Конспекты уроков (3 шт.) по фильму Forrest Gump (1994) - 10-11 кл (Upper-Intermidiate).
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему

Алексеенко Дарья Валерьевна

Подробные конспекты уроков по работе с фильмом (предусматривается просмотр как дома, так и в классе). В ходе уроков развиваются навыки аудирования, говорения, расширяется словарный запас, ведется работа по улучшених грамматических навыков. В приложении есть почтив се необходимые материалы (раздаточный материал, приложения); поскольку максимальный объем не позволяет прикрепить все необходимые картинки, а также трейлер, буду рада выслать все вышеназванное в личном сообщении - пишите. Фильм предполагается приобрести самостоятельно.
Уроки рассчитаны на уровень Upper-Intermemiate, что соответствует 10-11 классу школ с углубленным изучением иностранного языка; но даже на таком уровне рекомендуется использовать субтитры при просмотре фильма.


Предварительный просмотр:

 “Forrest Gump”

Lesson 1.

  1. Part of the film: 0-31 minute.
  2. Extra materials: trailer, captures, worksheets.
  3. Vocabulary: words to describe person’s mentality and character; phrases to state your opinion.
  4. Grammar: no.
  5. Time: 90-100 m.

Занятие 1.

Stage (what?)

+ time

Activity (how?)

Materials (blackboard!)


Warm –up (5m)

Small talk / tongue-twister (possible)

Film’s presentation (3 m)

Show 4-6 captures. (2-4 SECONDS EACH)

Students should try to guess, what film is it? If they know,  they silently raise their hands.


For the teacher to know how many people in the class are familiar with the film.

Trailer’s work (30 – 35 m)

1) Watch without the picture (only sound). Students have to recognize the film/ confirm their suppositions/ to imagine what the film might be about. Silent rising of the hands  

2) Name the film. General discussion: have you ever watched it? Did you like it? Why?

3) Information’s presentation: What do you know about the film? (Give the student an opportunity to speak at first)

Look at the blackboard. Here are some information about the film. Make a sentence with each word, try to guess what does each word mean. The following phrases can help you to organize your sentences (write/put them on the blackboard): I think that…/ ….is probably/ maybe…./ I guess that. (explain the usage of each phrase).

4) Watch the trailer once again (with the picture on)

     How much do you understand?

 There are several phrases in the film (and in the trailer too) which became well-known and often quoted nowadays. Let’s watch the trailer once again to get these phrases.

  1. Stupid is and _________ does.
  2. My mum has always told me how ________ happen every day. Some people don’t think so, but they do.
  3. -What’s my destiny, mom?

            - You’re gonna to figure it out for _________.

  1. The _______ would never seem the same once you’ve seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.
  2. My mom’s always said: “life is like a box of _______: you never know what you are gonna get”.

Give the students up to 2 minutes to read the phrases. State that the group can ask you the meaning of 6 words they don’t know (but only 6!).

  • You task is to watch the trailer once again and to fill the gaps.

After watching give the students an opportunity to think and check themselves (up to 1 minute).

Check the task and translate the phrases (give the literary translation!).

  • Why these phrases became so famous? (Students should use the phrases, stated earlier, to speak about their opinion).

5) - Look at blackboard. Now, when you’ve seen the trailer, you can predict what the film is going to be about, or, if you’ve already seen the film, you can remember. Make a sentence about the plot of the film, using each of the words.

Different               Friend                    Run                      American football

           The President of the USA                      Kennedy

Future                      Army              Vietnam                      Washington

Destiny                   Love                      Woman

Adventure                                   Handsome                            Hope

Black                 Smile

Give students 2 minutes to prepare (ask them NOT to make notes!)

Then ask them in disorder. Help then by reminding of certain parts of the trailer.

Make a conclusion: “So, the film is about…Now, let’s check your suppositions and start watching the film”.


1986 (novel)

Winston Groom

Robert Zameckis

Tom Hanks

677million $

Papers with the tasks.

