Работа с лексикой по теме "Профессии"
материал по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Работа с лексикой по теме "Профессии" материал к учебнику "Millenium" 11 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.

Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.

  1. She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became ……..  in Economics.
  2. ………….  is very important in train’s movement.
  3. Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
  4. The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
  5. The ……..  of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
  6. The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .

Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.

Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.

  1. She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became ……..  in Economics.
  2. ………….  is very important in train’s movement.
  3. Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
  4. The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
  5. The ……..  of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
  6. The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .

Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.

Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.

  1. She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became ……..  in Economics.
  2. ………….  is very important in train’s movement.
  3. Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
  4. The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
  5. The ……..  of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
  6. The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .

Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.

Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.

  1. She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became ……..  in Economics.
  2. ………….  is very important in train’s movement.
  3. Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
  4. The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
  5. The ……..  of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
  6. The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .

Task on Lexics. Lessons (1 – 2) Mille. Complete the sentences.

Proficient, accuracy, make a progress, accurate, efficiency, proficiency.

  1. She read a lot, crammed (зубрить) many rules and exceptions, at last, she became ……..  in Economics.
  2. ………….  is very important in train’s movement.
  3. Last year he was very bad in English. In summer he studied English thoroughly. This year he …… in English.
  4. The teacher said to the student that his answer was ……., and he got a 5.
  5. The ……..  of the methods is concluded in their simplicity of understanding.
  6.    The job of a firemen demands a great ………… .

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