Работа с лексикой по теме "Профессии"
материал по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Работа с лексикой по теме "Профессии" материал к учебнику "Millenium" 11 класс
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Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.
Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.
- She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became …….. in Economics.
- …………. is very important in train’s movement.
- Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
- The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
- The …….. of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
- The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .
Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.
Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.
- She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became …….. in Economics.
- …………. is very important in train’s movement.
- Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
- The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
- The …….. of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
- The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .
Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.
Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.
- She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became …….. in Economics.
- …………. is very important in train’s movement.
- Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
- The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
- The …….. of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
- The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .
Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.
Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.
- She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became …….. in Economics.
- …………. is very important in train’s movement.
- Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
- The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
- The …….. of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
- The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .
Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.
Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.
- She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became …….. in Economics.
- …………. is very important in train’s movement.
- Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
- The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
- The …….. of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
- The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .
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