You can stop at any moment if all the hands are raised.

Watch only one time!

You can write down the most interesting answer/ all answers. It might be helpful in the future. For example, you can remember these answers after watching the film and compare them with the reality.

Stating aims. (2m)

I hope you’d like the film. I believe it is worth watching.

But we’re going not only to watch and discuss the great movie, but also to work on your language. So, we’re going to pay attention to such things as:

  • How to describe the person’s mental appearance.
  • How to express your predictions and opinions.

Make sure that students understand the aims. You can give them extra motivation by explaining where they can use these knowledge and skills (how they can help them in communication, passing exams, etc – depending on the group).

Watching (active watching)  (35 m)

  • We’re going to watch the first part of the film. Please, feel relaxed, I think you’ll understand enough to get the plot. We will re-watch some of the parts if you have any questions.
  • While watching, please, pay attention to the Forrest’s personality and other people’s attitude to him. Each of you has a paper with words and words combinations. Please, tick up the words characters use to speak about the Forrest.

Strong legs                  Curly hair                          Crocked back          Different

                  Brilliant                       No different                      The same

Maybe I like him           IQ lower that minimum             Stranger

                 Go to special school                           Normal                    Curious

A bit on the slow side                Very attentive              Don’t say much

                A good friend                                    Stupid                         Dummy

Colorful                          Sleeping all the day                     Runner

                       Local idiot                         Nice voice

Papers with words

Watching: up to 31st minute

Give students up to 2 minutes to read the list.

Post-watching activity

(25-30 m)

  1. Checking general understanding: questions (Name three facts about Forrest/ his mother. Name five people he met. Name five places mentioned in the film. Etc…) re-watching of some of the parts, if you see that students didn’t understand the idea.
  2. Checking the task (ask, who used the word/ phrase and when).
  3. Vocabulary activating.
  • Let’s speak about the Forrest’s personality. What do other people think about him? How do they see him? (Ask up to 5 students; remind them to use the phrases, stated at the beginning of the lesson + add some new).
  • What do you think about Forrest? Do you agree with all the opinions? (ask up to 7 students)
  • Look at the list of adjectives and choose those, which you think suit to the Forrest’s personality. (The group can ask you about the meaning of only 5 words, others they should find in the dictionary).

Healthy         Brutal                 Efficient        Untidy                Determined                Messy

Caring         Believable        Faithful        Loyal                        Unreliable

Insolent        Aggressive                        Rude                Friendly                        Silly

Persistent                Adorable                Athletic                Cute            Bitter

Harsh                Kind hearted                   Detestable                Successful                   Trustworthy                Slow           Charming                 Credulous                Wise

Careless                         Worried                Restless               Hostile                Convincing

Realistic                      Drifting                        Malicious                           Nervous

Jumping                Careful                Conscientious                      Carefree

Discussion. Stimulate students to prove their opinion. Give them examples (People believe that Forrest is dump, but I don’t think so, I think he is…).

  • We will continue to speak about Forrest’s personality. I think that some of you will change their opinion while watching the film.

4. And the last task for today. I want each of you to make a prediction (if you’ve already seen the film, try to remember) about what will happen with Forrest in the army. Write it on the paper. Don’t forget that you’re making the prediction, so use the phrases, we’ve discussed!

Phrases on the blackboard.

Worksheets with the words.



The list of possible phrases see at the attachment 1.

Gather the papers and check if all the students have written their names!

Summing up

  • Please, each of you say:

1 thing you’ve learned today.

1 thing that was boring.

1 thing that was funny.

This task requires a lot of time, but can help you to organize the work during the next lesson.

