yesterday? 
20. I (to do) my homework when she (to come) in.

Предварительный просмотр:

Past Simple.

Dear Emily,

I (to be) very glad to get your letter yesterday evening. I know that you (to be) very busy last week. You (to draw) a new picture. I (to be) very busy too. Every day I (to help) my granny in the garden. Yesterday evening I (to water) the flowers. I (to be) very tired. I (to be) anger with my brother yesterday, because he (not to want) to help our granny.

                                                                                                      Love, Judy.

Past Simple.

Dear Emily,

I (to be) very glad to get your letter yesterday evening. I know that you (to be) very busy last week. You (to draw) a new picture. I (to be) very busy too. Every day I (to help) my granny in the garden. Yesterday evening I (to water) the flowers. I (to be) very tired. I (to be) anger with my brother yesterday, because he (not to want) to help our granny.

                                                                                                      Love, Judy.

Past Simple.

Dear Emily,

I (to be) very glad to get your letter yesterday evening. I know that you (to be) very busy last week. You (to draw) a new picture. I (to be) very busy too. Every day I (to help) my granny in the garden. Yesterday evening I (to water) the flowers. I (to be) very tired. I (to be) anger with my brother yesterday, because he (not to want) to help our granny.

                                                                                                      Love, Judy.

Past Simple.

Dear Emily,

I (to be) very glad to get your letter yesterday evening. I know that you (to be) very busy last week. You (to draw) a new picture. I (to be) very busy too. Every day I (to help) my granny in the garden. Yesterday evening I (to water) the flowers. I (to be) very tired. I (to be) anger with my brother yesterday, because he (not to want) to help our granny.

                                                                                                      Love, Judy.

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                 PAST PERFECT

1.       I (be) sorry that I (not be) nicer to him.

2.       Nobody (come) to the meeting because Angela (forget) to tell people about it.

3.       I (see) her before somewhere - I (know).

4.       Because he (not check) the oil for so long, the car (break) down. [for so long - так долго]

5.       She couldn't find the book that I (lend) her.

6.       All the people that we (invite) turned up, and some that we (not invite).

7.       They (never find) where he (hide) the money.

8.       It was a firm that I (never hear) of.

9.       When she (come) in, we all knew where she (be).

10. The lesson already (start) when I (arrive).




1.Переведите на русский язык.

1. Will you have come home by 5 o’clock? 2. We shall have conducted the experiment by 2002. 3.John will not have signed the contract before we come. 4. Will you have repaired the watch byFriday? 5. John will have examined the car well before he buys it.

2.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Perfect.

1. By next winter he (to sold) all his things. 2. He (to leave) when you arrive. 3. By next month he(to write) his fourth play. 4. We (to solve) this difficult problem by the end of the week. 5. Thewind (to drop) by the time we went out. 6. When the sun sets I (to read) this book. 7. If you come atnine they (to have) dinner. 8. If you ring me up after nine o’clock, I (to speak) to the doctor. 9. We(to travel) twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. 10. Next year we (to be) together for ten years.

3.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен: Future

Simple, Future Continuous или Future Perfect.

1. I (to do) my homework tomorrow. 2. I (to do) my homework at 6 o’clock tomorrow. 3. I (to do)my homework by 6 o’clock tomorrow. 4. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have)dinner. 5. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book. I (to do) my homework bythe time you come. 6. Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the wholeevening. 7. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch) TV the whole evening. 8. What you(to do) tomorrow? 9. What you (to do) at 8 o’clock tomorrow? 10. You (to play) chess tomorrow?11. You (to do) this work by next Sunday?. 12. When you (to go) to see your friend next time? 13.What you (to do) at 6 o’clock tomorrow? 14. How many pages you (to read) by 5 o’clocktomorrow? 15. Tomorrow I (to begin) doing my homework as soon as I come from school. I (to do)my homework from 3 till 6. My father (to come) home at 7 o’clock tomorrow. I (to do) all myhomework by the time he comes, and we (to go) for a walk together.

Предварительный просмотр:

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect илиPast Simple.

