проект урока по теме «Страноведение Великобритании, Лондон, достопримечательности»
проект по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Закутин Алексей Валерьевич

Актуализация, систематизация употребления ранее изученного учебного материала по теме «London – the capital of the UK», изучение новых фактов с последующим закреплением и систематизацией


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Предварительный просмотр:



  1. The Prime Minister lives …
  1. in a large house in a small street;
  2. In a small house in a large street;
  3. In the Houses of Parliament;
  4. With the Cabinet in London.
  1. The Prime Minister’s home is…
  1. far from the Houses of Parliament;
  2. 10 minutes away from London;
  3. in Buckingham Palace;
  4. Near the British Parliament.
  1. How many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace…
  1. much more than 700;
  2. less than 500;
  3. somewhere between 500 and 700;
  4. nobody has counted.
  1. What makes Buckingham Palace be especially popular with tourists?
  1. the changing of the guard;
  2. they have nothing to do;
  3. it’s situated in the centre of London;
  4. there’s a good café there.
  1. Who was the fist British Monarch who lived in rebuilt many room Buckingham Palace
  1. Shakespeare;
  2. George IV;
  3. Elisabeth II;
  4. The Queen Victoria.
  1. Where is London Zoo?
  1. In Hyde Park;
  2. In Kensington Garden;
  3. In Regent’s Park;
  4. In St’James Park;
  1. Where is Westminster Palace situated?
  1. near the Thames, between two bridges;
  2. in Hyde park;
  3. next to London Zoo;
  4. in the city of Westminster;
  1. Where did Big Ben get its name from?
  1. because it’s a very high tower;
  2. it was built when the King Ben I reigned ;
  3. it was called after either a boxer or sir Benjamin Hall;
  4. nobody knows.
  1. What is true about Hyde park
  1. you can sit on the grass or make speech there;
  2. you can watch animals from all over the world;
  3. every day at noon you can meet the Queen there;
  4. there’s a large dinosaur collection.

  1. The famous London Tower is…
  1. a museum comprising several towers;
  2. a Royal palace and a prison;
  3. a home of the Prime Minister;
  4. a place of execution.
  1. The Ceremony of Keys in London Tower takes place
  1. every fortnight in the evening;
  2. every evening somewhere between 9.30 and midnight;
  3. every day at 10 a.m.;
  4. on public holidays.
  1. What was the Royal Observatory Greenwich founded for?
  1. to observe the Sun and other planets;
  2. to solve the problem of longitude;
  3. to show the power of British Monarch;
  4. to solve the problem of war.
  1. Today the Royal Observatory is…
  1. one of many London museums;
  2. a scientific center;
  3. a place to answer children’s astronomy questions;
  4. a nice place to have some meal.
  1. In the Natural History Museum you can…
  1. touch nothing;
  2. study the history of Great Britain;
  3. make a free phone call to any country;
  4. try museum activities.
  1. Where can you meet a vampire in London?
  1. in St’James Park;
  2. in London Zoo;
  3. in the famous wax work museum;
  4. all around Trafalgar Square.
  1. Fleet Street in London is the symbol of …
  1. the theatre world;
  2. the legislature;
  3. business and finance;
  4. the British press.
  1. Nelson’s Column was erected in memory of…
  1. the victims of the I World War;
  2. the victory in  the II World War;
  3. a British admiral;
  4. a famous English writer.

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