Предварительный просмотр:

Healthy         Brutal                 Efficient        Untidy                Determined                Messy

Caring         Believable        Faithful        Loyal                        Unreliable

Insolent        Aggressive                        Rude                Friendly                        Silly

Persistent                Adorable                Athletic                Cute            Bitter

Harsh                Kind hearted                   Detestable                Successful               Trustworthy

Slow                           Charming                 Credulous                Wise

Careless        Worried                       Restless                        Hostile                Convincing

Realistic           Drifting                        Malicious           Nervous

Jumping                                Careful                Conscientious                      Carefree

Предварительный просмотр:

I think / I feel / I reckon 

I guess 

in my view / in my opinion / from my point of view 

more or less 

sort of / kind of 

the way I see it 

really / actually

that is to say 

at least 

I suppose 

I mean 

I think 

I feel 

I reckon / I guess 

I'm absolutely convinced that…

I'm sure that…

strongly believe that…

have no doubt that…

Предварительный просмотр:

Forrest Gump.

Lesson 2.

  1. Part of the film: 31- 64 minute.
  2. Extra material: captures; worksheets; dictionaries;
  3. Vocabulary: words, which can help you to define something.
  4. Grammar: what/ which/ where/ when in compound sentences.
  5. Time: 100 – 120 min.

Stage (what?) + time

Activity (how?)



Warm –up (5 min)

Small talk/ tongue-twister


Try to make your student relax; don’t correct mistakes unless you can understand your students.

Revision (15 m)

  1. Show students several captures. Their task is to describe the situation. Ask questions (When did it happen? Whom was Gump talking with? Did you like this moment?) (5 m)
  2. Give students worksheets. Their task is to organize the events in the order they appear in the film. Students work in pairs. They can ask you the meaning of 5 words before the work. If there are any other words they don’t know, encourage them to use dictionaries. (5 minutes for discussion – be flexible!)

  1. Forrest gets his first prosthesis.
  2. Missis Gump talks to Mister Hankop.
  3. Forrest starts to run (“I could run like a wind”).
  4. Forrest gets to the national football team.
  5. Forrest meets Jenny.
  6. Forrest decides to become a soldier.
  7. Jenny prays to become a bird. (“Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far-far away”)
  8. Gump meets Elvis Presli and teaches him to dance.
  9. Forrest gets to the White house.
  10. Forrest starts to play American football.
  11. Forrest graduates from the college.

Ask students to read sentences in the correct order (after each sentence make a stop for discussion) Discuss each episode with students: When did it happen? Where did it happen? What else do you remember? Was this episode funny? Sad? Did you like it? etc

3. Encourage students to remember what else happened in the film. Ask them to express their own attitude. Help them to remember words from the previous lesson (use the attachment 1 from the lesson 1).  


Worksheets – 1 for a pair.

Ask every (!) student at least once. Encourage students to use words from the previous lesson.

Make sure that during the pair-working activity they speak only English!

Write the sentences on the blackboard. While checking put the correct numbers.

You can find the answers in the attachement 2.

Stating aims (1 m)

- Today we’re going to watch the next part of the “Forrest Gump”. (By the way, do you remember, why does Forrest have such name?). Today we will revise the vocabulary we’ve learned last time: how to describe person’s mentality and character; phrases to state your opinion; also we will learn new phrases which will help you to explain something. I hope that we all will have a great time and play a little.

Make sure that students understand the aims.

Active watching

(35 m)

- Where did we stop last time? Do you remember?

- We-re going to watch the next part. I want you to be very attentive, because you’ll have a task for your watching. You have a list of names and places. Your task is to organize them in the order they are appear in the film. Be very attentive: “appear” means both “are pronounced” and “are shown”.




Bobby Dylan

The hospital’s people




The United States of America

 Lieutenant Dan Taylor


The nation’s capital

Benjamin Buford 'Bubba' Blue




The river in Vietnam

The hospital

Lyndon Johnson

Worksheets – one for a student.

Read all the names and places. Student can repeat after you. You can discuss them (who is this? Why can he/she/it appear in the film?etc)

Post – watching activity

(25 m)

1. General understanding checking (Name 5 things which happened to Forrest: name 5 people he met; what was the most interesting moment?; what emotions did you feel? Etc)

You can re-watch some parts if you see that students didn’t get idea).