1. At last I (to do) all my homework: now I shall go out, 2. The building of the house (to begin) last April. 3. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind is still blowing.4. We already (to solve) the problem. 5. He (to come) a moment ago. 6. I never (to speak) to him. 7. He just (to finish) his work. 8. You (to make) any spelling mistakes in your dictation? 9. It (to be) very cold yesterday. 10. When you (to meet) him yesterday? 11. I (not to see) him. since 1987. 12. How many mushrooms you (to gather)? 13. Where you (to put) the newspaper? I want to read it, but cannot find it anywhere. 14. The new school (to begin) working last year.  I (not to see) my cousin since last year.  15. They (not yet to come) from the South. 16. He (to be) ill last week, but now he (to recover).  17. You (to book) tickets? —Yes, I ... . I (to book) them several days ago. 

Предварительный просмотр:

Present Perfect.

Раскройте скобки. Поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect (писать предложение, раскрывая скобки)

  1. Her mother just (to make) a new skirt. – Her mother has just made a new skirt.
  2. I (to open) a box of chocolate recently.
  3. They just (to talk) about it.
  4. Henry (to tell) me an interesting book lately.
  5. We just (to write) an exercise.
  6. Susan just ( to read) a newspaper.
  7. His grandmother (to make) a tasty cake lately.
  8. My students already (to learn) a lot of English words.
  9. My little sister just (to have) lunch.
  10. Mario never (to be) to Moscow.

Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы (вопросы можно не записывать,  писать сразу ответы!)

  1. Have you ever swum in the river? – Yes,…..
  2. Has it snowed this winter? – Yes,……
  3. Has your family been to the country lately? – No,……
  4. Have you ever listened to rock music? – Yes,…….

Предварительный просмотр:

1.  ..... penguins live in the Arctic or the Antarctic?  




 2.  How much ..... it cost to fly to Rome?  




 3.  How often ..... you go to the cinema?  




 4.  Who ..... we have to report to?  




 5.  Where ..... you live?  




 6.  ..... you have a car?  




 7.  ..... they live in London?  




 8.  ..... she speak Slovakian?  




 9.  ..... she have a car?  




 10.  What ..... you usually eat for breakfast?  



1. “Excuse me, (you / to speak) English?

do you speak  are you speaking

2. “Where's Andrew?” - “I (to know).”

don't know   am not knowing

3. What (you / to laugh at )?

do you laugh at   are you laughing at

4. "Where (you / to come from)?" - "Russia".

do you come from   are you coming from

5. Anna is a good golf player but she (to play) very often.

doesn't play   isn't playing 

6. I am sorry but I (not to understand). Can you speak louder?

don't understand   am not understanding

7. Listen! Someone (to sing).

sings   is singing

8. You can turn the TV off. I (not to watch) it.

don't watch    am not watching

9. I usually (to leave) my house at 8 p.m.

is leaving   leave

10. Misha is tired. He (to want) to go home now.

wants   is wanting

Предварительный просмотр:

Поставь глаголы в правильной форме present continuous или present simple.


1. Let's go out. It  (not/rain) now.

2. Julia is very good at languages. She  (speak) four languages very well.

3. Hurry up! Everybody  (wait) for you.

4. '  (you/listen) to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.

5. '  (you/listen) to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.

6. The River Nile  (flow) into the Mediterranean.

7. Look at the river. It  (flow) very fast today - much faster than usual

8. We usually  (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we  (not/grow) any.

9. 'How is your English?' 'Not bad. It  (improve) slowly.'

10. Can we stop walking soon? I  (start) to feel tired

11. 'Can you drive?' 'I  (learn). My father (teach) me.

12. Normally I  (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I (work) until 6.00

13. Sonia  (look) for a place to live. She (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.

14. The train is never late. It  (always/leave) on time.

15. Don't put the dictionary away. I  it. (use)

16. Don't put the dictionary away. I  it. (need)

17. Who is that man? What  ? (he/want)

18. Who is that man? Why  at us? (he/look)

19. George says he's 80 years old but nobody  him. (believe)

20. She told me her name but I  it now. (not/remember)

21. I  (think)of selling my car. Would you be interested in buying it?

22. I  (think) you should sell your car. You (not/use)it very often.

23. I used to drink a lot of coffee but these days I  tea. (prefer)

24. Air  mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.(consist)

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