  1. Checking the task (Write the words in the correct order on the blackboard. You can either ask students or do it yourself and took dictation).
  1. Ask students to retell the plot. The list of names and places will help them. Give them 5 minutes to prepare and give them the list of words they might need. They can ask you up to 7 words more.






Military camp



Wound (wounded)



4. Retelling (each student – up to 4 sentences).

Ask each student.

You can give individual help.

Don’t interrupt students. It’s better to discuss all the mistakes after the retelling. You can write down all the sentences with mistakes and than ask students to correct them or to translate from Russian into English.

Vocabulary activity (15-20 m)

Divide students into two teams and explain the rules; each team will have a set of cards with a single word on the card. They choose a person who will describe the word. The task is to describe the word resting upon the film. The team has to guess the word. After 30 seconds the person describing the words must be changed. Give students at least 4 minutes (for every student to explain the words).

Explain students what words can help them:

  • A person who…
  • A thing that…
  • A place where…
  • A place/person which…

Elicit the words and give an example of their usage. Explain how these words might help students.

  By all means give students an example! Control the situation, try to listen to the descriptions and make sure that students don’t speak Russian!

For the list of words see attachment 1.

After the game count the points (each guessed word – 1 point). Congratulate the winners and ask them to give an example of explaining. Discuss the explanation. Ask students whether it was funny or not to play this game. Make sure that they have positive emotions. Elicit that now they know how to explain the words and which words can help them.  


This task requires a lot of efforts from you. You’ll have to be extra attentive to control the situation. It’s better for you to think over possible explanations for you to be ready to help your students.  


(10 m)

Discuss several disputable questions (for example: Is there anything good in the war? Can we call Forrest “Stupid”? etc) Encourage students to use the phrases from the last lesson).

Try to make the discussion interesting and vivid. Ask questions and involve every student!

Summing up.

(10 m)

  • Please, each of you say:

1 thing you’ve learned today.

1 thing that was boring.

1 thing that was funny.

Предварительный просмотр:

Attachment 1.

Words for the “Guess What?”  game.




















Предварительный просмотр:

Attachment 2.

Answers for the “Revision”.

  1. Forrest gets his first prosthesis.
  2. Missis Gump talks to Mister Hankop.
  3. Gump meets Elvis Presli and teaches him to dance.
  4. Forrest meets Jenny.
  5. Forrest starts to run.
  6. Jenny prays to become a bird. (“Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far-far away”) \
  7. Forrest starts to play American football.
  8. Forrest gets to the national football team.
  9. Forrest gets to the White house.
  10. Forrest graduates from the college.
  11. Forrest decides to become a soldier.

Предварительный просмотр:

Forrest Gump.

Lesson 3.

  1. Part of the film: 104 -140m.  
  2. Extra materials: captures; worksheets; dictionaries; paper.
  3. Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary of the previous lessons.  
  4. Grammar: questions.
  5. Time: 100 – 120 min.

Stage (What?) + time

Activity (how?)



Warm – up

5 m

Small talk/ tongue-twister

Involve every student!


(up to 10 m)

Show students several captures and ask them to explain, what they are about, using what/which/ when/ where. You can show them a capture and name a word they have to use. Ask questions: Who is that? Where are they? etc. Encourage students to use phrases like “this is the place where…”, “this is a person, who…” etc.

Make sure that all the students remember the plot.


You can ask several students to explain one picture.

Discussing the “missing part”

(15 m)

- Unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to watch all the film. But I want you to know what happened with Forrest. That’s why I want you to learn a little bit more about his destiny.

- Organize students into small groups (up to 6 people).

- Each group gets a list of events that might have happened with Forrest. The task is to think over and decide what events happened with him.

(For the list of events see attachment 1).  

  • Give students 5 minutes for the discussion. Elicit that they don’t have to change the event’s order (they are already in the correct order), their task is only to cross out extra-events. (in fact, all the events happened with Forrest)
  • Ask each group to read their list. You can ask questions, argue with them; try to make the discussion funny.
  • After discussion explain that every event happened with Forrest. You can show students captures or some of the episodes.
  • Explain that you’re going to watch the film from the moment when Forrest became a millionaire and started cutting grass for free.


1 per group.  

If there are any people who have already seen the film, organize them into a special group and later make them “experts.

Organize the discussion. Be flexible: ask questions, give hints: make sure that every group speaks English only!

Active watching

(40 m)

  • Divide students in groups.
  • We’re going to watch the film up to the end. After watching it we will discuss it a little. But there is an interesting task I want you to do. Each of you has to watch the film very attentively and make up questions. After watching you’ll have 5 minutes to discuss questions in your teams and choose the best 10 questions. Than we will play a “team trivia quiz”. You will ask the opposite team questions and get 1 point per a grammatically correct question; 1 point per a grammatically correct answer; 1 point per the factually correct answer.
  • To help you, let’s remember how we ask question.
  • Remember: types of questions; their structure; give examples and write them on the blackboard for student to help in their preparations. Attachment 2 can help you.
  • Watching: 104 – 140 m.

On this stage concentrate your students on grammar, but constantly remind them that now they need these knowledge to be the best team! – motivate them.

Post-watching activity (team trivia quiz)


Play the “team trivia quiz”. Make sure that the team, who asks the question, knows the answer!  Ask students several questions from the list for extra-points:

  • What was written on Forrest’s cap, when Jenny came? (“BubbaGump shrimp company””)
  • What was the reason for Forrest to run? (no particular reason; “I just ran”)
  • How much time did Forrest run? (3 years 2 months 14 days and 16 hours).
  • Where does Jenny lives? (Richmond, Henry street)
  • What’s the name of Lieutenant Dan’s fiancée? (Susan)
  • Etc


-Make a short sum-up. Compliment the winners. Explain why they won (you can pay attention to the grammar and elicit the importance of making questions correctly. Explain that grammar mistakes can cause misunderstandings; if there were, give examples from your student’s questions).

It is possible to give an “extra-challenge” task for the teams: they have to name the events of the film in the order (1 event for one team, the next – for the other team). 1 point per a correct sentence, 1 – per a correct order.

Blackboard; paper for each student and team.

Correct the mistakes! Pay attention to the grammar and be a strict judge  


10 m

Write on the blackboard: stupid/ not stupid. Ask students: “Is Forrest stupid?” Encourage them to give their own opinion. Write on the blackboard the main ideas, which they use to prove their opinion.

Make a conclusion. The main idea of your conclusion should be “everyone can have their own opinion” But share your thoughts with your students.

Phrases from the lesson 1 (phrases to express your own opinion) are needed here. You can either give students the lists of the phrases, which you’ve used during the first lesson or remind them these phrases orally.

Post-watching activity

Ask students to make a presentation of their attitude to the film. Divide them in two (there) groups, give each group a piece of paper and ask them in 10 minutes to make a presentation (they can draw or write down words or make a scheme).

After 10 minutes give each group 3 minutes to present their work. They have to explain the drawings and words. Be attentive: this work might be based on your questions if you see that students don’t know what to say).

Don’t forget to praise each team! It might be a good idea to make a picture of each group and their work. These pictures you can give your students as presents or design them as a kind of “certificates”.

You can also ask students if they agree with the fact that “Forrest Gump” is considered to be one of the best films of the 20th century.

Paper and markers

If you have time!

Предварительный просмотр:

Attachment 1.

  1. Forrest takes part in the anti-war demonstration in Washington.
  2. Forrest becomes a part of the USA national ping-pong team.
  3. Forrest visits China.
  4. Forrest meets John Lennon.
  5. Forrest meets lieutenant Dan.
  6. Forrest buys a boat and starts the shrimp-business.
  7. Lieutenant Dan joins Forrest and becomes his first mate.
  8. Forrest becomes a millionaire.
  9. Forrest’s mother dies.
  10. Forrest builds a church and a hospital.
  11. He started cutting grass for free.

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